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Exercise Thread ~ 11/19-11/25

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I went to spin (RPM) this morning. I haven't been in a couple of weeks and even then it was extremely hard for me since it is a new exercise. Right now my hip flexors, my exterior hips, and my legs are aching. Good times. I'm thinking about going again Thursday morning.

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Last week I started combining P90X strength exercises with Turbo Fire's cardio; made my own schedule. Today was Turbo Fire's Fire 55 EZ workout. It was NOT easy, but it was so much fun.


I've started counting calories with the MyFitnessPal app and have finally started to lose weight! I had no idea how much I was eating!

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P90X Chest and Back, Abs


I only did half of each video. :( I went to bed late because I got sucked into this forum, slept in, and my stomach doesn't feel good. All well.



Well, not every workout can be a home run!


Gearing up for my half marathon trail at the end of January. Gearing up for more BJJ. Slipping in the Insanity/Asylum hybrid on non-BJJ days.


btw - Team Beachbody is having a Black Friday sale. PM if you want the links and the info.

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Monday I did 45 minutes of Turbo Fire and then took Tuesday off as I had a lot of patients (I will count it as my day off this week) and today I did HIIT 25, 25 minutes of High Intensity Intervals..OMG!!! Hard!!! But I did it and guess what??? As I enter my 3rd week of Turbo Fire....MY SHORTS FIT AGAIN!!!! They were getting a little...erm...tight..but no more! Hooray! Scale only shows 1.5 pound loss, but I dont care!

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Last week I started combining P90X strength exercises with Turbo Fire's cardio; made my own schedule. Today was Turbo Fire's Fire 55 EZ workout. It was NOT easy, but it was so much fun.


I've started counting calories with the MyFitnessPal app and have finally started to lose weight! I had no idea how much I was eating!


Yes!! THe Turbo Fire 55 EZ is a misnomer--it is NOT easy LOL. What's your favorite TF workout? I really like the Fire 45.

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Yes!! THe Turbo Fire 55 EZ is a misnomer--it is NOT easy LOL. What's your favorite TF workout? I really like the Fire 45.


I don't know yet. I've only done Fire 45 EZ, Fire 55 EZ, and Low HIIT 20 so far. I suppose if I had to pick, I enjoyed 55 EZ a little better. They kick my hiney... but my hiney is really liking it, so it's all good.

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I just started this. How effective is it for weight loss?

Debbie, Leslie has tons of 4 Mile workouts. I think pretty much any of them, like most forms of exercise, can be effective. Unfortunately, when it comes to weight loss, diet is first and foremost. :glare:


Woke up late and had ambitious plans. I've started stretching and will do some weights.

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Monday I did 45 minutes of Turbo Fire and then took Tuesday off as I had a lot of patients (I will count it as my day off this week) and today I did HIIT 25, 25 minutes of High Intensity Intervals..OMG!!! Hard!!! But I did it and guess what??? As I enter my 3rd week of Turbo Fire....MY SHORTS FIT AGAIN!!!! They were getting a little...erm...tight..but no more! Hooray! Scale only shows 1.5 pound loss, but I dont care!


Yes!! THe Turbo Fire 55 EZ is a misnomer--it is NOT easy LOL. What's your favorite TF workout? I really like the Fire 45.


I don't know yet. I've only done Fire 45 EZ, Fire 55 EZ, and Low HIIT 20 so far. I suppose if I had to pick, I enjoyed 55 EZ a little better. They kick my hiney... but my hiney is really liking it, so it's all good.



I love Turbo Fire; it’s one of my favorite workouts. You WILL get results, and they last, too! I like 45 and 55 EZ. :hurray:

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Congrats to Stephanie Z on the marathon. I just saw it in the last thread--catching up after a busy week.

My work for this week:

Sunday-6 mile bike ride with the boys, 1 mile walking with the boys and the DH at sunset.

Monday-scheduled rest day.

Tuesday-3 mile run and 4 mile bike ride with the boys. My hFA son has just discovered that a bike without training wheels is awesome! He beats the socks off me.

Wednesday-Went diamond hunting. Didn't find any, but got some good garnet shist samples.

Thursday-Baked the turkey and still got in a 4 mile run.

Friday-Nothing today-working.

Saturday-3 mile run on my schedule after work.

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I did a strength kettlebell circuit Monday- with some free weights tossed in (a few deadlifts and military presses)

Tuesday I did a kettlebell conditioning circuit- it was 4 different circuits of 4 exercises each done 3 times over- in intervals (40seconds work, 20 seconds rest)

Wednesday I ran 11 hill sprints with KB swing pyramid in between.

Yesterday was a quick 1.5mile run during a brief lull in cooking before guests arrived.

Today- another kettlebell strengthening interval workout. I felt like crap - zero energy (likely from yesterday's ridiculous intake). Had to back the time down to 30 seconds / 30 seconds- but was able to maintain my loads. I swear I am dumping all of the naughty left overs so I won't feel like I did this morning again! Lol


I saw Stephanie's race time too- and tried to post my congrats but kept getting the boot. Way to go girl! That was AWESOME!!

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yestereday did 15 minute HIIT Turbo Fire and 30 minute scult. Today is 45 Fire but I am really, really tired. I am wondering if it's possible that I am overtraining. The first two weeks, when I was starting TF, it was HARD but fun--I didn't feel my muscles were tired, but my heart was! Now, when I do Turbo Fire, I can barely get through the workouts--my muscles just feel so draggy and tired and it's hard to do the moves. I cant figure out what is going on. I am eating well, more protein, lots of water. But I can barely make my muscles do the moves, and I am actually fairly fit. I feel like I have lead weights on my limbs!



yestereday did 15 minute HIIT Turbo Fire and 30 minute scult. Today is 45 Fire but I am really, really tired. I am wondering if it's possible that I am overtraining. The first two weeks, when I was starting TF, it was HARD but fun--I didn't feel my muscles were tired, but my heart was! Now, when I do Turbo Fire, I can barely get through the workouts--my muscles just feel so draggy and tired and it's hard to do the moves. I cant figure out what is going on. I am eating well, more protein, lots of water. But I can barely make my muscles do the moves, and I am actually fairly fit. I feel like I have lead weights on my limbs!


ETA: Okay, i may have solved the problem, I dont think I am eating enough. Because last night (thanksgiving) i ate a nice sized meal (not huge but definitely much bigger than usual) and I felt much better during my workout today. I definitely think I need more than 1200 calories a day which is what I was assigned in my app.

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yestereday did 15 minute HIIT Turbo Fire and 30 minute scult. Today is 45 Fire but I am really, really tired. I am wondering if it's possible that I am overtraining. The first two weeks, when I was starting TF, it was HARD but fun--I didn't feel my muscles were tired, but my heart was! Now, when I do Turbo Fire, I can barely get through the workouts--my muscles just feel so draggy and tired and it's hard to do the moves. I cant figure out what is going on. I am eating well, more protein, lots of water. But I can barely make my muscles do the moves, and I am actually fairly fit. I feel like I have lead weights on my limbs!

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yestereday did 15 minute HIIT Turbo Fire and 30 minute scult. Today is 45 Fire but I am really, really tired. I am wondering if it's possible that I am overtraining. The first two weeks, when I was starting TF, it was HARD but fun--I didn't feel my muscles were tired, but my heart was! Now, when I do Turbo Fire, I can barely get through the workouts--my muscles just feel so draggy and tired and it's hard to do the moves. I cant figure out what is going on. I am eating well, more protein, lots of water. But I can barely make my muscles do the moves, and I am actually fairly fit. I feel like I have lead weights on my limbs!

Could it be sleep? I have very recently discovered that 7hours or less means "lead leg syndrome" for me. And honestly- I find it hard to devote that much time to sleep- especially when I am backed up with other work around the house. I have to do it though or I am just slogging through my workouts. Just a thought. :)

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Could it be sleep? I have very recently discovered that 7hours or less means "lead leg syndrome" for me. And honestly- I find it hard to devote that much time to sleep- especially when I am backed up with other work around the house. I have to do it though or I am just slogging through my workouts. Just a thought. :)


No, I sleep 8-9 hours a night. I love my sleep LOL. When I googled 'overtraining" it was mentioned that insomnia or restlessness at night could be a symptom, and for the last week, I have woken up in the middle of the night randomly. That doesn't happen to me. Weird.

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No, I sleep 8-9 hours a night. I love my sleep LOL. When I googled 'overtraining" it was mentioned that insomnia or restlessness at night could be a symptom, and for the last week, I have woken up in the middle of the night randomly. That doesn't happen to me. Weird.


Yep. I overdo it all the time. As for your tiredness, it is definitely not enough food or perhaps not eating enough of the right kinds of food.

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