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Laptop broken; bought at Costco... experience? thoughts?

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I bought a laptop from Costco in December 2011 and now the place where you insert the power cord isn't working. Dh checked to make sure the power cord is working. Does anyone have any experience returning something like this to Costco or fixing this problem? How did it go/what did you do?

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I bought my computer from Costco around the same time. There was something about a consierge service that was included. I bet if you contact them, they will help you with that. Sigh. .. I miss Costco, we don't have it where I am. Tell it hi for me.

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I think Costco's computers automatically come with a two-year warranty. From their site:


"Costco extends the manufacturer's warranty on Televisions, Projectors & Computers* to 2 years from the date of purchase. See the manufacturer's warranty for specific coverage terms. For warranty service, contact Costco Concierge Services at 1-866-861-0450."


This is not a new program, either. I'm under the impression that if it's the power cord, it should still be under warranty. If it's a problem with the battery, I think it may not be. Good luck!

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Start with Costco. We buy things like our TVs there because they do double the manufacturer's warranty. They have pretty amazing CS in my experience!


You may not be able to return and may have to deal with the manufacturer to take advantage of the warranty, but they should be able to guide you.

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There is a 90 day return policy for electronics and they are very strict about that number, even if your camera is a lemon and keeps breaking. :glare:

However, yes, do call the concierge number as they will help you with the manufacturer beyond that date.

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I pretty much only buy electronics/technology stuff from Costco, because of their great customer service.


I don't think you can return that, and truthfully, I don't think I would even try. It's definitely a warranty issue. Costco makes the warranty stuff not trouble-free, but very close. I used to dread calling for warranty service on anything, but you call the concierge service, and *they* deal with the manufacturer with you. Like, they call the manufacturer and then stay on the line with you while the problem is taken care of.


I puffy-heart-love Costco concierge service, and have used it several times. :001_wub: You'll be fine! :001_smile:

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Yep, they are awesome when dealing with electronics. Even when we had an issue that had to go through the manufacturer- they stayed on the phone line and when they guy in India or wherever it was tried to give dh the run around- the Costco guy jumped in and put a stop to it.

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I agree with everyone else that says to contact Costco services, and they will help you. I used to work at Costco member services area, doing returns so I know you won't be able to return it. This was years ago, but the reason they changed their electronics policy is because people were abusing it. Some people would use the return policy as a free upgrade every year. :glare:

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We had the same power receptacle issue with a tablet we purchased from Costco. We couldn't return it but they were great about getting us in touch with the manufacturer, and we easily got our problem resolved.


Ahhh... how do I love thee, Costco?? Let me count the ways... :D

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The pin connectors inside the tip can go bad. Easy way to check if it's the cord...just head over to radio shack/best buy..whatever...they sell multi tip power cords.


Find one, use the proper tip, plug in and see if that's it. Many times it's just a bad cord and not the actual port on the dock.


If it's the cord, just replace it with a new one.

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