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seaonal allergies are knocking my family out!!!!

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My 8 year old son has been hit hard....we took him to the doctor about 1 1/2 weeks ago...(he is very congested) they put him on Zertec and Nasonex. It took serveral days to kick in...which it did....for about 2 days and then all of a sudden it stopped working (or course right after I got the script filled (they gave us samples to start with))...so I am not sure what to do. I have been using Afrin with him and that works...but I can't do that until the first hard frost.


My 12 year is also miserable...she has a sore throat, stuffy nose and watery, itchy eyes. Afrin works for her nose too...but can't over use it.


What would you do...we have tried most of the liquid allergy OTC meds...I thinki its too late to start Naselcrom, right...that is more of a preventative...can't afford more doctor bills and meds that stop working. UGH!!!

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Use Afrin for only one week. We do saline rinse, if cant stand that then put saline in nasal spray bottle and do 5 squirts in each nostril then turn head upside down. Next use nasal spray nasonex. You can safely add Allegra as well . I have a son that does all that plus singular and sometimes albuterol before exercise this time of year.

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:grouphug: It is sooooo bad here. My dh mowed yesterday and my head almost exploded. Even my teeth hurt:glare:.


I have no real advice, just commiseration. I've been taking a Claritan-D every morning and a Benedryl Allergy/Sinus pill every night. It doesn't eliminate the symptoms, but it helps me to at least act semi-human.


Another :grouphug:. We can pray for an early frost.

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It is absolutely brutal here for me and one of my sons, while dh and our other son seem to have no problems. I'm taking Allegra daily, shower and change often, had the carpets cleaned and vacuum the house daily, do sinus rinses 2x a day.... usually that all helps but this week it's not working at all. Aagh!

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I take a benadryl at night and close up the bedroom and use an air conditioner. It helps a lot.


This is what I have to do. It seems to be bad this year too for us. Dh stepped outside on the porch and immediately started sneezing. I used his car a few weeks ago and had to come home and take two Benadryl.


I would also look into an air purifier and make sure floors are well vacuumed, no one wears shoes in the house and maybe even shower or at least change clothes when they come in from outside.

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Youngest boy and I are surviving on Allegra. If it weren't for that, we would be insane.


Our biggest issue is Ragweed. Ragweed grows with Golden Rod..winding itself around the base and not nearly as tall so when you look at a field of golden rod you don't see the ragweed. Ugh....we've got fields and fields of bumper crops of golden rod and then we found it growing on the property. I am no fan of herbicides...not.one.little.bit. But, ds and I have to survive and so dh will be spraying tonight. The last thing I need is it growing around the house.


:grouphug: Faith

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My ODD has seasonal allergies, they aren't awful but for at least a few times a week during the bad times I have to give her her daily claritin in the morning and benadryl before bed. She hates it because her eyes get so swollen and itchy. I hope you find something that works well.

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