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Well, there went the Christmas budget,...

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Not homemade, but last night my 2 yo got a kick out of playing with a glow stick for probably an hour. These go over well at things like the circus too. I picked the packages up for a doller a piece a couple of weeks ago. You might be able to find them on clearance for your 7 & under crowd.

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My suggestion is to head over to Pinterest :). I'm always seeing HP stuff on there, and tons of ideas for knitting/crocheting. Maybe you could get a small stash of yarn and a knitting needle kit. When I first started knitting, I got a kit at Hobby Lobby that had almost all sizes of needles that screwed into a base http://www.google.com/search?q=knitting+needle+kit+that+screws+on&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=vyGNUNDwDoG09gSpkIHoBw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=768&bih=928#biv=i|7;d|5Eis64jnPuL_pM:. I used a 50% off coupon and got it for $20, I think. You print some free patterns from Ravelry and put them in a binder.

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Apple also sells refurbished iPods so you should look at the online store and

see what they have right now. I know there are other types of MP3 players but I am only familiar with Apple. Refurbished products come with a warranty. Most of the Apple products we have are refurbished and work great.

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The ipod shuffle is $50 new. You can buy a refurbished one at walmart online for $29.99.



:grouphug: We're nearly in the same boat. Our furnace just started shooting flames out of the front. It's turned off waiting for the repair guy to come out this week. I'm scared we're going to need a new one.


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I would highly recommend my Sansa Clip; even with the super-duper warranty from SquareTrade, it was under $50. It's very user-friendly; my 10yo uses it with ease.


Honestly, with so many nieces and nephews, I'd see about reducing that a bit. Maybe it's a good year to draw names so that each family's burden is reduced a bit there?


My SIL made fabric-covered photo albums for some of us one year, and they're really pretty. Maybe that would be a good idea for some of the teens? Or covered journals?

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Sansa mp3s work well and are less expensive.


:iagree: I have a fairly nice one from a few years back, but there's one on Amazon for about $35.





And yes, with that many nieces and nephews, I'd see about reducing the load.

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For the teen nieces, head to Ulta (when they have their stocking stuffer table set up) or the Target dollar bin... put together little gift bags of nail polish, nail file, small tube of hand lotion... probably $5 each.


The Sansa MP3 players work very well and they're inexpensive. If she *really* wants an ipod version, a new Shuffle is usually around $50, and you can wait for a sale.


For the nieces and nephews, are they all on one side of the family? I agree with others, could you suggest drawing names this year instead of buying for everyone? Chances are, others in the family would welcome the reprieve as well.


For the youngers, think of other inexpensive things that can match the theme... could you find a pirate coloring or sticker book? Pirate puzzles? For the HP fan, could you make her some sort of homemade journal with an HP theme?

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In the past week we've had to replace our furnace and run up vet bills for one of our kitties. The oil that needs delivered next week is going to take the rest of our savings/Christmas budget. We'll be going almost totally homemade. I have lots of felt, fabric, plastic canvas, scrapbooking paper, a laminator, and other crafty stuff.


Ds3 is really into pirates lately, so the plan is to make a felt pirate set with a map, hat, sword, and an eyepatch. He's been saying for 2 months that he's getting a telescope for Christmas. If I can't find a cheap enough one, I'm open to making one out a felt also, but can't find any pictures online to give me ideas. (Googling gives me images of cowboy hats.?) I think I may even have a small piece of skull and bones fabric for a head wrap. Any other pirate items that should be included? He also loves race cars.

You could put all his pirate gifts in a treasure chest and do a scavenger hunt. :001_smile:


Dd6 is a mystery. She loves all things Harry Potter and animals. All of the kids are dressing up as Gryffindor house members for Halloween, so I've just finished making robes, scarves, and wands for each. (Those would have been great Christmas presents! *sigh*) Sam's Club has a Harry Potter movie poster book that she's asked for, so we'll probably pick that up. She also already has an assortment of blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows for all of her stuffed animals. I'm open to suggestions. :bigear:

What about making a book or "guide" to the animals and creatures of Harry Potter? It would takes some time but I think it would be cool! For the animal them what about a webkinz (if she doesn't have one)? They have almost every animal and you use a code to play a game online. I think the little ones aren't to expensive.


Then there's dd9. She's trying so hard to fit in with her new friends in school, and the only things she's asked for is a MP3 player. Somehow, I will scrape the money together for one, but am open to suggestions on which to get. Is there a quality one out there to be had for less than $50? She's also a huge fan of Harry Potter, and has recently been trying to teach herself to knit and crochet.

I'm not really sure about the MP3 player. You could make a learn to knit kit and put in supplies and a book.


It's been a really rough fall for our kiddos, and we'd love to be able to fill up under the tree and listen to the squeals of excitement. I hope it works out. :grouphug:


There are also 14 nieces and nephews under the age of 7. We usually only do homemade gifts to extended family members at Christmas, and only to the kids. Last year, we made tutus and felt food. Would it be bad form to give felt food again? (Obviously, it would be different items than last year. ) I have a lot of this already made up because of craft fairs, and it would save me a lot of time,....

I think you should mention the idea of everyone bringing ONE gift for the 7 and under crowd and wrap each one. They kids can play a game to pick the item. Like Musical Chairs - the first one out picks a gift but doesn't open it the following kids out can choose the gift either in the pile or from another person. At the end they all open it. You can separate the group into boys and girls too or just use blue and pick wrapping paper so they at least have an idea. The kids could trade gifts if they wanted too. :tongue_smilie:


Then there are the teenage nieces, what would you make for them? I'd make a small gift bag for each with some nail polish, small make up, notepad/journal, lotion and or perfume. All things can be found at the dolor store or in the dollar bin at walmart or target.


Dd9 no longer believes in Santa, and we've pulled her in as a partner (aka, she overheard a conversation between dh and I about doing Christmas on a budget). She'd love some ideas for gifts that she can make for her siblings.


I think besides those personal gifts for your kids you should do a bigger gift(s) for them all if you can. Look around thrift stores there is quite a bit of different things you'll find. Board games, small pool table, atari, movies, etc. Another idea would be a fort kit to make if your kids are into that. :)

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