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Let's talk about going gray

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I'm 43 and have maybe 3 to 5 grays at any time in my dark brown hair. I usually pull them out if they stick out funny, otherwise I leave them alone.


I'm more bothered by how dull my hair looks these days. I occasionally do one of the semi-permanent dyes in something very close to my natural color, just slightly lighter, so I don't get the demarcation when I'm lazy for the next 6 months.


Dh has been white since his 20's. He does get mistaken for the kids grandfather but he is 56 years old so it's not that outrageous. (his younger brother is grandfather to a 20 year old). I think I'll probably just let it go as it gets more gray. I always pictured myself as the old lady with the long gray braid.

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I have no problem with someone coloring their own hair, but it's not something I would do. I started getting grey after my dd's birth. I was 24. It has never bothered me. I don't care how old someone thinks I am. I don't see why I should care about that. My grey hairs are white/silver and I think they look great! I am 35 now and am getting more grey hairs. I hope to be the grandma with the long silver hair one day!


I'm 42 and well beyond caring what anybody thinks about me. I color my hair for me! :001_smile:


Even as I turned 50 something, I didn't have many grey hairs. For the last 15 or so years, I've enjoyed highlighting my brown hair with gold. I think it was a fun and young look.


Chemo 'released' all my brown and gold hair...now the hair is coming back a charcoal color with some lighter greys mixed in. (and super soft--my oncologist calls it bunny fur.) It's not a bad color at all--and there's no guarantee it will stay this color as my body heals--but I feel like dark color emphasizes all the lines, shadows, and wrinkles on my face. Sigh.


I want to embrace the charcoal. I earned that change the hard way--kinda like Rogue from X-Men--:tongue_smilie: But I want to keep a youthful vibe.


One thing I noticed in the link of grey-haired beauties someone else posted is that they generally had fit bodies and flattering clothes. I suspect what I save on highlighting my hair a couple of times a year, I will easily invest in sharper blouses and such.


It occurs to me that purples, blues, and silvers look really good with my skin and gray hair. The browns and golds I've always worn--less flattering these days. Shifting my wardrobe may improve my chances of rocking the gray.


Awesome. You will rock whatever color you choose because you SURVIVED!

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I am 49, have never colored my hair and don't plan to in the future. I'm way too lazy to keep up with it. It does help that I am only now starting to get some gray along my hairline and part. I'm still generally taken for younger than my years, so it looks like I can just ride it through letting my grays bring me back to looking my age.


I have a good friend who stopped dyeing her hair when she was in her mid-30s. It was a rough transition for a few months, but she totally rocks her silvery grays now.

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After I had my ds at 33, I started to have increased greys. With my dd at 30 there were a few, then dd2 at 35 and it was necessary to start coloring every 3-4 months. Now I color crown and temples every 3 mos with natural henna type color. I'll be 40 with a newborn so until I have a grandkid or turn 60, whichever comes first, I'm coloring.

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I'm in my late 40s and I don't really want to fuss with coloring my hair. I've had a few greys since I was about 30. Now I'm starting to get quite a few around the temples. I don't really care for the skunky stripes on the sides too much, but I'm hoping the rest will catch up soon. My mom is 70 and is an unconvincing ash-blonde. Nearly every time she sees me she pesters me about coloring my hair. All the more reason to let it go natural!

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I have pretty dark hair, and used to color it. It just kept getting darker and darker. I felt like Moricia Adams. So, I tried some highlights. Hated them. Were kind of red and brassy. Gave up and went with the gray. The transition was a pain b/c my colored hair had become a bit daker (and it had the reddish highlights, too) than my natural color. It wasn't a horrible stripe as it was growing out, but a bit of one.


I now embrace my "Arctic blondes" and am happy to save the $$ and time not messing with it.


I do think it is easier for blondes to deal with gray hair than brunettes. I am still a lot more pepper than salt, but most of my salt if right up front and concentrated. I think I am rockin' it. Of course, I could be delusional! :lol:

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