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Bother! I'm really frustrated with Rainbow Science customer service right now. :-/

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After much hemming and hawing, I finally decided to try something new and have my third son use Rainbow Science. Nine days ago I purchased the Year 1 program. Aside from an email acknowledgment of my purchase, I've had no contact from them as to when my goods were shipped/due to arrive.


I emailed them today, and they wrote back and said the Year 1 Lab Book is backordered, not due to arrive for 2-3 weeks. Wha-a-a-t...?! And this is the first I hear of it ~ upon contacting them nine days after my purchase?! Did they think I wouldn't notice the conspicuous absence of a package from them week after week after week?


I'm so irritated right now. I hate poor customer service & communication, and I hate that I now have to ad lib something else for who-knows-how-long. Grrr!

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After much hemming and hawing, I finally decided to try something new and have my third son use Rainbow Science. Nine days ago I purchased the Year 1 program. Aside from an email acknowledgment of my purchase, I've had no contact from them as to when my goods were shipped/due to arrive.


I emailed them today, and they wrote back and said the Year 1 Lab Book is backordered, not due to arrive for 2-3 weeks. Wha-a-a-t...?! And this is the first I hear of it ~ upon contacting them nine days after my purchase?! Did they think I wouldn't notice the conspicuous absence of a package from them week after week after week?


I'm so irritated right now. I hate poor customer service & communication, and I hate that I now have to ad lib something else for who-knows-how-long. Grrr!


I sent you a PM that might help.

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Do you happen to have Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry? For a 6th grader, Level I is pretty easy, but paired with Tiner's "Exploring the World of Chemistry" it is a great intro to the subject. (I imagine that you have the Tiner book kicking around since you used to do Sonlight.) Just wait on the lab part until Rainbow finally arrives.

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Do you happen to have Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry? For a 6th grader, Level I is pretty easy, but paired with Tiner's "Exploring the World of Chemistry" it is a great intro to the subject. (I imagine that you have the Tiner book kicking around since you used to do Sonlight.) Just wait on the lab part until Rainbow finally arrives.



Mmm, no, I don't have either of those resources.

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I'm doing the same thing. I ordered around the 15th and had a confirmation email. I'd been watching my account to see when they charged me and nothing. I finally emailed them and they said they were waiting on some items for the lab kit. I really wish my first purchase with them had of went better. I don't mind them waiting on items, but I don't understand why after a week or so that they didn't email me and let me know what the hold up was. I dislike that I had to seek them out. I hope I like the curriculum:tongue_smilie:.




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I'm doing the same thing. I ordered around the 15th and had a confirmation email. I'd been watching my account to see when they charged me and nothing. I finally emailed them and they said they were waiting on some items for the lab kit. I really wish my first purchase with them had of went better. I don't mind them waiting on items, but I don't understand why after a week or so that they didn't email me and let me know what the hold up was. I dislike that I had to seek them out.



Yes, they should have contacted us asap after we purchased if they knew there would be a delay ~ and go ahead and ship out what is available. I asked them to do that and they said they will, but now I wonder...they didn't tell me there's a delay on items on the lab kit, only the lab book itself. Did you order the complete first year Rainbow program?


I'm so sorry you are both having trouble. Colleen, I just realized the suggestion I sent you probably won't work after reading your original post again.


Thank you, anyway!:)

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I ordered on Aug 11 and found out this week when I called them....2 weeks after I placed my order. I, too, am not impressed. I am going to use a TOPS book this month while we wait. Maybe you could use the free middle school chem course by ACS Middleschoolchemistry.com until Rainbow arrives.


Be patient.........

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Actually, isn't this the time of year when everything IS on backorder?


I'm so spoiled by Amazon Prime that I get annoyed if my order (from elsewhere) takes more than a week to arrive.


The backordered part is annoying (but understandable IMO), but the lack of communication is the big problem. If you are going to have to wait to start, at least they should have let you know the situation and how long it would take to get the book to you.


I always try to order my stuff early in the summer because of how busy homeschooling companies are during the middle & late summer getting orders filled. But I completely understand taking awhile to decide on science. I still haven't found a science that I'm in love with.

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I ordered on Aug 11 and found out this week when I called them....2 weeks after I placed my order. I, too, am not impressed.


Wow. Totally unacceptable.

Stuff shouldn't be on backorder at this time of year!
Actually, isn't this the time of year when everything IS on backorder?...The backordered part is annoying (but understandable IMO), but the lack of communication is the big problem.


I think a company like Rainbow that has basically one product, or set of products, can avoid facing back orders. But yes, it can happen ~ and when it does, communication is key. Honestly, I've been totally unimpressed even by the communication I have had (now that I've pursued it). The woman who replied to me said she "just found out a while ago" about the back order. Whatever that means, given that in this thread alone, three of us who ordered in the past few weeks have yet to receive anything.

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Colleen, do you want some Science Explorer books? I don't need them anymore. Just pick which ones you are interested in and I will mail them out. I don't have any experimental books to go along with them--just the texts; but as a stopgap they are pretty good.


Oh, Carol, thanks so much for this. But I'll likely have Luke read the first chapter in Apologia General and then just mess around with a few TOPS books or library resources. I appreciate your offer!:)

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Yep, and everything looks great. I like the quality of the books, better than what I thought they'd be.




That's encouraging! It's odd that they told me the lab book wasn't available, but you just received yours. They're supposedly sending out my other items, though, so sooner or later I may actually be able to use the program. :tongue_smilie:

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The saga continues. They said my package shipped on Saturday, but now I'm told the label "got lost among the packages". (What?) So it's still not on the way. Oh, and now the lab workbook isn't expected until the end of the month ~ which, based on their track record, could mean anything.


I have to say, I really feel for the gal dealing with all this. She said she's the only one working there and she's clearly overwhelmed. The owner is apparently out of the country. Not the smartest business move to go away during the busy season and leave one person handling it all.

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The saga continues. They said my package shipped on Saturday, but now I'm told the label "got lost among the packages". (What?) So it's still not on the way. Oh, and now the lab workbook isn't expected until the end of the month ~ which, based on their track record, could mean anything.


I have to say, I really feel for the gal dealing with all this. She said she's the only one working there and she's clearly overwhelmed. The owner is apparently out of the country. Not the smartest business move to go away during the busy season and leave one person handling it all.


Did they tell you that today? Because I called yesterday (Wednesday) and was told that they were expecting it to arrive today (Thursday) and that the package would be shipped then. When I clarified if she meant that they would be shipping orders out the day they were expecting the book to arrive, she told me that my order would be shipped on Friday.

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Did they tell you that today? Because I called yesterday (Wednesday) and was told that they were expecting it to arrive today (Thursday) and that the package would be shipped then. When I clarified if she meant that they would be shipping orders out the day they were expecting the book to arrive, she told me that my order would be shipped on Friday.



Yes, Sarah wrote in an email this morning that the Rainbow Year 1 lab workbooks won't be in until the end of the month. Is she the person with whom you spoke, and is that the book you're referring to? If so, well...that only adds to the confusion and frustration!

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Yes, Sarah wrote in an email this morning that the Rainbow Year 1 lab workbooks won't be in until the end of the month. Is she the person with whom you spoke, and is that the book you're referring to? If so, well...that only adds to the confusion and frustration!


The person I spoke with did not identify herself when she answered the phone, so I don't know if it was Sarah. I was trying to check the status of my order online, and I could not access my account on their website so I called. It took several attempts before someone actually answered the phone. One time it sounded as if someone picked up, and then hung up immediately. :confused:


Yes, it was the Year 1 lab workbook that she said they were waiting for. I really had to press to get any information.

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This is going to bug you.


I thought I'd need 2 lab books when I ordered. Once they told me they were backorderd I changed my order to one.


I got the package last night and I received two. @@


What annoyed me more than that is that they told me I would receive shipment until the end of Sept so i planned a month of science with great labs (lots of supplies). If I had known I was going to get my expensive science course on third third day of school that wouldn't have been necessary.


Sorry for the vent.

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This is going to bug you.


I thought I'd need 2 lab books when I ordered. Once they told me they were backorderd I changed my order to one.


I got the package last night and I received two. @@


What annoyed me more than that is that they told me I would receive shipment until the end of Sept so i planned a month of science with great labs (lots of supplies). If I had known I was going to get my expensive science course on third third day of school that wouldn't have been necessary.


Sorry for the vent.


What?! Yes, that does bug me! It's one thing for a company to be behind in fulfilling orders, but this lack of communication and/or miscommunication is insane. How complicated is it to know with certainty whether or not they have the lab books available? Why on earth is she telling one thing to one customer and something different altogether to another?


At this point, she claims my package has been sent when in fact it hasn't. I really don't know what to believe or what to expect. I plan to phone next week when, I hope, the owner/author is available. But even then, beyond expressing my dissatisfaction, I don't know that I'll have any real answers or if/when my order will arrive.

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Ugh, how frustrating. Their whole backorder process needs to be revamped IMO.


If something is backordered, they should ship the remainder of the order right away and the backordered items when they are available, at no extra shipping cost. Period. That's pretty standard practice.


They should also notify the customer that the backordered item is out of stock within 24 hours of receiving the order. That is the only professional thing to do if you aren't going to invest in the technology that would allow an item to show out of stock so a customer can't order it from the website when it's not available to ship right away.


I know they don't do it because of the cost of the extra shipping, and they don't want to invest the tech resources to improve inventory counts/backorder communication, but I've never known another company to have these types of policies.


I placed an order in mid August. I received an email a few days later that an item was on backorder (1 out of 7 things). The email wasn't clear as to what I could do other than just wait for the item to come in. I called and had them cancel the backordered item and the rest shipped in a day or two later.


To temper my negativity, I will say that other than this backorder hassle, I have only had great experiences ordering from Rainbow.

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I placed an order in mid August. I received an email a few days later that an item was on backorder (1 out of 7 things). The email wasn't clear as to what I could do other than just wait for the item to come in. I called and had them cancel the backordered item and the rest shipped in a day or two later.


I'm surprised you received an email, and that the rest of the order went out (relatively) quickly. That's a far cry from what's happened for me, but I do think the owner's absence has been the deciding factor.

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Sorry to keep harping on this, but after speaking with the owner today, I want to update. He (the owner/author) just returned yesterday from China, so he's playing catch-up and aware that there are orders backlogged. (I wasn't terribly surprised to hear that the gal who has been taking care of things called in sick today, btw. She's probably been at the end of her rope, just waiting for him to get back!)


He explained that they recently had a small number of lab workbooks come in, which allowed some orders to be fulfilled. (As others noted in this thread.) He also mentioned that he brought some lab workbooks back from his trip ~ apparently they're printed in China (which is an issue for me, but that's beside the point right now). He confirmed that the larger order of books is not due for a few weeks.


Regarding the rest of my shipment, he seemed a little surprised that I'd asked to have it sent ahead. Seems obvious to me, though; why would anyone want to wait more than a month for their entire order? He was very nice about it, though.


The next question was, of course, where exactly is my order that was allegedly shipped days ago? It was assigned a tracking number, and it's not in their office, but UPS doesn't have it. It seems to have gone missing.:001_huh:


This whole thing isn't life or death, of course. I don't want his employee to quit her job under the pressure, and I don't want to stress him out when he's only just returned from overseas. But, well, I do want my order. He was completely kind and understanding and is going to contact UPS. If they can't track down the package, he will send out another. Either way, he said he'd phone me on Monday and let me know what's happening.


So that's where it stands. Clearly, from the reviews it receives, this is a well-loved product, and I appreciate the owner's personal concern. But I do seem to have ordered at the wrong time, given the circumstances!

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Colleen, did you get an update?


No. He sounded so sincere in his absolute intention to contact me on Monday, but he didn't do so. So here I am, still wondering what on earth is happening with my long-standing order. I'll call or email tomorrow again. And then the next day, if need be....and the next...and good grief! this is ridiculous.:001_huh:


Thank you for asking, Shannon.


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No. He sounded so sincere in his absolute intention to contact me on Monday, but he didn't do so. So here I am, still wondering what on earth is happening with my long-standing order. I'll call or email tomorrow again. And then the next day, if need be....and the next...and good grief! this is ridiculous.:001_huh:


Thank you for asking, Shannon.


Bummer. I was hoping that you would have heard from him. Personally, I'd rather hear, "We're still working on it," than nothing at all.

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Durell (the owner/author) phoned me earlier this week to say that my package is at long last on the way. It should contain everything I ordered, but seeing is believing, if you kwim. It's due to arrive next week ~ so roughly one month after I placed my order. Better late than never, I s'pose. Clearly, once Durell was back on the job, things got moving. The take-away, for him, is to make sure work can proceed in an efficient, timely manner in his absence.

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Durell (the owner/author) phoned me earlier this week to say that my package is at long last on the way. It should contain everything I ordered, but seeing is believing, if you kwim. It's due to arrive next week ~ so roughly one month after I placed my order. Better late than never, I s'pose. Clearly, once Durell was back on the job, things got moving. The take-away, for him, is to make sure work can proceed in an efficient, timely manner in his absence.


Did your order arrive, Colleen?


After your last post, I never got around to calling them again. I was able to actually log in to my account and check my status, which didn't provide anything other than my order information (at least when I checked it). The box arrived this morning. Of course we just started something else yesterday, but at least it is here, hopefully with all the parts.


Anyway, I hope yours has arrived with everything so that you are able to get started.

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Did your order arrive, Colleen?


After your last post, I never got around to calling them again. I was able to actually log in to my account and check my status, which didn't provide anything other than my order information (at least when I checked it). The box arrived this morning. Of course we just started something else yesterday, but at least it is here, hopefully with all the parts.


Anyway, I hope yours has arrived with everything so that you are able to get started.


I've been meaning to post an update...Yes, my box arrived and I am now, finally, in possession of Luke's science curriculum. I'm pleased with what I've seen/read thus far, although the brevity of the text ~ given that it's intended to span two complete school years ~ is somewhat surprising. I'm confident it will meet our needs, though. Hope that proves to be the case ~ for us, as well as for you, Shannon!:)

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I've been meaning to post an update...Yes, my box arrived and I am now, finally, in possession of Luke's science curriculum. I'm pleased with what I've seen/read thus far, although the brevity of the text ~ given that it's intended to span two complete school years ~ is somewhat surprising. I'm confident it will meet our needs, though. Hope that proves to be the case ~ for us, as well as for you, Shannon!:)


missing seeing you around at the other place.

sent you a pm over there.

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I'm pleased with what I've seen/read thus far, although the brevity of the text ~ given that it's intended to span two complete school years ~ is somewhat surprising.


I had the same thought when it arrived, and I almost returned it!


DS1 loves it though, and asked to continue with it this school year. I have increased his workload in other subjects this year, so it has worked out that science is not a big demand on his time.

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