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If you want to contact me...

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Just want to mention, I'm rather disliking this new board - esp the lack of privacy by having names down at the bottom - so, for the moment, I plan to switch to lurking status as my main way of looking at the boards and only signing in if I want to post something. I kind of suspect that will lead to my spending less and less time on the board (happened before with a board I used to frequent). So (my main point)... if you want to send me a pm, don't expect I'll get it.


Until my youngest gets into college, I do frequent college confidential daily (same user-name), so one could always contact me specifically there - unless they opt to change as well.


I wish everyone here the best as they continue their homeschooling journey! I do wish they'd delayed a year or two before making these changes, but life moves on. Such is life. Off to sign off now (and will try to lurk occasionally).

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I felt that way when they switched to the previous board. I dislike change in general! Names at the bottom???



You have to sign in anonymously if you don't want your name to show up at the bottom of the thread you're reading. If this is like the Sonlight forums, you need to tick the anonymous box EACH time you log in.

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Ok, thanks for the anonymous option. I always kept the old board so it would sign in automatically... Now I'll just have to sign in every time, but I think this "old dog" can learn that "new trick." That would alleviate my main objection. I don't actually mind sharing scores, specific thoughts about curricula or colleges (or life), or other such things, but where I am at any one moment and what I look at/choose to respond to is something I prefer keeping private. I don't want anyone offended that I don't choose to respond to something - esp since many times I read, but don't have TIME at that moment to respond - esp if I'm at school on lunch or something.


I still miss that the text box doesn't work with my automatic sppellcheck [sic], so expect more typos.

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The new board seems to be a work in progress. I suspect that a number of tweaks will be made in the days ahead, including the optional distribution of Cloaks of Invisibility.


Remember how much whining occurred after the last board upgrade? In retrospect, I am confident that all agreed it was a good thing. So let's give this some time.

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Ok, thanks for the anonymous option. I always kept the old board so it would sign in automatically... Now I'll just have to sign in every time, but I think this "old dog" can learn that "new trick."


FWIW, I have both boxes clicked (sign in automatically, sign in anonymously) and it seems to be working - if I close my tab and open up WTM forums again, I am signed in anonymously without having done anything.

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I'm not sure I understand the basic difference; before when people were signed on the green dot was lit next to their screen name...So it was easy to see who was on when looking at a thread...I guess you didn't know if they were looking at that thread or not and you couldn't see if they were on this forum...But wasn't there some way, at least there had been, of seeing who all was on the forum in general? I'm sure I remember seeing lists of names at some point......And maybe my hours are different being over here so fewer people are on when I am........



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I'm not sure I understand the basic difference; before when people were signed on the green dot was lit next to their screen name...So it was easy to see who was on when looking at a thread...I guess you didn't know if they were looking at that thread or not and you couldn't see if they were on this forum...But wasn't there some way, at least there had been, of seeing who all was on the forum in general? I'm sure I remember seeing lists of names at some point......And maybe my hours are different being over here so fewer people are on when I am........




Joan, I think you could see who all was on the board at that time when you first logged on, but not who was viewing the actual thread that you were looking at. The green dot would tell me that you were on the forum, but not where you were.


So what bothers people, including OP is that, for example, while I am writing this I can see that one guest, one anonymous user, and myself are on this thread?

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So what bothers people, including OP is that, for example, while I am writing this I can see that one guest, one anonymous user, and myself are on this thread?


I think I agree that it is somehow a little too unprivate....Maybe they could take it off for the threads and just leave it on for the different forums? It is nice to know that people are on...All anonymous users makes it a little too unfriendly....



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Previously you could go to someone's profile page and see exactly what they were doing. You could see what thread they were reading or posting to.



This. Previously you could go to their profile page, but it took some extra digging to do it. It wasn't there out in the open.


I don't really care if people know I'm on. One can more or less figure that out by the general time(s) each day that I post. I definitely don't like people knowing (so easily) exactly where I am. The anonymous feature will work to fix that. I hardly ever subscribe to threads, and won't now (unless they are one of my own "for sale" threads - which are rare - I believe I only have one right now), so that won't bother me.


I do believe it has kept me logged in anonymously.

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You know, I've been thinking about this, and


1. I can't read the thread AND scroll down to the bottom and simultaneously see who is reading it, and,


2. This isn't so responsive that it's giving me real-time updates, so I don't know why it's showing any particular person's name. Yesterday it appeared that it was showing the names long after people had left. So, for example, someone could click on the thread, then get called away to referee some real-life issue with the kids, then have to get everyone cleaned up and calmed down, then realize it was time to have a snack and leave for the library, then arrive home 5 hours later and realize they'd left the computer open to that exact page (I remember discussing this exact issue over a decade ago on a different forum, and having lived that same scenario that day - that forum had eventually timed me out). Or maybe they just accidentally clicked it. Who am I to judge why someone opens a thread? Now that we don't have a preview by hovering over the title, some people are doing more clicking. Plus, now that I have more touch screens and trackpads I'm accidentally clicking on all sorts of things. But, anyway,


3. I'm pretty sure most people don't give a rat's patooty whether or not I weigh in on their threads, so I doubt they'll be breathless with anticipation if they see my name at the bottom of the page. Do people really get flaked out over that type of thing -- wanting certain members to acknowledge their threads?

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3. I'm pretty sure most people don't give a rat's patooty whether or not I weigh in on their threads, so I doubt they'll be breathless with anticipation if they see my name at the bottom of the page. Do people really get flaked out over that type of thing -- wanting certain members to acknowledge their threads?


No clue. I just know that "I" like being anonymous when I'm looking at threads. :coolgleamA: ;)


On a totally different note, I noticed this time while typing that my automatic spellcheck :hurray: works again, so they must still be doing updates! I'm VERY thankful for spellcheck! I make enough typos as it is...

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3. I'm pretty sure most people don't give a rat's patooty whether or not I weigh in on their threads, so I doubt they'll be breathless with anticipation if they see my name at the bottom of the page. Do people really get flaked out over that type of thing -- wanting certain members to acknowledge their threads?


:laugh: I was thinking the same thing.

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