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Vaccination advice

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I have vaccinated all my children generally according to the schedule of the country we happen to be in at the time. The schedules are generally pretty similar but do differ. Now we have moved again and the country we are in wants my kids to 'catch up' with the vaccinations they 'missed' whilst living in another country. Most specifically Hib and MenC for my 26month old. (There are others but that's the one being pushed).


I am hesitant to give him more injections, especially now he is a bit older and is less 'at risk'. I just don't think he needs them - but that's not based on anything scientific. I don't think all vaccinations are a bad thing (some are though), but I do worry that the schedule is too full for such little bodies. I certainly don't want to give him something unnecessary.


Would you let him have the vaccines just to stop being hassled about it?

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With vaccinations we always ask ourselves what is the risk the child has right now. If the answer is none we skip it.


My dc's recently had the chicken pox--we lived in the US when the should have received the vacination. It was a miserable month (they had them individually :lol:) but we survived. Now I know they probably won't get chicken pox as adults when their immunity wears off--it is supposed to be far more severe then.


When dh entered the military he received several vacinations all at once. During his years of service they vaccinated him repeatedly- he was an adult and to be in the military. They were painful frequently and sometimes he felt awful for days. But he got them when he NEEDED them.


Our plan is to vacinate as needed until they are adults. Then they get to decide.


Please note I am one of the measles non responders from another thread. I am not sure that my kids will even be immune if they receive the shots.


Personally I would know what each shot is for and consider how at risk your child is. My friend's daughter just got her meningitus vacination. She is off to camp. At risk so......


That was my long answer-- the short one is no.

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Those vaccines may be a good idea if your child is in daycare 5 days a week. If that is not the case the risk of being exposed to those diseases is very low.


Don't let a "one size fits all" schedule pressure you into blindly agreeing.


If you are being pressured it might be time to find a new doctor. Or stop well child visits and switch to a yearly physical instead. Or switch to a family practice or GP as they are often less pushy about vaccines.


There are good pro and con books out there. Knowledge can help when wrangling with the medical establishment.


This is your child. Don't let others dictate for you.



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I have been cautiously pro-vaccine. We do vaccinate, but only one shot at a time and on a schedule of my choosing. We also do not get all recommended vaccines--just the ones that I believe to be safe and for diseases that represent a certain level of risk.


I would not vaccinate for either of the ones you mention.

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Sorry, been busy all day and only just got chance to reply. Thanks for your thoughts, and support. I feel stronger in repeating saying no!


I'll have a look at the Dr Sears book, but would be interested in other recommended reads - I have a new baby due in a few weeks so there will be a whole new round of vaccination pressures.

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We don't vax, but if we did it would only be one at a time, on a delayed schedule, and only ones we felt were needed. I wouldn't allow myself to be pressured (and believe me we get lots of pressure being a no vax family). Sears' book gives good info. I think you can find his schedule online.

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We moved internationally a number of times in dd's first 5 years. Because of this we ended up behind or ahead of the local vaccination schedule & tried to "catch up." When ds#1 was born I was insistant that he be vaccinated according to the NZ schedule that he began on. This has worked out fine.


In your case I would stay on whatever schedule you are most happy with, but not delay vaccations if you are in NZ. Locally we have had a large outbreak of whooping cough in the past couple months & with a new baby on the way you don't want that in the house. Same with measles & menC.



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Yeah, but watch out for shingles now that they have had the chicken pox :(


With vaccinations we always ask ourselves what is the risk the child has right now. If the answer is none we skip it.


My dc's recently had the chicken pox--we lived in the US when the should have received the vacination. It was a miserable month (they had them individually :lol:) but we survived. Now I know they probably won't get chicken pox as adults when their immunity wears off--it is supposed to be far more severe then.


When dh entered the military he received several vacinations all at once. During his years of service they vaccinated him repeatedly- he was an adult and to be in the military. They were painful frequently and sometimes he felt awful for days. But he got them when he NEEDED them.


Our plan is to vacinate as needed until they are adults. Then they get to decide.


Please note I am one of the measles non responders from another thread. I am not sure that my kids will even be immune if they receive the shots.


Personally I would know what each shot is for and consider how at risk your child is. My friend's daughter just got her meningitus vacination. She is off to camp. At risk so......


That was my long answer-- the short one is no.

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No, not to just stopped being hassled. But I would check , very well, into the need of those particular vacines in the country you are in. My dh was not immunized as a child and he recently got Measles. :( It was worse than the flu!


I have vaccinated all my children generally according to the schedule of the country we happen to be in at the time. The schedules are generally pretty similar but do differ. Now we have moved again and the country we are in wants my kids to 'catch up' with the vaccinations they 'missed' whilst living in another country. Most specifically Hib and MenC for my 26month old. (There are others but that's the one being pushed).


I am hesitant to give him more injections, especially now he is a bit older and is less 'at risk'. I just don't think he needs them - but that's not based on anything scientific. I don't think all vaccinations are a bad thing (some are though), but I do worry that the schedule is too full for such little bodies. I certainly don't want to give him something unnecessary.


Would you let him have the vaccines just to stop being hassled about it?

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