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Going to a pool party at a PS teacher's house....

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And DH doesn't understand why I'm stressed. It's the family down the street, and they have a big 4th party every year. So I figure she'll have some friends from work there too. Guys don't talk about kids so he has no clue. And to top it, their kids are the neighborhood whiners. As in, yesterdsy, her 4 yr old daughter was in the street screaming at the other kids (including her 2older brother) that they were all losers, stupid etc. And she' telling mommy. I asked my girls what happened and they had no clue. But said she always acts that way... I'm sure my two girls act like freaks to her.

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I think I would have a bad headache at this point... for real.


Hope you have fun anyway! Maybe you will find some like-minded people there. I've met ps teachers who were quite interested in homeschooling in a positive way. Or, at least pretended to be while talking to me. ;)

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Just for fun, be yourself, don't mention homeschooling, and see how many people mistake you for a teacher. Happens to me all the time, lol. Teachers think I am a teacher... I don't correct them. I take watercolor classes and the third class a woman slid in next to me, who hadn't sat by me before and said, "What grade to you teach, come on, tell me, I know you're a teacher." This happens to me pretty frequently, I bet they take you for one of their own, lol.

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Unless you've had bad interactions about homeschooling in the past, I wouldn't borrow worries by assuming she and her other work friends will be hostile. Most ps teachers I've met (and I used to be one!) get it. Go in with other topics of conversation in mind other than education and parenting so you can avoid complaining about the whining kids, and enjoy the pool instead.

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Unless you've had bad interactions about homeschooling in the past, I wouldn't borrow worries by assuming she and her other work friends will be hostile. Most ps teachers I've met (and I used to be one!) get it. Go in with other topics of conversation in mind other than education and parenting so you can avoid complaining about the whining kids, and enjoy the pool instead.




But also? Go in shameless. I avoid discussions with school teachers if I can but if it's unavoidable, I am just shameless. People don't jack with me and homeschooling. :tongue_smilie:


I was in a similar situation on Mother's Day but I was hit by stealth. Our new neighbors invited us to a barbecue. We went. Both sets of grandparents were there. It was quickly revealed that one grandma was a retired NYC public school teacher. I made a point to discuss the food a great deal. :tongue_smilie: At a certain point, she went into the house and the other grandma says to me me, "So my daughter tells me you homeschool." I reply, "Yes, I do, but with her MIL being a former NYC public school teacher, it's not something I care to bring up." (This was said with a chuckle, chuckle, wink.) I kid you not, she replies, "Yeah, well, me too." :001_huh: Well, crap. :lol: Then the other grandma came out and we talked about education in America for probably an hour and a half. One was an ally and one rolled her eyes at about everything the two of us said. It was actually kind of fun, but I was shameless once I was discovered and the topic was officially put up for discussion.


Don't take crap from people. That's my best advice. :lol:

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Hope you have fun anyway! Maybe you will find some like-minded people there. I've met ps teachers who were quite interested in homeschooling in a positive way.


:iagree: My neighbor is a public school teacher. I find it has only come up in conversation twice in all the time we've been neighbors. A couple of years ago she gave me a *huge* box of craft supplies left over from her classroom when they went on summer break. I would go in with a positive attitude. :)

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I'm not sure what specifically you are stressed about. They are opening their home and lives to you, all you have to do is smile and be polite. A little whining from a 4 yo girl with older brothers sounds perfectly normal to me. I had an older brother and I either wanted to play with him (which he didn't) or I was annoyed by his teasing (which is regular brother behaviour).

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Go, have a good time, and don't stress. It's summer! Who wants to talk about school stuff right now. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I have a number of friends/acquientences who are teachers. I don't stress about it at all. If anyone asks I say something like "This is a good fit for our family right now. We love being able to vacation off season. What are your summer plans? And do you know where the bean dip is?". I was a little more wishy washy our first year or 2, and a little confidence goes a LONG way. Have fun! :001_smile:

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I'm not sure what specifically you are stressed about. They are opening their home and lives to you, all you have to do is smile and be polite. A little whining from a 4 yo girl with older brothers sounds perfectly normal to me. I had an older brother and I either wanted to play with him (which he didn't) or I was annoyed by his teasing (which is regular brother behaviour).


I was concerned about being cornered about homeschooling. With several teachers questioning my reasons and telling me what a mistake I am making.


In the end, the party ended up like high school. We knew one other family. And DH and I sat and watched the kids swim. NOBODY spoke to us, aside from the other family. But they knew LOTS of people. So DH and I sat alone for 90% of the time.

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I was concerned about being cornered about homeschooling. With several teachers questioning my reasons and telling me what a mistake I am making.


In the end, the party ended up like high school. We knew one other family. And DH and I sat and watched the kids swim. NOBODY spoke to us, aside from the other family. But they knew LOTS of people. So DH and I sat alone for 90% of the time.


Glad you didn't get cornered, and that the kids were safe swimming. Probably the best scenario. Plus, you remained good neighbours! :001_smile:

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