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Let's see your desk

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Quick, without cleaning it, take a picture of your desk. If you dare :D Here is my messy desk, which is in my dinning/school room.


See those boxes on the filing cabinets? If you are waiting for books from me, those are them. :blush: I am mailing them today.


Also, notice the lovely sea foam green carpet? It matches one of the wall's beautiful mural. GAG. I hate this house LOL!


And yes, my flowers are dead. :D


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Gosh, Quiver. That's an awfully personal question, doncha think? Next thing you know, you'll be asking for pictures of our bedrooms!;)


Once my techno-savvy family rolls out of bed, I'll post a picture of mine, which I just love. It's a 1940s office desk, in my "amber fields" (orange) dining room.


Can't wait to see others'!

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I haven't got a desk - no room - but I had to laugh at your dead flowers. We just threw out the flowers my daughter received for her first piano recital as the teacher. What a stink!!! Be sure to take that outside before you deal with it :).


They're not dead flowers! Dead flowers have NO petals and the water has completely evaporated. I KNOW this from experience :) LOL

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OK, gasp, here is my mess......


The computer needs to scooch back, but the stand is a tad bit too tall. the stuff on the right is my external hard drives for recording homesat, and behind it is the reciever. The Longaberger basket paper tray & stand has to go, the cords behind it aren't working for me. BUT, i've asked DH to build me a replacement to set the reciever on - hasnt' happened.


The left corner, reams of paper, and other binders with school stuff i'm working on......


It's a wreck....


OH, underneath - box of stuff to sell, box of binders, stack of CDs after being imported into iTunes, and a Sony Tower i'm not using to record Homesat because it has issues and needs to go back to my parents house.

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Here it is. The mess of wires to the left is a new digital converter box I'm trying out . I need to get an extension cord so I can move it up with the TV. The plastic bags on the floor are a portion of my back to school sale run at Staples (I don't know what I'll do with 50 folders and 20 binders, but I couldn't pass up the sale). I hate the style of the desk (it's 11 years old and was dh's desk when he worked out of the house), but the size and configuration works well. I actually came down to clean up the piles of paper (I can't concentrate when I've got piles) and organize but followed orders to take a picture first.



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After viewing your desk I can climb out from under mine! I was nervous when I seen Jean's, dead flowers and all it looks twenty times more functional than mine. I can relate to yours Tracey! Let me get the camera and then I'll share mine.

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A comment on my WW pic on the blog today said it looked like command central behind my (new!) doors. Here is what lies behind the doors.


But an important point - I work for a living here so the laptop to the right and the monitor in the middle are where I read my email, work on my spreadsheets, and take notes from my conference calls all day. I work for IBM, so I have a Bee on top of my monitor.


The laptop on the left is where I surf and read WTM posts during breaks (which is about to end, so I better post this and be done).


I cleaned this weekend for company so you get the neat version today!




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Okay here is my desk which was previously the table from our sun porch. It is still functional although not as clean and cleared off as I would like it to be. The bulletin board on the wall makes it look twice as cluttered huh. Might have to do something about that. Great now that I had to see it this way I will have to spend time today organizing it. Thanks!:glare:


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My flash reflected on the wall! The top of the desk is a mirror. It is an antique dressing table and has a tall freestanding three-way mirror that goes behind it which is in need of repair so it is in the basement right now.


I love this desk! Beautiful.

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Are you reading Sundays in America? It sounds interesting---how are you liking it?



Yes, I am. I love it! I don't always agree with the leanings of the author. I am more conservative theologically than she is, but I knew that going in. I was a bit skeptical knowing that, but I have enjoyed it anyway. Dh and I have always talked about doing just what she did only not on such a grand scale. It would be great to visit a different church each Sunday for a while. She picked some pretty high profile as well as some very obscure churches. I would have never known what it was like there without reading her book. I highly recommend it.

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Jean, I can't believe how neat your desk is! How many children do you have? My 4 kids and dh like to put things on my desk that they don't know what else to do with. Then there are all the papers which are actually mine but have to do with them--more for each kid you have.


BritAnnia, I love the setting for your desk and how it tucks into those library shelves with a table for large projects just behind. Very nice set up!


Lauranav, I love the stripes of color next to your desk.


Elegantlion, how do you like the exercise ball as chair? I've been thinking about trying that as I think the chair I have now may be aggravating my trick knee.


Then again, something more like Percytruffle's chair looks awfully comfy!


Here's my desk:


The plastic coffee mug has cypress cones in it. Dh brought it home from a job he was on thinking we could plant them or something. I don't know how that works. They're green and tightly closed still.


The big black thing with the wheel is a book press dh bought at a garage sale for me to press wildflowers with.


I've got a stack of bills and junk mail next to the printer. Between that and the keyboard is a stack with a box of 4x6 photo paper, a planner, a journal, a stenographer's notebook, 4 books, and a magazine.


I just noticed the little woodburned plaque ds made me 4 or 5 years ago which usually covers the ugly wires coming from the tower has fallen over behind the monitor.


Today's coffee mug is my Kansas barn mug. Oldest dd cracked my favorite mug, so this is a stand in until I find a new favorite.


The cards and roses are still up from my birthday. I think it's time for them to come down.


Yes, one of the cards has a picture of a pink thong on the inside. That's from dh, and it deserves a post of its own, but I'll go ahead and put it here. The front has a plumpish grandma smiling and holding up a black thong. The inside says, "Aging is inevitable. Maturing is optional." When opened it plays Rick James' "Super Freak" Then there is a, uh, sweet but a little something else :blush: message from dh. I get the thought. It's a nice one about growing old together and still being in love and all that, but come on! How many ladies wouldn't tear up just a bit getting a birthday card with an old lady that is supposed to represent her on the front? I wasn't even feeling insecure about my age--before the card. Dh saw I was a little upset, though I tried not to show it, and he had trouble understanding why. I got over it quickly, but men can just be so clueless sometimes. He is pretty sweet though.

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AudreyTN suckered me into a blog meme about this a while back, and I'm not falling for it again! No siree! Jean, if I had a desk as neat as yours, I would think I had either (1) cleaned it and then left immediately for vacation or (2) thrown everything into a garbage bag in the throes of a cleaning fit or (3) lost my mind completely. I am in awe of your "messy" desk, LOL!

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