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How satisfied are you with your choices this year?


How satidifed are you with your choices for this year?  

  1. 1. How satidifed are you with your choices for this year?

    • Couldn't be happier! Our year is going great!
    • Mostly satisfied, but there's room for improvement.
    • About half and half. While I like some of what I chose, I need to change some too.
    • I'd like to start from scratch!
    • Mandatory other, or hey there's a guy in a kilt, and he's holding a cupcake!

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I'm very happy so far with our year, more of that is about our approach than any particular curriculum. I've tweaked a bit here and there and am still working on some kinks.


I voted mostly happy as there is always something that can be tweaked. ;) That said, I am very much enjoying our approach as well; that has been a gradual but major change here. In terms of curriculum, not much has changed there, though I am switching the older two boys to Phonetic Zoo from AAS because having gone through the first 6 books, I am done teaching them spelling and want to focus on ds#3. They still need reinforcement though, and do like having some independence during the day, so I think it'll work well. The biggest hit that has us all satisfied is BF's Geography plans using the H. C. Holling books.

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I worked hard on our curriculum for this school year and I think my work paid off - it's going really well. Of course, we're only 2 weeks in and this is our first full week. But still, it's going very well and my hopes are high that we'll have a really good year.

Edited by Chava_Raizel
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We're in our 7th week and most everything is going well. I did change math for my youngest last week. We're so busy outside of school that it's sometimes hard to get everything done, but we're enjoying what we have. I'm really happy I went with A History of US for my oldest, she likes it. Hake grammar is new for my middle and she likes it better than CLE.

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We're in week 10, though we did take a week off, so really week 9. That being said I went with mostly satisfied. I did have to switch our reading curriculum fairly early, neither DS or I was a fan of OPGtR, so we switched to AAR, which he likes more.


I still haven't started everything, and our Science and History study is a bit sporadic, though it is working for us.


I am not sure about Math at the moment, I like Singapore, it seems to be working, but we're doing some Math Mammoth right now, and I really like it too, so I'm debating switching or just continuing to supplement with it as needed, I haven't decided which route to go yet there. I like both programs and they both are working, I am just not sure how I want to handle them.

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I'm super happy!


Teaching Textbooks, which I started ds in back around the turn of the year after it became clear that Math Mammoth (which dd loves!) was. not. working for him has continued to be a success. He completed all of TT3 in about 5 months and did well on a year-end standardized test. He is now in TT4. His attitude toward math, his confidence, and his belief in his own intelligence have blossomed, and I can also see that he is understanding what he is learning. Whatever crummy things people have to say about TT, it has made a huge difference for us.


Getting Started With Latin/Salvete have been hits with dd for Latin. She has alternately been very excited/reluctant to start Latin. I told her it wasn't an option and she would be doing it regardless. She was opposed when we began but almost immediately decided she loves it and it is one of her favorite subjects (of course, dd will say that about almost all subjects).


We ditched WWS and moved to a vintage writing book, School Composition by Maxwell, and writing is going much more smoothly. WWS was making dd hate writing, which she's always enjoyed. School Composition teaches outlining, which is important to me, and is thorough without being overwhelming and discouraging.


Apples and Pears and Dancing Bears are continuing to help ds improve his spelling and reading.


Holt Life Science has been engaging to both children. I'm not so much worried about them retaining all the details (it is, after all, a middle school book that I'm using with a 4th and 5th grader), but it is interesting, and it's easy to focus on the broad ideas as pegs on which to hang future knowledge.


I can see why some people have described History Odyssey as boring, but it's a good framework, and I can keep it lively by adding in extra books and hands-on activities.


Getting Started With Spanish continues to work well.


Overall, we are very satisfied.



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I chose other. Only because I'd love to see a guy in a kilt holding a cupcake. No, jk. Uh, I'm not satisfied, but I'm not changing things. THat's why I chose "other". I've struggled with science all along. This year I just decided to do A Beka because I'm swamped, overwhelmed, exhausted, trying to do to much..... you get the picture. And I thought, "Hey, we'll just read it and get it done and it's a pretty thorough program! Boring, but it's science! I don't have to worry about it." I'm just not happy. The older kids' book is pretty good, but the first grade book is so simplistic. I'm not happy. But, we're sticking with it. I've spent waaaay too much money this year and I just don't have the time to piece things together with library books. That's what I've been trying to get away from in the first place.

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We're about a quarter in, and my kids are loving school. Except for bumping my son up a level in math, we haven't changed or needed to change anything.


As mom and teacher, I'd give anything for another day in my week. Trying to get it (life) all in has been my struggle so far.

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I'm really, really, really, really crabby this week :glare: and I'd like a do-over, so I chose the "start from scratch" option. No really. I hate all my choices for this year.


I just can't get into the groove. Today was day 2. :lol:


P.S. The cupcakes are MINE, MINE I tell you!

Edited by Monkey Island Academy
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Pen, what are you not liking about the BW class?? I have wondered how those are.


I'm trying to keep updating on my experience on a thread on Special Needs title, not very helpfully, something like "Well, I did it!" I'm hoping it will get better, but at the moment it is feeling like a very big expense for ... not much, at best--and maybe a very big expense for causing greater frustration and discouragement instead of encouragement (even though I can tell the teacher is trying to be encouraging as best she is able). Also, it has lots of do this and that rules/instructions/limits that seem to conflict with the whole idea of freeing up the child to express him/herself.

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