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College Midterm - vent


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My son just called depressed and very upset over an upcoming midterm. He loves the class and has been involved in the discussions, etc. As a matter of fact, it's been this class that has convinced him he wants to be a history major. However, the professor just announced that on the midterm (40% of his grade) would be short answers and definitions......and spelling counts completely. If the answers are mispelled they are counted wrong. My son's learning disability really makes spelling a formidable challenge. So even if he knows the work backwards and forwards (and he does as he has put in hours doing the readings and studying already) - there is no way he'll be able to get a passing grade because of his spelling. After explaining this privately to his professor, the response was that spelling will still count and good luck.


I don't know if there is a solution, but I just needed to vent.


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If he has a disability, he needs to go through the university's office for students with disabilities to get a letter specifying what accommodations he needs for tests. The school is required to accommodate students with disabilities, however, a private conversation with the professor is insufficient; he must see the office of disability assistance and bring the required documentation.

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He MUST go through disability services ASAP.


In most cases, professors simply cannot offer accomodations without documentation from disability services. Disability services will usually provide a letter to the professor stating the nature and extent of required accomodations.

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He MUST go through disability services ASAP.


In most cases, professors simply cannot offer accomodations without documentation from disability services. Disability services will usually provide a letter to the professor stating the nature and extent of required accomodations.


My contract as an adjunct specifically says that I will not provide accomodations unless a letter from the disability office is given to me. The college I work for is very strong about not making changes to the conditions for part of the class without documentation. Even when a student misses an exam and requests a make-up because they were in the hospital, the doctor's excuse has to meet certain criteria.


Sadly, the reasons are largely legal. Students sue professors and colleges.

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If he has a disability, he needs to go through the university's office for students with disabilities to get a letter specifying what accommodations he needs for tests. The school is required to accommodate students with disabilities, however, a private conversation with the professor is insufficient; he must see the office of disability assistance and bring the required documentation.



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Thanks for all the thoughtful replies - my son thought the conversation with the professor would be enough to remind the professor of the accommodation or at least have the professor be aware of the filed papers - and this morning as he was handing out the tests the professor told my son that after contacting the guidance office and reviewing the documentation, he would allow one-two misspelled letters per word before he counted it as wrong. Not exactly what the accommodations state - but it is a start. My son wants to handle this on his own.....and has an appt Friday with the guidance/advisor.


THere is always something, isn't there!


Edited by Myra
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He MUST go through disability services ASAP.


In most cases, professors simply cannot offer accomodations without documentation from disability services. Disability services will usually provide a letter to the professor stating the nature and extent of required accomodations.

:iagree: Due to my dds celiac disease we set her up with the disabilities office at the beginning of this semester. She had to come home early one Friday and miss classes due to dr. appt. The DO contacted professors so that her attendance/scores weren't affected.

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If he has a disability, he needs to go through the university's office for students with disabilities to get a letter specifying what accommodations he needs for tests. The school is required to accommodate students with disabilities, however, a private conversation with the professor is insufficient; he must see the office of disability assistance and bring the required documentation.


Be sure the N/P letter or letter from specialist verifying the LD is within the last 3 years. Eeek. My son has severe Dysgraphia and the idea of a prof doing this scares me. Ds is a high school junior but I frequent this board and get tips from y'all. He needs to be registered with the Office of Disabilities. They will intervene on his behalf. Document the meeting with the professor also.

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