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Gryffindor bag...how I surprised dd.

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Earlier, I posted pics of the Gryffindor bag that I knit for dd and was going to fill with HP goodies to surprise her with on our recent train trip. Well, we had a great car attendant who was willing to play along. Here's the video. (I did tell her later, as I put a LOT of work into it and wanted some credit...she said "OK, I get it...don't tell me any more.":tongue_smilie:)

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Thanks for all of the great comments. She's a really great kid, so we like to pull off surprises like this when we can. Getting the car attendant in on it was a last-minute thing. I just posted about the train ride to Portland on my blog. There are photos of her pulling out more of the stuff from the bag and a photo of her with Steve, the car attendant.


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