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As if I could feel more deflated!

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My son has completed a questionnaire for a local grocery store during his application process. He failed it FOUR times!


Today, on my way home from shopping at said grocery store, I see his roommate walking home from there wearing one of their t-shirts.


He was hired. :cursing:


(PS -- Our son rents the house across the street from us.)

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I can top that and hopefully make you feel better! My oldest son, complete with an academic scholarship to the a major state university, great ACT scores, and a pre law major...failed the test given at Krystal, the risky dink hamburger chain here in the south. Everyone passes that test. He did get a job at Brookstone and sells gadgets, much better for his ego, but still...:001_huh:

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One of the smartest men I have ever known was fired as a grocery bagger. He is a very good lawyer.


Yes Dawn, I get the feeling that the problem is more attitude than ability with your son. It's not a failure on your part, he needs to get himself together and find some motivation from somewhere.

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What is on the test?


I know lots of girls who fail to get into things like Cosmo class, because on the test are personality questions, and if the girls answer that they are introverts, they're not accepted into the program.


Retail is a lot of interaction with people-perhaps they have something similar?

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Thanks! It seems to be some sort of personality test that determines your level of extrovert-ness, how you would handle knowing an employee were stealing and that sort of thing. It's not a knowledge test.


I worked in retail, then as a waitress, and then at an electrical testing company. I loved all those experiences, but I consider myself an introvert.

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Thanks! It seems to be some sort of personality test that determines your level of extrovert-ness, how you would handle knowing an employee were stealing and that sort of thing. It's not a knowledge test.


I worked in retail, then as a waitress, and then at an electrical testing company. I loved all those experiences, but I consider myself an introvert.


So he doesn't have the right personality to work in a grocery store. Heck, maybe that's a good thing. Is he applying for other jobs? I'm sure he'll qualify for something.

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What is on the test?


I know lots of girls who fail to get into things like Cosmo class, because on the test are personality questions, and if the girls answer that they are introverts, they're not accepted into the program.


Retail is a lot of interaction with people-perhaps they have something similar?


This. My sil failed the personality test given by her future employer many times (a bank). The HR person really wanted to hire her and couldn't figure out why she was failing based on her interviews. They basically 'fed' her the answers and she passed. That was over 10 years ago and she is now a manager with the company.


Iirc she kept testing as someone with low self-esteem. So not true. She said she was trying to be modest (not braggy).

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