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Help for a friend's smelly dog?

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My friend has a dog that smells no matter how often she's bathed. She doesn't have any apparent health problems that would lead to a bad smell.


I'm not sure what the breed is - she was a stray. She's medium to smallish sized, has fluffy hair like a chow (which my friend keeps shaved), and a short but not smashed looking snout. Like a big pomeranian or something?


Any advice for her?

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Assuming her teeth, anal glands and ears have been checked -- I'd try a good deodorizing shampoo made specifically for dogs.


And consider what the dog is being fed. A cheap food can contribute greatly to odor, as can any food (regardless of quality) that simply doesn't agree with the particular dog.


But some dogs tend to have an odor that nothing will get rid of. The hound breeds in particular are notorious for having an odor.

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First guess would be dental disease. When the dog's mouth is really infected, the stench can be overwhelming.


Second guess, some kind of skin infection/yeast/ick. If it is secondary to a food allergy, a trial on a "novel protein" OR hypoallergenic diet can help find out.


I'd go to the vet and have these issues (and overall health) checked out.

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I second Kelly's response... Good raw bones if she won't do raw... and the grain free. I'd look for some shampoo for yeast issues...and also for if the dog has fleas. If sores get infected it's a problem. I WOULD NOT put tea tree directly on, but perhaps a shampoo with some healing agent. I'm not really into "Oatmeal" shampoos, but would look for some natural thing. Is she itching?? The vet offers some shampoos to help...

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Is it a fearful dog? My dog empties her anal sac :ack2: when she's frightened, and it smells like death. It releases a clear, smelly fluid, and if it gets on the dog's fur (or anything else) it's like the Swamp of Eternal Stench in Labyrinth. We've thought about having it removed, but for now she's on Prozac while we try to convince her that visitors to the house do not, in fact, want to kill us all.

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