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Twins are 27 weeks today! Vitals are good. Momma is stable.

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D.J. has had his feeding tube nutrition increased and is gaining weight. He's slowly being weaned to a lower oxygen mix and Monday they may try a nasal canulla with him and see if he can breathe on his own or if he still needs the vent.


M.T.'s vitals are very stable and she hasn't had any more contractions, so for now, they are wheeling her up to the NICU to see him for a few minutes once per day.


Grandma, my dear friend, is coming home for two weeks unless things take a turn for the worse. I am very grateful. While I do not mind taking care of the farm or having ds house sit and walk their dogs, the reality is we have one week until the county fair and our 4-H time committments are about to grow exponentially. I spend an hr. at the farm every morning doing chores, collect ds so he can come home to work on projects, take him back at noon to let the dogs out and play ball with their very hyper active herd dog who has to have a LOT of expercise or he goes ballistic, bring ds back, work on projects until 2:00, go back to fill water tanks because the heat until yesterday was soooooooooooo bad that the animals would be getting low at that point, come back home, go back to the farm at 5:15 for night chores so another hour there - ds again walking dogs - come back home make supper for everyone, work on projects, and then take ds back at 8:00 and check water tanks one more time.


If this were to continue long term, I don't know how I'd spend 6 hrs. Wednesday and 3 hrs. Thursday with the other superintendents getting the display barn cleaned, all of the shelves put up (we have to take it ALL down each year because the fair board rents the area for other uses throughout the year), decorate, etc. and then on Saturday it's an all day event as projects come in, are judged, and everything is put on display. Because I run the exotic animal show (reptiles - NO SNAKES - amphibians - sea life), the animals are in the barn all week and I have barn checks to do twice per day for seven days after that.


So, though I am privileged to be helping this family, I am also relieved that she is coming home and that her husband and other daughter will be coming back mid-week so that I will no longer be the emergency back-up for a while. I hope that doesn't sound selfish. I'm just sort of feeling stretched to the max and trying to figure out how to make it all work. On top of that, dh (super of youth sciences) leaves for Huntsville for SLI training on the 17th and I'll be managing his department including the children's science experience that week (generally 40 kids per session - thankfully, I do have helpers but normally he plans and executes that), the chess tournament, and the rocket team has presentations three different times that week while he is gone so guess who also will be handling that as well!


Thank you to all who pray and continue to pray. I do so appreciate it and I know the family does too.



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You're not selfish... you just have a lot on your plate and you've been so kind to help out your friend!


I'm delighted that mom and babies are doing so well, what a relief. How long are they expecting to let her go with the second twin... as long as he'll stay put, I assume??

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That is really great news!! I'm so glad it's going relatively well. The NICU is a long, hard road.


(FWIW, I would not say that the twins are 27 weeks. One twin is at 27 weeks. The other twin is a 26-weeker who is now 1 week old.)


And no, you do not sound selfish. You've been a blessing to this family.

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