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GYN offices who do Aesthetics?

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Oh. No. Uh-uh. Nor would I get a pap smear at a spa, even though it's not any higher on the skill level than most spa offerings. Just no.


It's clever, though. Higher profit margin services to offset liability insurance, divert attention from waiting room time, and make the entire experience a more pleasant one (which we know makes people less likely to sue)...


But, still, no.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Not the gyn I have here and not the gyn I had in the last two places I lived. They all seemed way too serious for that kind of thing. My dermatologist isn't openly offering it either, by the way. I mean, he may have it available but it certainly isn't forced onto you and I don't even remember it being openly out there.But then, he is the main dermatologist in town and seems to focus on real problems, not made up ones.

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The derm in our old state had tons of aesthetics but it was a separate part of the office, different staff even


The gyn I originally chose had a bunch of this stuff and I never paid much attention to it. I had to switch offices once he moved. My new doc is a family practitioner with none of the "beauty" stuff.


Looking for the new doc, I started to notice lots of offices offering all the anti-aging things. It struck me as a bit odd. But, I guess there is money in it!

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