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Best Planning Tips?

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Inspiring pictures, lol.


I've done this for years... The planning stuff, the spreadsheets. I'm tired.


I just was hoping for something that will get me all excited about planning this year's school year. I'm just not feeling it this year.


Motivational quotes, sarcastic remarks, lovely pictures of organization, I'd take any of it. :P :)

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When I find myself in the homeschooling doldrums, I usually head out for an afternoon by myself. I want to get a big skinny white chocolate mocha with whip, think my own thoughts, and write out my vision for the year or the next few years on a blank sheet of paper. I bring my 3-ring binder and review all that my olders have done in high school and what they still need. I envision what I want our days to look like, the routine and rhythm. What fun things do I want to add in? Field trips, museum days, concerts or plays? (We don't usually get to all of it, but it certainly helps motivate me to see some of the out of the house things we can do.)


Maybe this year you want to add in a nature day, or poetry lunch Tuesdays, or Friday night classic movies or . . . .


I'm pretty much past the catalogs. ;) Early on, the catalog or a good speaker was hugely motivating. But after this many years, I know most of what is out there and I know what works for us. I'd rather have time to think and plan and envision and a good laptop to research resources.


Hope some of this helps! I'm about to take a day like this myself. After I had a very just-do-the-core year (we did more than the core; but I wasn't really interested in much else), I'm excited about getting excited!



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Okay, now for a really bad idea to help motivate planning....


I bought a MacBook Pro! Actually, my mom helped us afford it. She said she wanted to give an apple to the teacher!:lol:


I must say, having a new toy to fool around with did get me started on planning. I'm doing all my planning on the laptop. I think it helps that I no longer have to sit at the desk in an uncomfortable chair for hours.


What I used to do to get motivated was


1. Pile up the books by subject

2. Buy a new paper planner and some really nice pens.

3. Buy some good tea and maybe some scones or other treat.

4. Clean the house.

5. Light a candle, make the tea, take my treats and sit there staring at the books with my planner open hoping it would all magically fall into place!


Eventually, I ended up getting something done.

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We're mostly outsourced or using pre-planned material, but I've got to nail down the Biology labs and outline the Grammar/Writing for my oldest. I've blocked out the next 3 martial arts sessions for that...


So not too bad, I guess.

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Dedicate the whole thing to the Lord again.


Ask him to anoint you and your children.


Ask God what to focus on and what to skip, what does he want.

Expect specific answers.

Give thanks in advance.

Let His peace fill you.


But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13


Use your anxiety as a barometer for how much you're trusting.

Lather,rinse, repeat.

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Okay, now for a really bad idea to help motivate planning....


I bought a MacBook Pro! Actually, my mom helped us afford it. She said she wanted to give an apple to the teacher!:lol:


I must say, having a new toy to fool around with did get me started on planning. I'm doing all my planning on the laptop. I think it helps that I no longer have to sit at the desk in an uncomfortable chair for hours.


What I used to do to get motivated was


1. Pile up the books by subject

2. Buy a new paper planner and some really nice pens.

3. Buy some good tea and maybe some scones or other treat.

4. Clean the house.

5. Light a candle, make the tea, take my treats and sit there staring at the books with my planner open hoping it would all magically fall into place!


Eventually, I ended up getting something done.


Now why does MY MIL not get so considerate and send me apples? :D Or maybe my dh! I'll have to try that on him. An apple for the teacher! Oops, I have one. (an imac and an ipad) Well I need another, I'm sure! :)


Many congrats!!!

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For several years, my ritual was to pack up all of the books for a single subject along with my planning pad and a favorite pen or two, then head to the cafe at Barnes and Noble. I'd sit there with a huge cup of tea or a soy latte and work through writing weekly goals for one subject.


A couple of days later, I'd go back with all of the books for another subject.


And so it went.


Unbroken hours of time by myself to focus on an interesting task are not a luxury I have all that often. So, this always seemed like a big treat for me.

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For several years, my ritual was to pack up all of the books for a single subject along with my planning pad and a favorite pen or two, then head to the cafe at Barnes and Noble. I'd sit there with a huge cup of tea or a soy latte and work through writing weekly goals for one subject.


A couple of days later, I'd go back with all of the books for another subject.


And so it went.


Unbroken hours of time by myself to focus on an interesting task are not a luxury I have all that often. So, this always seemed like a big treat for me.

Sigh...that would be wonderful.
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For several years, my ritual was to pack up all of the books for a single subject along with my planning pad and a favorite pen or two, then head to the cafe at Barnes and Noble. I'd sit there with a huge cup of tea or a soy latte and work through writing weekly goals for one subject.


A couple of days later, I'd go back with all of the books for another subject.


And so it went.


Unbroken hours of time by myself to focus on an interesting task are not a luxury I have all that often. So, this always seemed like a big treat for me.


Well, I really like that idea! I might just do it myself. No distractions ---unless you start looking at all the books!


Years ago I used to pile up the books on the table out on the patio and plan there while the kids played in the dirt, or whatever. They aren't as interested in dirt nowadays.


ETA: And, if I go to B&N, I won't have to look around the house and wonder if I should be cleaning instead!

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Dedicate the whole thing to the Lord again.


Ask him to anoint you and your children.


Ask God what to focus on and what to skip, what does he want.

Expect specific answers.

Give thanks in advance.

Let His peace fill you.


But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13


Use your anxiety as a barometer for how much you're trusting.

Lather,rinse, repeat.






Thank you.


I think I just figured out why I'm lacking inspiration lately. I've been putting the cart before the horse lately and trying to force it to go forward.


Thank you again.

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I'd like to add a thank you to everyone that posted.


My lack of ability to sit down and plan wasn't external. It's internal.


DH essentially gave me the whole three day weekend. He came in, taught me some very smooth tricks on my Excel templates, prettied everything up, made some suggestions, helped me decide our first 1/2 of the school year according to dates, and gave me plenty of time.


I'll leave out that he entertained nine kids, canned 10 jars of jelly and 6 jars of whole plums, and dried trays more... While doing the dishes. That would just make me seem lazy for not getting it all done.


I have decided to toss planning for a while, pray, spend some time NOT planning, but I AM keeping the husband.

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