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A Sunday Chat

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Hi everyone!


I am so tired today. So bring a blanket or a sleeping bag and we'll huddle before the fire with some hot chocolate and snacks. I'll provide the hot chocolate and some chocolate walnut brownies. And yes, I am dosing myself with sugar to stay awake!


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? I've added a dollop of peanut butter before.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Not many because I grew up overseas away from that tradition but I did go on a couple.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Ds never wanted to. He did have one when dd was born but he was not happy about it. Dd would love to go to one. I'm thinking that this year I will allow her to go stay over at one friend's house.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, I am tongue-tied and can barely stick out my tongue! :p

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This evening I'm nursing the backache and watching TV. It has been dark for an hour now, but it is too soon to put on jammies.


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Whipping cream or mint


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes often between the years of 8 and 10 then not much after that.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes, if she would go. We've had friends over here. Mostly of the time dd prefers to be home.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, but dd can. I can twist my tongue upside down.

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Hey everyone! I'm pushing through the tired: about to make dinner, but since I've got a "light" week ahead of me, I may curl up with Apollo 13 (can you believe I've NEVER seen it before?) and a stack of Pre-Calc homework. Sounds romantic, I know.


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Just the ubiquitous marshmallow.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, quite a few if I remember.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Only very, very rarely. Like - almost never. Not at all with our eldest, but we've relaxed a bit with the younger crowd. In our circle of friends they're not a big deal, so that's nice.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope. I didn't know anybody could!


And Chucki - I didn't know it was EVER too early for jammies! :D

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Hi! I have my blanket, but better pass on the snacks--I've eaten too much chocolate/pecan fudge this weekend!


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Mini marshmallows


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, which is why I rarely let my dc go on them!


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? On rare occasions


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yep! And turn it upside down like Chucki!


Gotta run--my dad bought tickets for us to go see Tim Hawkins tonight! Thanks for the chat!

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Curling up in a sleeping bag by the fire.


I'm working on my Nano story while hubby and son are out birthday shopping for me.


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Nope. It's been a while and that sounds so good right now.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Sure, me and my best friend - loved it.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Unfortunately no, my aspergers kid would drive another mom crazy


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? LOL! Maybe when I was younger. Another thing that goes with age I guess.

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The kids are sniffly so we never made it to church and I never made it out of my PJs. I've been exploring the new boards and looking for a new recipe for Thanksgiving.


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Marshmallows, whipped cream, and sometimes some Bailey's :)


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, I went to a lot of sleepovers. I had a group of friends, and we all took turns having everyone over to spend the night.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes, as long as I know the family well. They have mainly spent the night with their cousins, but a few times with friends. Dd wants a sleepover for her birthday this year.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, but dh can. I can curl my tongue and twist it upside-down.

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Been coping with a migraine today. So, I'm spent too.



Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? marshmallows, whipped cream, mint (sometimes all at the same time)


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, I had a friend who was an only child and I would sometimes sleep at her house for 3-4 days at a time (7th-9th grade). I used to wish her family was mine. I slept at other friends' homes too when asked, beginning around age 11 or 12.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Only at my sister's house (my boys and their cousins are great friends), but not at others' homes yet.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No, but I always wanted to be able to... not quite sure why though. Just thought it was cool :coolgleamA:

Edited by jenL
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Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? A little vanilla extract and 1/2 teaspoon of rapadura sugar (we are talking about unsweetened cocoa, right?)


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, occasionally.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Not even close.

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Didn't really sleep last night so I've been simply working on surviving the day and the kids have spent most their time in front of the tv. I have a couple kidlets with the sniffles too.


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? I usually have coffee with my hot chocolate. If not that then I have whipped cream with cinnomon on top.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes but usually with family. I got to have a couple as a teenager with a friend, but that took a lot of begging on my part.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes, occasionally. I'm pretty choosy about where they go though and they have to really, really want to go. If they don't seem genuinely excited about it, then I say no. I'm cautious with things like that.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope. Not even close.

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Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Other than marshmalows or vanilla? Maybe. I really like to add hot chocolate to my coffee.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Not until I was in high school. I'd spend a week or more a friend's house.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Hmm - not yet for the girls. I did for ds, but he had the same friend that lived a few blocks away since 3rd grade. I knew the parents and felt comfortable. Right now, I might for older dd, but I have some big fears around her allergies and just can't feel comfortable with her at other people's houses.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope.

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Hi everyone!



Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? marshmallows, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, peppermint sticks


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? I grew up overseas too but I guess boarding school was one huge nightly sleepover! I started boarding school at age 8


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Very few. I allow them but there haven't been a lot of opportunities. They do go camping with scouts a lot.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No,

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Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? I haven't had hot chocolate in years. But sometimes I add chocolate syrup to my coffee.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, at least once a month for many years.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? I do, but grudgingly. I like my kids at home in their own beds every night. I can't give a reasonable explanation for my feeling so that's why I allow it.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue No. But my mom can. I can curl my tongue like a straw though.

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Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? A peppermint stick or a little creme de menthe


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, once in a while.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes, I am lucky that DD's BFF has parents that we have known for years.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Almost

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Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? marshmallows....


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? some


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Very few. We generally don't like the idea. We've had kids over a few more times.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No. Hubby and DS17 can easily.

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Glad to see this tradition continue!


Do you ever add anything to hot chocolate? Whipped cream and sprinkles.


Did you go to sleepovers when you were a child? Yes, often.


Do you allow sleepovers for your children? Yes. The boys have gone to one and have had a few here.


Today's totally random question: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Not even close.

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