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Kindle Organization

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How do you organize your Kindle? Do you have Collections? What categories do you use? How do you keep track and not "lose" books?


This comes as a result of the recent free books and audiobooks from Amazon/Audible. I'm overwhelmed with books, audiobooks, SWB lectures, and PDFs. Every now and then I go through the collections I have set up and find books I forgot I had. I have downloaded Calibre but have not had time to figure it out - and it's on the PC, not the Kindle itself. And does Calibre handle audiobooks, PDFs, etc?



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I have collections. Here's how they work:


BOOKSTORE: free samples

NIGHTSTAND: things I am currently reading

SHELF: books I have purchased that I haven't read yet

ARCHIVE: books I have read

CHURCH BAG: scriptures, manuals, etc. for church and scripture study

FREEBIES: free books I probably won't ever read

HEBREW/GREEK: a bunch of PDFs I use for studying the languages

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Mine are:

Currently reading ( I try to keep fewer than 20 in here)

Favorites (that I reread if I can't find anything else to read)

Kids books (all stuff that is suitable for kids so I can help them find something appropriate to read if I need to)

books for older kid - (stuff I bought for older dd but she hasn't read yet - just a quick reference for me)

books for younger kid - (younger dd currently shares my kindle)


books for work


-- I delete from my device everything I've read but don't think I'll reread - it stays in my archive unless it is unfit to read again then I permanently remove it from account so no one else gets tortured with it. I share my kindle account with 4 or 5 family members, and we have a large library.

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My collections are:


Biography and memoirs

Children's books




Culture and philosophy



Fiction - general

Fiction - historical

Fiction - literary



Health and psychology



Home and Garden


Instructional and reference


Library books

Marriage and parenting



Science fiction and dystopia

Short stories

Thrillers, adventure & mysteries



Young Adult Fiction



Then I always keep my current book outside of the categories so it's easily found.


I don't put all my books on my Kindle though. For the rest of the "mess" I just look at the Kindle online reader to choose something I want (because I can see the book covers) and then download it to my Kindle.


I really wish there was a way to organize everything online like virtual bookshelves where you can drag and drop stuff, etc.

Maybe someday!

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I had collections.



Non Fiction








I cant explain how to set it up on the keyboard. You use the 5 way while the title is highlighted. Then it will say Add To Collection. But to set up a collection i think theres an option in the Menu? I havent done it in awhile and I dont have my Keyboard anymore.

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I had collections.



Non Fiction








I cant explain how to set it up on the keyboard. You use the 5 way while the title is highlighted. Then it will say Add To Collection. But to set up a collection i think theres an option in the Menu? I havent done it in awhile and I dont have my Keyboard anymore.



Thanks! I just figured out how to do it on my Kindle Touch based on your instructions. I didn't even realize it was an option to create collections. Phew, now I don't have to scroll through 200 books just to find something at the end.:lol:

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Am I the only one who is too lazy to get organized? My books are a jumbled mess and it seems overwhelming to try to put them in any kind of order. The only thing I do is try to put all of the fiction on my regular Kindle, non-fiction (but without too many photos) on the Kindle Fire, and cookbooks or heavily illustrated books on one of the iPads.


But beyond that, I am a disorganized mess. :blush:

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Thanks! I just figured out how to do it on my Kindle Touch based on your instructions. I didn't even realize it was an option to create collections. Phew, now I don't have to scroll through 200 books just to find something at the end.:lol:


ok and for the clue-less among us -- help -- i have a kindle fire (3 actually) -- and i'd looooove to make collections for me, my mom (one of the fires is her's), classics for school and children books.


i can't puzzle it out --


i see how to add books to "favorites" but that is all i can figure out

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ok and for the clue-less among us -- help -- i have a kindle fire (3 actually) -- and i'd looooove to make collections for me, my mom (one of the fires is her's), classics for school and children books.


i can't puzzle it out --


i see how to add books to "favorites" but that is all i can figure out


ACK! I don't know how much help I'll be. I don't have the Fire, just the Touch. Let me explain how to do it on mine and maybe it'll help you.


K, I go to my home page, where all the books are listed. All 200 of them (eep!). I click the "Menu" button. A new screen pops up and I hit the "Create New Collection" button. Then I name the new collection, I did one for Children's Read Alouds, then hit "OK". To sort the books into the collections, I go back to my home page, and instead of tapping my finger on a title to open the book, I hold my finger on the title and a new menu screen pops up. "Add to Collection" is the option I want, so I click that then choose the collection(s) I want. And just keep adding books to collections or creating new ones. Hope that helps, maybe?

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ACK! I don't know how much help I'll be. I don't have the Fire, just the Touch. Let me explain how to do it on mine and maybe it'll help you.


K, I go to my home page, where all the books are listed. All 200 of them (eep!). I click the "Menu" button. A new screen pops up and I hit the "Create New Collection" button. Then I name the new collection, I did one for Children's Read Alouds, then hit "OK". To sort the books into the collections, I go back to my home page, and instead of tapping my finger on a title to open the book, I hold my finger on the title and a new menu screen pops up. "Add to Collection" is the option I want, so I click that then choose the collection(s) I want. And just keep adding books to collections or creating new ones. Hope that helps, maybe?


:( I don't have a menu option

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