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Kids and their artwork aka my daughter the killer

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So my kids are all in the city this weekend without me. DD5 is staying at auntie's house. Yesterday Auntie had her make a card for gramma's birthday because they were all getting together to celebrate. She drew everyone in the family except uncle because apparently she killed uncle and he was dead and she doesn't know how to draw ghosts. The rest of the family was there but ds9 was laying down in the picture because apparently she just killed him too but she likes him enough to inclu his dead body on the card. So gramma gets a birthday card last night with 1 person missing because they are a ghost and 1 person dead. DD thinks this is hilarious of course. Now having been through this stage before with the kids I am not worried, but gramma called me up to tell me dd needs an art therapist because she is growing up to be a killer. Umm nope she just has an active imagination. (FTR this is the same DD with imaginary zombie friend for the last 3 years). I pointed out to gramma that despite everyone being killed one by one in the picture at least everyone had clothes. My nephew had drawn a boy dinosaur 2 weeks ago. There was no denying it was a boy.


So while some are cheering for the heroic deeds their kids have done, I have to reassure family members that dd is not planning to kill them irl even if she draws it. :tongue_smilie:

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My dd tends towards the macabre. She wrote a story but it was pretty dark, she thought we would be upset or would not like it. Dh and I had to explain, "When you were three your favorite movie was Nightmare Before Christmas, we always knew it wasn't going to be unicorns and rainbows." :lol:


Oh! Irene is right! This thread is even more hilarious looking at your avatar. :lol:

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LOL! It sounds like my son and your daughter would get along very well. Also, in light of your chosen avatar, she might come by these thoughts rather naturally. I will make no comments about who my own son takes after. *cough, cough* :lol:


I can't possibly know what you are eluding to.....






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LOL! It sounds like my son and your daughter would get along very well. Also, in light of your chosen avatar, she might come by these thoughts rather naturally. I will make no comments about who my own son takes after. *cough, cough* :lol:


I can't possibly know what you are eluding to.....





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Reminds me of a drawing my sweet dd did around the 3rd grade. (Keep in mind, she is the kindest, most mild mannered child I know) Anyway, it was full of a curly haired, glasses wearing woman (ahem) in various death scenes, some quite um...intricate :001_huh: She SWEARS it wasn't me she was putting through such gruesome torture, but I do happen to have curly hair and glasses. I saved it for future blackmail. I also showed it to my SIL as a witness, just in case ;)

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