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Do you have middle-of-the-night teA parties??

Do you have middle of the night teA parties?  

  1. 1. Do you have middle of the night teA parties?

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:confused: I guess? What's urinary tract infections have to do with tea? I've never had a UTI before.:001_huh:


A lot. Many women MUST urinate and/clean up afterward in order to prevent bacteria getting backed up into the very short urethra that women have. If a woman who is prone to this falls back asleep....it's a problem.


I'm amazed you have never had one. They even have the specifically named "honeymoon cystitis".

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Am I the only one who would wake up with a raging UTI???


:confused: I guess? What's urinary tract infections have to do with tea? I've never had a UTI before.:001_huh:


Some women are prone to UTIs if they don't go to the bathroom post-teA.


Caraway, getting up after in the middle of the night kind of stinks. Sometimes dh makes sure we brew the type of teA that I don't need to get up :D

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Yes! And they are quite enjoyable as long as dh takes the time to make sure the kettle is boiling before partaking of any tea. :lol:


see i prefer instant in the middle of the night. if we have instant then i don't toally wake up, i enjoy it, and i go back to sleep. if we have to seep it -- well it is less fun, because i am tired, and i don't get back to sleep as well

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A lot. Many women MUST urinate and/clean up afterward in order to prevent bacteria getting backed up into the very short urethra that women have. If a woman who is prone to this falls back asleep....it's a problem.


I'm amazed you have never had one. They even have the specifically named "honeymoon cystitis".


Really?? Learn something new every day.


I wouldn't presume that being woken up for tea does not mean they don't also go pee and clean up afterwards. Or get up and put a breakfast casserole in the crock pot, or fold some laundry or...:)

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LOL I'm glad everyone got a laugh! hehe I DO think that it would be totally sexy for dh to wake me in the middle of the night because he just couldn't wait til morning or didn't want to! But the man is down for the count about 2 minutes after hitting the pillow and so it's unrealistic. ;) *I* could do the waking, but I'm not sure he'd appreciate it in the same way that I would. LOL It's all good, though! :D

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Really?? Learn something new every day.


I wouldn't presume that being woken up for tea does not mean they don't also go pee and clean up afterwards. Or get up and put a breakfast casserole in the crock pot, or fold some laundry or...:)


And here is the reason for the exhaustion the next day. For me, it has nothing to do with whether my pot is at a rolling boil or gentle simmer. It has everything to do with my inability to shut my brain back down after tea, such that I can't get back to sleep until 5 a.m., and that makes it really hard to get up at 7 a.m. Even if the tea is excellent, the next day is so miserable that it's not really worth it. I'm better off just staying up late and waking DH when I get to bed.


Wow. So are UTIs transmitted or something? Like yeast infections can be?


I've never been prone to yeast infections, UTI, incontinence...


Just pregnancy.;)


For some, the bacteria that get pushed into the urethra during tea can cause immediate irritation and often a UTI. I don't generally get UTIs anymore, but I do find myself uncomfortable if I don't go soon after.

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Should I try and report back? LOL Nooooo! I know him pretty well and he would be utterly confused and asking if there was a fire.


(Yes, in my pants!!! Sorry, sorry, that's sort of a Black Adder reference that we use a lot!! LOL!!!!)


He and I are just different in this area and I'm OK with it. We've worked things out to be much better than the early years when I felt deprived and hideous and he felt like he'd married a closet nympho. :lol:

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Should I try and report back? LOL Nooooo! I know him pretty well and he would be utterly confused and asking if there was a fire.


(Yes, in my pants!!! Sorry, sorry, that's sort of a Black Adder reference that we use a lot!! LOL!!!!)


He and I are just different in this area and I'm OK with it. We've worked things out to be much better than the early years when I felt deprived and hideous and he felt like he'd married a closet nympho. :lol:



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Wow. So are UTIs transmitted or something? Like yeast infections can be?


I've never been prone to yeast infections, UTI, incontinence...


Just pregnancy.;)


No, not transmitted. But the normal bacteria on the outside of the body can be stirred up by the vigorous nature of TeA making, and get kind of worked back up into the urethra. Urinating before and after tea was the advice they used to give sailors on shore leave to prevent infections.


But when we have middle of the night TeA i just get up and use the bathroom afterwards quick. No big deal.

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we are in our late 40s, and both of us get up to pee at least twice every night these days :glare: so if both of us happen to have insomnia at the same time, and its been more than 2-3 days, its perfect timing. (we are at usually twice a week . . have been for a couple of years . . .). i mean, if i'm wide awake in the middle of the night, i probably wont sleep for 2 hours - but 30-45 minutes of activity, and i'm ready to pass out again! after i pee.


I used to get UTIs afterwards a lot, and i'd kinda even forgotten cuz i havent in so long. Wider guys were more likely to cause it, but yes, i got obsessive about peeing afterwards. I wonder, though, if thats another thing that got better after going gluten free? no, really, i might not have had a UTI since i had kids? Maybe cuz i got stretched out? no idea.

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