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Today is meet the teacher....

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:hurray: Maybe you could make up a quiz to see how much your children know about you, their new teacher!


I'd almost be afraid to find out, they know way too much about me :D


We are going to have to do something special though. For one, I'm buying myself the ultimate teacher gift...an iPad ;) School starts Monday and we've schooled almost all summer, I see a day of hooky and ice cream in our future!

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I probably shouldn't share this, but....I told my kids about this thread. Then we had a whole scenario where I pretended to introduce them to a ps teacher, then pretended to be the ps teacher, then pretended to say some really not pc things to the teacher as their mother. Yes, I am crazy, Yes, it is their fault.

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Oh DEFINTELY get that teacher gift!


I did, but it did NOT go as intended (see my thread about Apple stinking LOL)


Grab a cup of coffee and have a little conference with yourself - you know parent-teacher conference...


Funny. I said to my 13 year old, "Today is meet the teacher, are you excited?" He didn't realize I meant it was meet the teacher for the PS kids (he really got out of the PS mindset quickly) and looked at me like :001_huh: He said, "Well, I met you 13 years ago. I'm kind of over it...." LOL


YDS would go back to school in a heartbeat, he is a social butterfly and he squealed "Can *I* meet a teacher??" Sigh.


I probably shouldn't share this, but....I told my kids about this thread. Then we had a whole scenario where I pretended to introduce them to a ps teacher, then pretended to be the ps teacher, then pretended to say some really not pc things to the teacher as their mother. Yes, I am crazy, Yes, it is their fault.


YDS later came up to me and said, "I'd like to meet my teacher." He put out his hand and said, "My name is ____" so I shook his hand and said, "You can call me Mom." LOL I'm glad DH didn't witness that, there would have been much eyerolling and fretting over whether the kids were now "weird"...'cuz we weren't weird before. Not.At.All.

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I still have one in PS, but he's in high school and they don't have "Meet Your Teacher". I still have to go to it at the local elementary school because we are in charge of recruiting boys for our Cub Scout Pack that is chartered by the school PTO. When I first started homeschooling, we showed up at the school for Cub Scout recruiting and the first person we met asked my son what teacher he had and he answered, "My mom is my teacher. I'm homeschooled now." The other child was very confused and just stared at him.:lol: I was a little embarrassed when he announced it to every teacher or other adult who asked him about school.


I really do NOT miss things like open house and parent-teacher conferences!

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I still have one in PS, but he's in high school and they don't have "Meet Your Teacher". I still have to go to it at the local elementary school because we are in charge of recruiting boys for our Cub Scout Pack that is chartered by the school PTO. When I first started homeschooling, we showed up at the school for Cub Scout recruiting and the first person we met asked my son what teacher he had and he answered, "My mom is my teacher. I'm homeschooled now." The other child was very confused and just stared at him.:lol: I was a little embarrassed when he announced it to every teacher or other adult who asked him about school.


I really do NOT miss things like open house and parent-teacher conferences!


Oh, dear. Maybe you'd prefer what he was telling them to what my youngest tells people - "I don't know what grade I'm in. I don't "do" school anymore. Mom homeschools me." :tongue_smilie:Or, even better, responding to "What are you doing in school now?" with "Nothing. I'm homeschooled." I want to liquify and slide into the floor cracks LOL We actually ARE doing stuff but it is NOTHING like what he's used to in school so I guess he does think we don't do anything.

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Yay! It's our first year too and I'm so excited. I was thinking that on the first day of school I think I might suprise my kids with breakfast out and something fun. Not sure yet.


I'm so glad I don't have to do anymore PTA meetings, confrences with teachers who don't listen, IEP meetings, teacher appreication (well except when dh is home and I take my favorite teacher out for a quiet kid free afternoon, lol), fundraisers and so forth. I am so over it all!

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