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Autumn doesn't seem very ummmm....maternal.

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Last night, she was grooming the baby a lot. She was pacing a lot earlier. Probably it makes her nervous to be inside when she'd normally be let outside, and she misses her routine. Plus she's never been a mom before, right? She may do okay. I don't know how much giraffe moms spend doting on their babies. Considering the baby is up and walking around within an hour of birth, I'd guess they're more independent than babies that lie around in nests for weeks. KWIM? So it may be normal for mom to leave the baby alone for long periods between feedings.



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Someone said this in last night's thread. She kept walking away from the calf but when found his legs and started walking better, she stood still for nursing.

Perhaps she is making sure he can walk and the need to nurse is motivating for him to get on his feet. In the wild, they have to be able to run from predators.

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Wait, you can't find a ride, or you can't find a ride that will let you bring a giraffe on the return trip?!


I don't think they let giraffes on board. Oh Henry. I guess I'll have to settle for a blow up giraffe. Hopefully my neighbors won't hate me.

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