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Seen any really inspiring movies? (Christian content)

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Hello friends,

Last night my family and I watched "Cry the Beloved Country" with James Earl Jones. I was so deeply touched that I'm still thinking about it nearly 24 hours later. For anyone that hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. I was so touched on so many levels that I am still processing it and would find it hard to put it into words yet.


There are times that God uses a movie to teach me about truth or principles in following the way of Christ, and this is one of those really special ones. Even today when I had my devotions I felt that watching the movie was connected to what I was reading and sensing in my spirit.


Have any of you ever had similar experiences? If so, then please share about it. What movies were the most inspiring?




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Hello friends,

Last night my family and I watched "Cry the Beloved Country" with James Earl Jones. I was so deeply touched that I'm still thinking about it nearly 24 hours later. For anyone that hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. I was so touched on so many levels that I am still processing it and would find it hard to put it into words yet.


There are times that God uses a movie to teach me about truth or principles in following the way of Christ, and this is one of those really special ones. Even today when I had my devotions I felt that watching the movie was connected to what I was reading and sensing in my spirit.


Have any of you ever had similar experiences? If so, then please share about it. What movies were the most inspiring?





What?!? How did I not know there was a movie? With James Earl Jones? It was one of my favorite books. I think I need to look for the movie!

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Hello friends,

Last night my family and I watched "Cry the Beloved Country" with James Earl Jones. I was so deeply touched that I'm still thinking about it nearly 24 hours later. For anyone that hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. I was so touched on so many levels that I am still processing it and would find it hard to put it into words yet.


There are times that God uses a movie to teach me about truth or principles in following the way of Christ, and this is one of those really special ones. Even today when I had my devotions I felt that watching the movie was connected to what I was reading and sensing in my spirit.


Have any of you ever had similar experiences? If so, then please share about it. What movies were the most inspiring?





The movie was great, but the book is so much better. I found it tragic and sad, but full of hope as well.


As far as movies go, I think the most inspirational movie I have seen lately is Bella, which has already received rave reviews on these boards.


Another movie I find deeply moving is Wit with Emma Thompson.

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This is an openly Christian movie but for our family Facing the Giants was amazing. The dc got the message about not giving up, trusting God, glorifying God even when things are bad. For me the message about fertility and "I will still love Him" was powerful beyond words. I don't buy movies, we don't watch movies regularly, but I bought this one for my dc and they watch it once/month. I was honestly shocked at how well it was done and how awesomely it impacted all of us.

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This is an openly Christian movie but for our family Facing the Giants was amazing. The dc got the message about not giving up, trusting God, glorifying God even when things are bad. For me the message about fertility and "I will still love Him" was powerful beyond words. I don't buy movies, we don't watch movies regularly, but I bought this one for my dc and they watch it once/month. I was honestly shocked at how well it was done and how awesomely it impacted all of us.


This reminds me of the movie, "End of the Spear". Its message about forgiveness had a real effect on me too.


I don't buy movies either, but we have Netflix and rent our DVD's one at a time on an unlimited monthly basis. We're very selective though...most of our movies are for the whole family to watch together.




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You know, I may be WAAAY off base here, and I always hesitate to give my opinion about anything related to religion, as I have no confidence whatsoever in my ability or qualifications to even discuss matters of faith, but the Kevin Costner classic "Field of Dreams" has always struck me as having strong undercurrents of faith, hope and love.


It's one of our very favorite movies; we've even visited the actual field in Iowa twice!



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Yeah, Amazing Grace is another good pick. My history focus was always on John Newton until I started reading about Wilberforce and then saw the movie. It really inspired me to keep on keeping on, living by my convictions.


More movies anyone?




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Well, I really like Enchanted April. It's older, have you seen it? The main character really inspires me not to be stingy with love. It also inspires me to rent a castle in Italy!!!


Oh, I almost forgot about I Am David. Wow, that was just a great movie. It might be a bit emotionally intense for your daughter, I don't know. My 11yo sensitive son did alright with it. Very moving.

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Well, I really like Enchanted April. It's older, have you seen it? The main character really inspires me not to be stingy with love. It also inspires me to rent a castle in Italy!!!


Oh, I almost forgot about I Am David. Wow, that was just a great movie. It might be a bit emotionally intense for your daughter, I don't know. My 11yo sensitive son did alright with it. Very moving.


I second Enchanted April for the exact same reasons.:) We named our dog "Lottie" after the main character.

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