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Gardener's Thread! Post a pic!

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How are your gardens out there doing?

This morning I had to thin out lots of tomatoes... to help my squash improve... and it was time to clip the artichoke (that was a test to see how it would do... next year, lots more artichoke!!!)... and I use up the jalapenos as fast as they grow! We are also ready to try the first couple of corns...


How about you?


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I can't wait! I live in Oregon and weather wise we're just not there yet. My biggest tomatoes are only the size of a golf ball. But this is the first really warm weekend, so I'm hoping it won't be too long. Your produce looks gorgeous! Wish I had room for tons of artichokes, too.


I'm most excited for a new tomato I planted - Indigo Rose. The little tomatoes are almost black! I'll try to post a picture when they are ready.

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Gorgeous. So jealous you could grow artichokes. Would you mind sharing your zone and your artichoke growing experience?

Currently, I am the neighborhood supplier of yellow squash, garlic, onions, cherry tomatoes and cukes. We've got tons of them. My purple cherokees are ripening. If I can get to them before the uninvited garden guests, I will have tons. The other tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and peppers are getting close. By next week I should have some. Can't wait. Melons are growing but have longer to wait on those. Sadly, my herbs, usually my garden powerhouses, flopped this year. The parsley, sage and cilantro went kaput and the basil never germinated. Usually I have enough basil to freeze pesto for the whole year. :( Oh well. I'm going to try again and see if I can get a late season harvest in a pot and bring it in before frost.

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Sadly, my herbs, usually my garden powerhouses, flopped this year. The parsley, sage and cilantro went kaput and the basil never germinated. Usually I have enough basil to freeze pesto for the whole year. :( Oh well. I'm going to try again and see if I can get a late season harvest in a pot and bring it in before frost.


I got same problem, My herb didn't germinate at all

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I don't have any pictures to share, but my garden is doing okay. I live in NC and this is our first year in a new (old) house. We dug the garden in spring, and I wasn't sure how it would do since I've almost exclusively done raised beds until now. I guess overall it is going well, but we have had a few problems.


One exciting thing, for me, is that this is the first year I have started everything from seed, and I've been very very pleased with how that went. I bought seeds from a NC heirloom, organic seed company and they all have done fabulously!


The first month or so in the ground went well and everything was growing well. Then, the basil started getting munched like crazy. I thought it was slugs, but my normal beer traps didn't catch slugs and didn't solve the problem. Soon my peppers and sunflowers were also getting eaten! I couldn't find anything during the day so went out one night and found out it was Asiatic Garden Beetles, a relative of the Japanese beetle. I went out several nights in a row and killed lots of beetles by hand, and the kids and I gently dug up around the plants during the day and got lots more. Eventually I pulled up all the basil and planted it in a huge pot. At this point that problem seems mostly solved, although the peppers and sunflowers are still getting eaten a little bit.


Then the zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers started coming in and we had tons. We went away for a few days and came back to powdery mildew. I tried to take care of it organically, but it's been a couple of weeks now and most of the plants do not seem to be doing well. I pulled out a few yesterday and might pull out the rest tomorrow.


Now the tomatoes are coming in and except for a few little bites here and there, they seem to be doing well. We have lots of baby bell peppers that seem to be growing well too.


I love gardening, even though it can be sooooo frustrating sometimes!

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All we've harvested is sugar snap peas, lettuce, and a few herbs here and there. We've got tons of green tomatoes though, so I'm crossing my fingers! We have peppers coming too. Our pepper plants are tiny, but all have fruit so I can't complain too much. We have a CSA this year too, but we are very much amateur gardeners and if we get something edible out of garden, it's pretty exciting. :D


ETA - I cannot believe you have a winter squash already?! I hope you live way south of us!

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Not posting a pic of the actual garden right now, as it is a wilty, yellow mess with all the record setting heat and no rain we've had :glare:


But my tomatoes are coming in by the gallon right now :D




I also picked a bunch of butternut squash last week. Our green beans are pitiful, but the okra has taken off. I hope our canteloupe makes it...it doesn't like this weather much.

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All we're growing (we always grow in earthboxes on our deck) are tomatoes and cucumbers. We don't eat enough of other veg to make it worth growing. Our tomatoes were starting to turn and then we went out to find the darn birds had pecked all the red ones open because of the drought we've had. We've been getting cukes by the dozen though. Just today I found an 11" long cuke hiding behind all the leaves along with 4 others.

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We have picked a few tomatoes, we have a ton that are for sized amd ripening! The peppers and herbs are doing well. We have a ton of zucchini growing. The.tomatoes.took over and so some other items.are.suffering, but DH has cleaned up the tomatoes and things are doing better.

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Don't have a good photo of the actual garden, but here's my latest harvest:




It's my first ever attempt at growing garlic and it turned out great- many of the heads are almost as big as my fist!


My onions did similarly well:




Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are all growing well but aren't quite ready yet. Cucumbers are still tiny, plants are heavy with small peppers that have a bit more to grow and the tomatoes have fruited very nicely but are still green.


Also, here's one photo of the my spring garden a couple months ago before I put in the summer crops. Here you'll see lots of lettuce, kale, cabbage, etc. :



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Don't have a good photo of the actual garden, but here's my latest harvest:




It's my first ever attempt at growing garlic and it turned out great- many of the heads are almost as big as my fist!


My onions did similarly well:




Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are all growing well but aren't quite ready yet. Cucumbers are still tiny, plants are heavy with small peppers that have a bit more to grow and the tomatoes have fruited very nicely but are still green.


Also, here's one photo of the my spring garden a couple months ago before I put in the summer crops. Here you'll see lots of lettuce, kale, cabbage, etc. :




Oh wow! That is beautiful! Mind if I ask what you usually do with all of your garlic and onions? Can it? Make salsa?

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We put in all new raised beds with fencing to keep out the deer this year. We ended up getting a late start so no harvest yet but everything except watermelon seems to be doing well.


We have beefsteak tomatoes, watermelon, cantalope, pumpkins, yellow squash, green squash/zucchini, jalepenos, sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli and corn planted in the beds. Cherry tomatoes are planted upside down from hanging baskets with herbs (oregano, basil and chives) planted inside the top.


I revived a long-dead photobucket account (99% of it was blinkies from when I was on ivillage) so I could put pictures here.




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