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My poor son

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My son told me today that a girl he met while we were at the park threatened to expose him on Facebook as a liar because he wouldn't say he had a crush on her. Ok, a part of me wants to :lol: because of the "expose him on FB" but another part wants to :smash: the girl on the head.


He was really upset about this because she was very persistent.


Poor kid. I told him he should have questioned her crush since they had only met an hour previous. I also told him to tell her that his mom doesn't allow that kind of stuff. Blame mom : )



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My son told me today that a girl he met while we were at the park threatened to expose him on Facebook as a liar because he wouldn't say he had a crush on her. Ok, a part of me wants to :lol: because of the "expose him on FB" but another part wants to :smash: the girl on the head.


He was really upset about this because she was very persistent.


Poor kid. I told him he should have questioned her crush since they had only met an hour previous. I also told him to tell her that his mom doesn't allow that kind of stuff. Blame mom : )




Your 9 year old son!? :001_huh: That is some crazy stuff right there. I probably would have laughed.


ETA: My 9yo would have been upset as well. He's very easily embarrassed.

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I would expose her to her mother...in person.


My son told me today that a girl he met while we were at the park threatened to expose him on Facebook as a liar because he wouldn't say he had a crush on her. Ok, a part of me wants to :lol: because of the "expose him on FB" but another part wants to :smash: the girl on the head.


He was really upset about this because she was very persistent.


Poor kid. I told him he should have questioned her crush since they had only met an hour previous. I also told him to tell her that his mom doesn't allow that kind of stuff. Blame mom : )



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Your 9 year old son!? :001_huh: That is some crazy stuff right there. I probably would have laughed.




I was wondering the same thing... assuming she;'s also 9, she's about 4 years away from facebook age anyway. But that's so thoughtful of her to be willign to broadcast to the world what a goofball she is. :glare:


poor guy. Tell him there are some decent girls his age who aren't even interested in that stuff yet. I know- I have three of them... well, OK- two of them are much older than he is, but still.... :D

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It is my 9 year old son. I don't know who her mom is or I would maybe say something. I think like someone else said he was embarrassed which is why he was so upset. I told him that she isn't old enough for a FB account but they told him that they would use her mom's account.


I hope she grows out of this or she may be accusing boys of something more sinister as she gets older.


I think he's feeling better now. He's eating his weight in spaghetti tonight.



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This is one of those cases when I just love the term: "Whatever". This might be a good time to be sure your son knows that his worth is *not* dependent on what others say about him. Period. We just don't have control over that sort of thing no matter what we do, so I think the best thing to do is follow your first instinct and enjoy a good laugh and a "whatever" over it *with him*.

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That's crazy! Ack! I have four boys and would not want to deal with that. I think that would make a great conversation for what NOT to look for in a future girlfriend/wife! lol!:lol:


And, for what it's worth, I know several young girls that have FB accts that are that age. I have no idea why their mother's think it is ok, but they do. My son's that are younger asked me for one, and I told them no. YOu have to be 13. They said........ has a FB acct, why can't I? It makes me frustrated b/c I have to explain to my kids that the other children are doing something that is wrong. It doesn't send a good parenting message to my kids about the other parents. :confused:

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So if I've got this right, she is threatening to tell the world on FB that this guy would rather lie than say he likes her?


Um. Isn't that saying something terrible about herself, not him?



I'm not sure her threat was well thought out :tongue_smilie: It shook him up anyway.



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Oh the tales I could tell about young teen girls on FB and other social sites. I'll spare the details of our drama but I will say watch out for your teen and preteen sons more than you think you should . That is all.

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