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My dachshund is a mama's boy. He insists on staying with me at all times. He follows me if I leave the room. He tries to sit on me when I'm on the sofa but will settle for laying against my leg with his body resting half on mine. In the evenings when we're watching tv, he has to be under his blanket. And he sleeps in my bed under the covers. When we adopted him, he acted this way from Day 1. We tried to crate train him but it was a disaster. We've had him almost 2 years and he's a good dog. Just perhaps a big baby?


Are all dachshunds like this, or is my dog truly spoiled?

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My dachsund is SO awesome! He is like you say now that my rat terrier is gone, but he has ALWAYS come to me through out the day to be picked up and loved on. He needs that touch through out the day. He does follow me around, sleeps under covers with me, sits in my lap at night once the heat passes.


He is my only little dog now but he plays with the puppies, a blackmout cur and a mastiff mix, like he is their size. It is SO cute to watch, the pups, both over 60 lbs and growing, lie on the floor so he can reach them.:lol::lol::lol: it is the CUTEST thing.


He loves to kayak, go on four wheeler rides, snow mobile rides, surf. He drew crowds at the beach last week and people took pics of him surfing. He also LOVES car rides.


He is the COOLEST, sweetest dog, but he tends to nip so he is in a cage when we have company over. I LOVE him!!!

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One of mine is a large baby. He sleeps under the covers with his head on a pillow. The other one is not. She loves to burrow at night in who ever has room for her. Right now, my two dachshunds are curled up with my bernese mountain dog on the dog bed. So cute. My kids love on the dogs all day so I don't notice the pleading to be held, cuddled, etc.


Does your dachshund appreciate tea parties and jewelry? LOL. The baby one is my DD tea party guest daily and he looks so cute in earrings ( clip on) and such. He just sits at the table waiting for his treat. He enjoys it and will stare at the table if it passed time for one.

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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The two dachshunds I know are the same way. They are both boys.


We have three little rat terriers and they are all like this too. My dog follows me around all day. She even goes to the laundry room with me and she sleeps under the covers. My daughters each have a rat terrier and their dogs follow them around all day too.


My oldest has a corgi. The corgi is the same way, following my DD around all day. The corgi doesn't sleep under the covers though, she sleeps at the top of my daughter's head.


My DH's shih Tzu follows him everywhere and waits by the door when he goes outside or if she thinks he's coming home from work. I have her sleeping in a pen so I don't know if she likes to get under the covers or not.

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One of mine is a large baby. He sleeps under the covers with his head on a pillow. The other one is not. She loves to burrow at night in who ever has room for her. Right now, my two dachshunds are curled up with my bernese mountain dog on the dog bed. So cute. My kids love on the dogs all day so I don't notice the pleading to be held, cuddled, etc.


Does your dachshund appreciate tea parties and jewelry? LOL. The baby one is my DD tea party guest daily and he looks so cute in earrings and such. He just sits at the table waiting for his treat.


My male dachsumd is always dressed up as a girl, clip earrings and all. He sits there like a stuffed animal while we pose him, dress him up, etc.:lol::lol::lol:Mrs. Potato head glasses qnd hats fit perfectly!:lol:

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The two dachshunds I know are the same way. They are both boys.


We have three little rat terriers and they are all like this too. My dog follows me around all day. She even goes to the laundry room with me and she sleeps under the covers. My daughters each have a rat terrier and their dogs follow them around all day too.


My oldest has a corgi. The corgi is the same way, following my DD around all day. The corgi doesn't sleep under the covers though, she sleeps at the top of my daughter's head.


My DH's shih Tzu follows him everywhere and waits by the door when he goes outside or if she thinks he's coming home from work. I have her sleeping in a pen so I don't know if she likes to get under the covers or not.


My rat terrier was my first small dog. She was SO amazing. I had to have her put down a few weeks back. I miss her SO MUCH. She was my loyal shadow. I can't stand not having her here. :crying:

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I love dachshund personalities. I really want to get another dachshund. Your description sounds just like the one we had except that we were able to crate train him. He became best friends with one of our fluffy cats and they would lay together in sun patches around the house. So sweet.


He could not walk as far as our larger dog and definitely couldn't tolerate much cold. It was common for DH to arrive back home from winter dog walking with the dachshund tucked into his jacket.

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I love dachshund personalities. I really want to get another dachshund. Your description sounds just like the one we had except that we were able to crate train him. He became best friends with one of our fluffy cats and they would lay together in sun patches around the house. So sweet.


He could not walk as far as our larger dog and definitely couldn't tolerate much cold. It was common for DH to arrive back home from winter dog walking with the dachshund tucked into his jacket.


Oh, I tuck mine in my jacket because he is my heater!!! He lays alongside my back all winter long. I would be cold without him!


Mine can walk farnp, though. Maybe because he has always had large dogs and follows them on our walks?

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My rat terrier was my first small dog. She was SO amazing. I had to have her put down a few weeks back. I miss her SO MUCH. She was my loyal shadow. I can't stand not having her here. :crying:


That is so sad.:crying: I've had my little rat terrier, Butter, for nine years or so. I can't imagine not having her. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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My dachshund is a mama's boy. He insists on staying with me at all times. He follows me if I leave the room. He tries to sit on me when I'm on the sofa but will settle for laying against my leg with his body resting half on mine. In the evenings when we're watching tv, he has to be under his blanket. And he sleeps in my bed under the covers. When we adopted him, he acted this way from Day 1. We tried to crate train him but it was a disaster. We've had him almost 2 years and he's a good dog. Just perhaps a big baby?


Are all dachshunds like this, or is my dog truly spoiled?


I have a yorkie/dachshund mix....and he is a little love! Smart, loving....but he does bark a lot .....and he thinks cat poop is a gourmet treat.....sigh.

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We have a chiweenie. She isn't nippy or yippy. She is my little shadow, but she is crate trained. She loves her crate- runs in on her own and snuggles down on her bed.


She just turned a year old. She can sit, up, down, shake, and wait and I don't know a thing about training dogs. She loves attention and thinks that everyone who comes over is here to see her.


She does like to hide/ burrow. While we were thinking of names, we called her the hiding dog. This was shortened to hidey dog and finally Hidey. :D



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