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Help me with my dog, please!!!!

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I have an 11 lb multese poodle who has an ear infection. He let me put drops in his ears the first day and now growls at me when I go to do it. I got him one night half asleep and was able to give him drops but not since. He has never growled at me before. I don't look forward to being nipped. My vet said if it keeps up they will have to give them to him. I know they will charge me and I just can't afford it. Do you ladies or men have any suggestions?

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I'm thinking that it's something you might be able to treat with an antibiotic shot. That would be less in the long run, if it works. Then, when your dog is better, you might try drops/wiping out the ear with one of the preventions for ear infections. (To stop yeast growth)


If you have to do the drops, I would do it like the vet will probably do it if you take it in. I would look at is like a small cat :) I would take a towel and basically wrap it around the neck and everything to the tail.... Then have a helper keep the head to one side... drop in the drop and flip it over. I would explain it better, but I think you can figure it out :) I've watched YouTube before for some puppy help :)


Good Luck!! :0

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You may want to ask your vet about a course of oral medications (antibiotics and steroids short term) to decrease the inflammation, so you can handle the ear without so much pain. Then add in the topical medications.


Of course, giving oral medications to a small dog who is willing to bite can be a challenge, too. If you try it, I recommend Cheese Whiz or liverwurst to get the pills down.


Good luck!

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They can give oral medication? Why didn't they offer it to me when I called telling them the other day that I couldn't get my dog to take the drops in the ears. I looked it up online and saw it is totally possible.


sometimes you have to specifically say " I can only afford XYZ" or " what is the cheapest option"....otherwise they will just give and do w/e.

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For a dog that size I'd do what I'd do with a cat: a solid wrapping in toweling with only the part needing doctoring sticking out.



That's exactly what I do with my chickens! It does work.


I've also done it with my small dog. Wrap them snugly.


Although I agree that the dog needs pain relief. It's not just about antibiotics.

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For a dog that size I'd do what I'd do with a cat: a solid wrapping in toweling with only the part needing doctoring sticking out.


:iagree: I do this with rats, cats, reptiles, and rabbits as well. If it really came down to it, you could buy a muzzle or temporarily muzzle him with an ace bandage. It only takes two seconds and it would ensure your son could hold him without getting bitten while you handle the ear. Another option is to just call the vet and be honest about what's going on. They may have another solution for you that doesn't involve them giving the meds. for a fee. Then again, you may WANT them to give the meds. even if it costs you a little bit simply so that your dog doesn't associate you with being this mean person who holds him down to give him painful meds. Poor guy.

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Ear drops are the most common way to treat an infection. People keep saying oral antibiotics, but many ear infections are yeast. Antibiotics won't help with that.


It may not be pain that's causing him to growl, but resistance to being held down and/or having his ears messed with.


Ditto what others have said about wrapping him in a towel. Sit on the floor on your knees with your legs slightly spread. Wrap him in the towel and then place him between your legs. Be firm. That doesn't mean rough or unkind, just firm and matter-of-fact.


Warming the drops just a bit first, even just holding the bottle in your hand for a few minutes, can make them much more tolerable for the dog.

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Get a long strip of cloth, lay it across the top of his muzzle, wrap it under the bottom of his muzzle crisscrossing the ends (pull to make snug) and then tie around the back of his head behind his ears snugly. Then wrap him in a towel while someone holds him so that you can administer the drops. Don't forget some treats and patting when you are done. :D I have done this many times and my dogs don't hate me or avoid me. They can still fuss about the 'abuse' I'm administering to them, but they can't bite should they want to. (I only have one dog who snaps at me when she is hurt, but she's never actually bitten me. I muzzle though to myself though and she is actually more calm allowing me to do what I need to).

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You may want to ask your vet about a course of oral medications (antibiotics and steroids short term) to decrease the inflammation, so you can handle the ear without so much pain. Then add in the topical medications.


Of course, giving oral medications to a small dog who is willing to bite can be a challenge, too. If you try it, I recommend Cheese Whiz or liverwurst to get the pills down.


Good luck!



Have the oral meds for inflammation.. second day he is on them.. I took him in yesterday and they gave him one of the treatments for his ear drops with a muzzle on. Vet said for me to get a muzzle. I bought a muzzle and tried to give him the ear drops. It didn't happen. I couldn't hold him down enough. He was mad!! I am worried my son will be too scared to hold him down.

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Get a long strip of cloth, lay it across the top of his muzzle



I'm confused on what the strip of cloth is for. I have tried swaddling him but I must not be getting it tight enough. My son doesn't come home from his dad's house until Monday. I wish there was a way I could give them to him in the meantime.

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CountryGirl2 was explaining how to make a home-made muzzle.


Something you can try if he's food motivated is to spread some peanut butter or something of similar consistency and yumminess on the front of your refrigerator. Or since he's a small dog you could put him in the bathtub and spread it on the side of the tub. Any clean-able surface like that will work. Sometimes a food motivated dog will be so involved in licking off the goody that you can get the drops in w/o the dog caring.

Edited by Pawz4me
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Country girl though said to put the muzzle on and then put the strip of cloth over it.


No. What I was explaining was making a homemade muzzle. They are very effective if done snugly. Any soft strip if fabric (4-5 inches wide and 2-3 feet long) will work. An old standard size pillow case cut open along the two long sides and then cut in half all the way down the length works great. Even a thin leash will work. You don't have to use the storebought muzzle. After muzzling, I'd wrap the dog in a towel tightly, one front leg in the the towel along the belly and the other front leg coming forward towards the head. Helps keep them from trying to scratch their way out. Wrap tight and tuck the towel in like you'd do on your head if you just wrapped your hair. Then kneel on the floor and place the dog on the floor between your knees. Hold firmly and if need be, sit down a little to hold him down. Administer drops. He won't like it, but you need to do it. You have to be tough or you're going to have to go and pay more at the vet. I'm a short small gal and I've done this with even the bigger dogs by myself. Good luck! Oh and don't forget lots of treats and pats afterwards.

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I have already bought the muzzle from the store. I have tried for two days straight to get him to let me do these drops. I am in no way small but I can't get him to cooperate. He growls and barks at me viciously. After a week of this I am at the end of my rope in knowing what to do. I can't get him to keep his head straight for nothing. He has had his pain meds for three days now. He is really mad at me. When I try to force him to stay still he goes bonkers on me. It upsets me because this is a dog that has never growled at me in the five years I have had him.

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I got it!!! I first had a friend who was visiting my parents, come over and hold him on their lap and hold his body down. I put on the muzzle prior to this. I held his muzzle and administered the drops. He let me do it fine..


Then came tonight when my son got home from his dad's house. I told him we have to do this and that he has no reason to be scared. We got one ear done and then the dog went crazy and his muzzle slipped off. Good thing was that while he barked he didn't try to bite me. I put the muzzle back on, got a huge towel, wrapped him tight, put him between my legs until he calmed down, and then put the drops in his other ear. He didn't move at all during this time. The whole time my son sat in front of him petting him and telling him he was a good boy! We just had to show him who was in command and that we weren't scared. Yeahhhhhh!!!! Thank you all for the great advice! Please pray because we have two more weeks of this.

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It sounds like you're on your way. That's great! Remember that growling doesn't necessarily mean your dog wants to bite you. He's just telling you that he doesn't like what you're doing. That's OK--you want him to warn you. Keep talking him through it and show him with your assertive behavior, like the towel wrap, that you are going to do what it takes to help him heal. Hang in there!

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