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What's your Favorite diet?

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the see food diet...I see food and I eat it...:lol:


har har


Ok...well hands down low carb is the only sort of "dieting" I can stand.


Same here. And more and more research points to our carb-heavy diets as being a large part of our overall national declining health and increasing obesity.


I choose Atkins, but others find South Beach or Protein Power more forgiving.


re: normal food comment - REAL low-carb diets are normal food. The craze in the early 2000s replaced carb-laden, fat-free junk food with low-carb, high protein junk food. It was still junk food. You can't eat junk food and expect to be healthy and at a normal body weight, no matter what kind of junk food it is.

Edited by dansamy
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DH and I both did Weight Watchers and we're now on maintenance because we reached our goals. I found it easy to follow because it isn't taught as a diet but rather a way to learn how to eat properly. I was able to have nearly anything I wanted because I tracked it all. That includes the occasional burger and fries and Starbucks. The key, as in some diets, is tracking every bite you eat.


Both DH and I attended meetings because I tried online only and I simply did not have the discipline it required. I needed the accountability of weighing in every week. I'll confess I also enjoyed the rewards they gave out. They give a key chain when you hit the 10% goal and then you get charms for it for other milestones. Then again I was the kid who loved getting stickers on my school papers. :tongue_smilie:

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Another Weight Watchers fan here! I lost 43 lbs and reached Lifetime in February. I will have kept it off for a year in December. I like WW because I feel it is something I can live with and it has become a lifestyle. And the accountability of going to a meeting every week kept me on track.


Also, this quote encouraged me when I felt the weight loss was not going quick enough for me:


"Never give up on a dream because of the length of time it takes to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

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I lost 100 pounds. It is not a diet. It is a complete life style change forever, not just while you are losing weight.


I eat a lower carb and high in good fats diet. I lift weights. But that did not start until I lost a significant amount of weight.


I like Marks daily apple for a jumping off point.


Start small. Make one change at a time. Don't worry about the weight at this point but changing the way you look at food as fuel, and only filling yourself up with the best you can do. Get fresh air, and move every day.


Start by getting rid of the processed stuff and drinks other than water. And work on portion control. Fix your plate, put all the food away so it's not so easy to just scoop more. Give yourself the occasional cheat meal. Meal not day. One no no dish or a smallish piece of pie, etc.

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Low carb, high fat. I've lost 35 so far and am still losing.


I lost 100 pounds. It is not a diet. It is a complete life style change forever, not just while you are losing weight.


I eat a lower carb and high in good fats diet. I lift weights. But that did not start until I lost a significant amount of weight.


I like Marks daily apple for a jumping off point.


Start small. Make one change at a time. Don't worry about the weight at this point but changing the way you look at food as fuel, and only filling yourself up with the best you can do. Get fresh air, and move every day.


Start by getting rid of the processed stuff and drinks other than water. And work on portion control. Fix your plate, put all the food away so it's not so easy to just scoop more. Give yourself the occasional cheat meal. Meal not day. One no no dish or a smallish piece of pie, etc.




High fat, low carb. REAL food! "Exercise" as a natural part of life- hiking, walking, lifting heavy things.

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I agree that for people who really aren't looking to change the way they eat, but want to learn portion control, WW is the way to go.


Personally, I'm vegan, though I don't look at it like a "diet." For me it's a lifestyle. I've never been overweight and have never had to lose weight, with the exception of right after having kids. :) And even then it melted off almost immediately, with no exercise. I like to recommend Eat To Live or Engine 2, or similar lifestyles. I've known so many people who have changed their diets to a plant-based diets and lost weight, reverse life-long illnesses, and just overall felt great. Many doctors have told me I'm the healthiest person they know and that makes me confident in this way of life.


Good luck with whatever you choose! :)

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I've had great success adopting NoS habits: http://www.nosdiet.com'>http://www.nosdiet.com


In a nutshell: "No sweets, no snacks, no seconds, except on days that start with S"


Following these three habits, you get automatic portion control (one plate, no seconds, no snacks) and less processed food/fewer junky carbs (no snacks, no sweets). Since NoS is all about moderation, these principles can be eased on special days (S days), because it is what you do MOST of the time that determines where you end up weight-wise.


These can easily become lifetime habits (they have for me...I've dropped 60 pounds following NoS) and thus, one is no longer on "a diet" but just living!


It really is worth checking out the site and the forums for inspiration: http://www.nosdiet.com



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Low carb, hands down. I feel SO much better when I am strictly limiting carbs, am not bloated, etc.


What ever you do, it MUST be a lifestyle change. Losing the weight is the easiest part. Keeping it off long term is very, very difficult without lifestyle change..... For life.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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My favorite is a low glycemic index diet. It is low carb and the carbs that you do eat are more the healthy complex carbohydrates. It allows for more fruits and veggies than no carb and it allows for small amounts of things like brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, etc. I restarted about a week ago and then ended up having to eat out for 2-3 days in a row for each meal and it has been a stressful couple of days. Hopefully by tonight, I will get back to it.

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OP, I cant tell you how much I *LOVE* you for posting this thread! Im right where you are.


I had amazing success with atkins multiple times. The last time I was on it, I dropped 50 lbs.


Im not crazy over WW. It took WW and walking 4 miles a day to lose 20 lbs.. and that was all I could get off.


I just tried to get back on atkins and I wasnt losing anything (which was a red flag because you drop like CRAZY at first) but I think it was too soon after having my son. Im desperate to get this weight OFF.


My only concern with atkins is if you needed to quit it cold turkey, instead of easing the carbs back in. I had to do that when I got pregnant and gained back my 50 plus 25 more:glare:


That.Is.Why.Im.Desperate.. oh, and did I mention, Im a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding next week? Lets go ahead and plan on burning those pictures.

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My husband FINALLY agreed to give it a try. I never bugged him really, but anytime he complained about wanting to lose weight I'd just remind him of what works for me. He is doing very well on it. It was an adjustment for him in the beginning, but now he doesn't seem to mind it at all. And he is losing weight steadily.


My dh gained 10 pounds on our all inclusive honeymoon, and 10 pounds with each pregnancy. Yes, 40 pounds in 23 years.


When he started Lymes treatment a few months back and went low carb, he dropped 35 pounds. Since the summer. Basically effortlessly.


I eat FAR less than him, low carb for a long time, mostly vegan, and hike, walk, snowshoe or kayak regularly. The unfairness of it all makes me want to poke out his eyes. :lol::lol::lol: maybe that's why I pantsed him recently while out in public.:lol::lol::lol: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=430065

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I lost 100 pounds. It is not a diet. It is a complete life style change forever, not just while you are losing weight.


I eat a lower carb and high in good fats diet. I lift weights. But that did not start until I lost a significant amount of weight.


I like Marks daily apple for a jumping off point.


Start small. Make one change at a time. Don't worry about the weight at this point but changing the way you look at food as fuel, and only filling yourself up with the best you can do. Get fresh air, and move every day.


Start by getting rid of the processed stuff and drinks other than water. And work on portion control. Fix your plate, put all the food away so it's not so easy to just scoop more. Give yourself the occasional cheat meal. Meal not day. One no no dish or a smallish piece of pie, etc.


What are you doing for weights? At home? How long and how often?

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That's a tough question, because every person is different...so I have to agree with the previous poster who said "whichever diet works!" :) I do think that weight watchers is a good starting point, especially because you can eat whatever you want. So you can use WW for tracking/accountability/portion control, but you can tailor what you actually eat to what works best for you. I used WW for awhile (I think I lost around 20 pounds) before ditching it because I needed more fat and that just blew the point system out of the water. Other than that, I did like it. I only ever used the mobile app.


I eat vegetarian, lower carb, high fat, and gluten free. I have been a vegetarian my entire adult life and have always eaten some good fats, but the lower carb, high fat, gluten free is relatively new for me. This seems to be the best way for *me*. I feel the best eating this way, and I immediately lost more weight as soon as I went gluten free and started adding more fat. I am pregnant now though, so obviously weight loss is off the table for the next several months.

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