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Kindle Curriculum


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What are your favorite Kindle curricula? Especially titles that will display well on a 4.3 inch smartphone screen.


I just got curious last night wondering if I'm capable of teaching k-10 followed by junior college, entirely from a smartphone.


Sorry, I can't link from my phone (my only home internet connection right now), but culled from my kindle collection, I like the following on my phone:


How to Tutor

Uncovering the Logic of English

Writing Tools

You Can Draw in 30 Days

Teaching Art with Books Kids Love

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I totally forgot about BFSU! There are no plans for Kindle SOTW later volumes right?


I tried to get the kindle Yesterday's Classics onto my phone but can't figure out how. Sigh. The phone software won't install on either computer. Maybe I can e-mail them one by one if I drag a laptop to a hotspot, but am not sure that will work.


It's just kind of an interesting thought to have a complete potential curriculum on your phone :tongue_smilie: and as I've wasted 2 hours on the Yesterday's Classics, to know the entire curriculum is backed up at Amazon ready to redownloaded onto any phone or device, at any time.


So flood, fire, anything less than total national collapse, with a quick visit to Sprint and a $50.00 copay for the lost phone, school is up and running again in just hours. :lol:

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Honestly, I wish FLL and a few others could be done on Kindle ... I do not like having so many books around! I've been looking to add more that can be read on the kindle (or just the teacher's manual).


There's a PDF download available and that can be opened on the Kindle.

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I don't think most pdf conversions will work that great on a 4.3 inch phone.


I wish there was a getting started with French instead of just Latin and Spanish. What is out there for French that is an actual Kindle or Nook book.


I just downloaded Nook onto my phone. I remembered that the Christian SAT book is only on the Nook and not the Kindle. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0890516243. I kinda like this book for more than SAT prep. Are there other Nook curricula not available for Kindle?

Edited by Hunter
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We have been using America- The Story of US DVD as a starting point for our history lessons. Amazon has the books that go with them. http://www.amazon.com/AMERICA-The-Story-Book-ebook/dp/B008479OY4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350253350&sr=1-1&keywords=america+the+story+of+us


Also, I plan on using parts and bits of Home Geography for Primary Grades


It's free. http://www.amazon.com/Home-Geography-Primary-Grades-ebook/dp/B0084BWKE6/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350253519&sr=1-1&keywords=home+geography+for+primary+grades

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Home Geography is a no go on my screen. Little History fits nice.


How many volumes of History of Us are there? I seem to have a few from when they were free one day. I still haven't figured out this phone well enough to navigate Amazon properly. I never have been able to use the HoU video links either, on any device.


Thanks everyone for all the ideas.

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I still haven't figured out this phone well enough to navigate Amazon properly. I never have been able to use the HoU video links either, on any device.


Are you asking about streaming Amazon videos on a smartphone? I could be wrong, but as far as I know, you can't stream them on a smartphone. The most "mobile" way to stream them is with a Kindle Fire (won't work on a regular Kindle either). I could be wrong, though, so hopefully if someone knows how to do it on a smartphone, they'll chime in. Sorry, not what you wanted to hear.

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Are you asking about streaming Amazon videos "on any device"? I could be wrong, but as far as I know, you can stream them only on a Kindle Fire. Smartphones aren't compatible. I could be wrong, though, so hopefully if someone knows how to do it on a smartphone, they'll chime in. Sorry, not what you wanted to hear.


I don't think i was even able to see the video samples on a kindle fire hooked up to wifi. I don't think I tried very hard though, as I wasn't all that interested at the time.


Way back, I emailed some Mr. Q to my Kindle. It looks like those files are stored with my Kindle books. They are awkward but certainly very readable on my phone. The Kindle app seems happy to read and store these pdfs. Well that opens up more interesting opportunities. Hmmmm.


Most of this is theoretical rather than a need. I'm just curious if I can get an entire k-10 junior college prep curriculum on my phone, with all backups stored at Amazon. And maybe a few at B&N if there is anything enticing enough.

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We have been using the Fallacy Detective which was free prime on the Kindle fire. I also have Lessons for a young economist on pdf which I love. Also some CK12 books are free on the kindle.

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Hunter, which phone are you using?


The Photon Q. It's the only sprint phone with a large screen and keyboard. I'm done arranging deals with neighbors to tap off of their wifi signals. All I have for home internet is the phone. My main printer broke. And I have 2 partially broken laptops and a kindle that I can lug to a hotspot. I have an interesting assortment of resources here :lol:


I'm just self-educating and tutoring. No children are suffering.


I love this phone, but...it took every penny I had/have for the next couple months. OUCH! I'm just amusing myself with this exercise. I can't even afford to buy any kindle books. :lol: And don't need them.


As I sit here on my piece of foam rubber on the floor that I call a "bed" because I spent all my money on books and technology, instead of normal things like furniture, clothes and food. A little late, I seem to finally be going through the young adulthood I never had. :lol:

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We have been using the Fallacy Detective which was free prime on the Kindle fire. I also have Lessons for a young economist on pdf which I love. Also some CK12 books are free on the kindle.


Thanks! Fallacy Detective goes on the wishlist. CK12 works and is free. Nice! I still haven't seen the Young Economist yet. What is that?

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"Lessons for the Young Economist" is a free pdf book. It is a fairly current as in last few years publication. It has ended up being my spine book for this year's economics course. It does a fabulous job explaining the bare bones of economic decision making. So far my kids love it and really get the concepts it is teaching. Probably my favorite free find ever.


If you google the name you should find it. I still can't link. Sorry.

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The Photon Q. It's the only sprint phone with a large screen and keyboard. I'm done arranging deals with neighbors to tap off of their wifi signals. All I have for home internet is the phone. My main printer broke. And I have 2 partially broken laptops and a kindle that I can lug to a hotspot. I have an interesting assortment of resources here :lol:


I'm just self-educating and tutoring. No children are suffering.


I love this phone, but...it took every penny I had/have for the next couple months. OUCH! I'm just amusing myself with this exercise. I can't even afford to buy any kindle books. :lol: And don't need them.


As I sit here on my piece of foam rubber on the floor that I call a "bed" because I spent all my money on books and technology, instead of normal things like furniture, clothes and food. A little late, I seem to finally be going through the young adulthood I never had. :lol:


You crack me up! I'd spend all my money on gadgets and books too. Though I would draw the line at sleeping on the floor. ;)

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"Lessons for the Young Economist" is a free pdf book. It is a fairly current as in last few years publication. It has ended up being my spine book for this year's economics course. It does a fabulous job explaining the bare bones of economic decision making. So far my kids love it and really get the concepts it is teaching. Probably my favorite free find ever.


If you google the name you should find it. I still can't link. Sorry.


I will google it.


What is BFSU?


Building Foundations...for something. I can't remember.


You crack me up! I'd spend all my money on gadgets and books too. Though I would draw the line at sleeping on the floor. ;)


Movers are expensive. As it stands now, everything I own can be thrown in the dumpster and I can just start over at the new place, and just carry what I want most on the subway trains and buses. My plan for the books is to announce what city I am in and let someone with a car come take them all. And the non-curriculum can go downstairs in the building's library(I live in a highrise big enough to have a small private library).


Last time I moved I had to clear out with 3 day's notice. I left with nothing but a backpack and a suitcase and hopped on a $13.00 Chinatown to Chinatown bus for a new city. The time before that, when I left my marriage it was just a backpack. I've learned to live light. Except the books, art supplies, gadgets and gear (boots, pack, knife etc.). What I don't take with me is instant to get rid of. People just come get them.


You can't count on someone coming to take an old bed in less than 24 hours. But a wall full of curricula and reference books, well...there would be a full PM box for sure. :lol:

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I am also in awe. I thought I managed a real feat when we started life in the UK with just our checked luggage. Of course more stored belongings come back each time we go to the US and we all collect things. Yarn, fabric, legos....... In five years we have managed to stuff a decent sized house.


I do find this electronic project fascinating. It would be lovely to be able to just go and travel yet have a lovely supply of curriculum that doesn't make my back hurt. My mom bought the kids kindles last christmas so we no longer carry entertainment books while traveling. I have been collecting things like Ck 12, old ap reveiw books, free latin texts, in hopes of an adventure that was long enough to need them. But we haven't been away from our home base long enough to need to dig in to these items yet.

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