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what new "thing" are you most excited about for this fall?

momma aimee

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Guest mellamom

Heart of Dakota! This is our first year to try breaking away from just textbooks. Excited about adding more literature and introducing narration and dictation. :)

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Mosdos. Not sure how kiddo will feel.


If it's any encouragement, we started it mid-year last year and our kids LOVED LOVED it! We did not do all the questions that are at the end of each selection, instead we did all the workbook pages. Every one of my kids at every level loved almost every selection, seriously, and begged to continue it this year. We are doing a few of the questions in the textbook itself, and my 14 year old daughter said she really enjoys them because they make her think and ask for her opinion.



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1) Teaching Textbooks - We switched from Saxon this summer, and they have all done around 20 lessons already and love it! So does my DH too, as he was the one who corrected all the math :-) Truthfully, this might just be one of those quality of life decisions, because of the sheer amount of time it used to take for correcting, etc. plus all of the kids seem to be understanding more.


2) Maybe...might be...dropping music - On the fence about this one, because I believe music education is important. We have been doing piano/guitar/violin lessons between all of them, and the sad fact is that none of them have a lick of talent. No, not exaggerating on this, they all stink, not a one can even sing in tune, none has rhythm, and it feels like a waste of money because it won't change significantly. I don't know how we managed to get 5 kids all without an ounce of musical talent, but we did! We all joke about it, because it is almost painful to sit and sing in the car with them all...then they sing louder just to be funny. So if we get rid of this, we would have more time and money, but I am having a hard time letting go of it so we might keep it.


3) We are all REALLY excited to begin our Westward Expansion study culminating in a cool field trip yet to be planned but following Lewis and Clark. This is cobbled together by me using a variety of sources, and should be a total blast :-)


Everything else remains the same, we are on a roll with most of it!



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For new stuff, I am most excited about my homemade Native American/American West history for dd8 and ds10, Angelicum Academy Great Books program for dds14, and doing some preschool work with ds4. I am also looking forward to ds11 doing OM Life Science--which dds did a couple years ago, and starting/continuing with MCT with dd8/ds10 and ds11.

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I am most looking forward to ACS Middle School Chemistry & Caesar's English I.


Fall should be interesting as we are changing most of our curricula.




I forgot something....we're really looking forward to NaNoWriMo in November! :001_smile:



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Three things really...


Our Afternoon Basket

Our Narnia study

Using the Core Knowledge sequence/What Your X Grader Needs to Know as scaffolding. I think the series will give us great jumping off points for further exploration, so besides my introducing topics, the kids will be doing interest-led history and science.

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I am excited because I plan on being more relaxed this year! I want to add in a lot more art, science experiments, and nature walks.

I also want to cook and sew more with my girls. I am going to try my hand at organizing my own American History for this year as well. I ordered my books, and can't wait till they come in so I can make my schedule for this year!! I'm taking a break, after completing our study with SOTW 1 and 2. Next year I will go right on back to 3 and 4 when I'm done with my American History. Hope it works out!!

It is so neat to read all these awesome posts of excitement! Sometimes, I get such strange looks from my friends when I get all excited about school curriculum and such. Sigh, it's nice to come here where I am understood!:D

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My daughter and I are learning English grammar together. I have learned more in the first week and a half than I did in a whole year of school.


The best part is my 15 yr old said "mom, I think I will actually learn grammar this year. I did not know what a verb or adverb was, I just guessed and circled something. This makes total sense!"


I love that she is excited about it.


Also excited to look into The Logic of English. Maybe that can help our spelling. :confused:

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