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If you or your dh have been looking for work for over a year, what field?

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I am coming to the conclusion that there is something my dh is NOT doing that is holding him back from finding a job. He went back to school to get his BS in Computer Science and has a very good resume of past experience in several areas. NO bites, no interviews in the last several months. Twice he was close to getting a position with one company and each time they went with someone else. Dh is currently working in a position that should be paying at least $10k more...where are the jobs?


Anyhow, I'm not really asking about that per se (although input is welcome), but I am wondering what fields are still having a tough time in this economy?

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My dh (finally!) got a job, but he was unemployed for a couple years, and was looking for a manufacturing job. When he finally did find a job, it was because the person running the work training program he was in had a contact at this particular company, and got him in through the program. Dh was the only one who got to work there through the training program. He had to do that for minimum wage for five months before the manufacturing company took him on as a regular employee and started paying him a decent wage.


When I do hear stories of people getting decent work in their fields, it's usually because they have a contact at the company, or know someone who knows someone, etc. Sadly.

Edited by Mergath
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Dh was out of work for nearly 2 years. He was in manufacturing. He finally got another position, but it was a looooong road.


There are so many people looking for work that your dh is likely competing with people who have more experience. Many companies are not even looking at people who are not currently working, so that might be a factor. Many smaller companies are simply not hiring due to the taxes and changes that are coming in 2013 and 2014.


Hang in there. I hope he finds something soon!

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Laid off in May of 2011.


Self-employed in January. He studied and took his realtor exam. AND he's negotiating mortgage settlements for another company in the evenings.


He's still looking for a "real" job with benefits in the IT world.


It's a tough job market.

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Has he had someone (professional) review his resume, making sure it has current, important key skills listed. Format is crucial. I know that in our area, there are openings for those with computer science backgrounds. Most are with defense contractors or the government.

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My DH has over 10 years exp and lost his job last Aug and has been looking ever since. He has also been in school finishing up a degree n a new field to hopefully expand his marketability. Found out today that unemployment ends in 3 weeks. He has about 6 weeks left in school. Something has to give or we are screwed!


My brother has a BS in education and can't find work either. He spent all of last year subbing.

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We know folks in the financial services industry who have been between permanent positions for over a year. It took my DH 7 months to find a permanent position in late 2010-mid 2011. He did consulting so he wasn't totally out but it was really discouraging how much competition there was for every single opening. The whole industry is just a mess and has been pretty much the entire time since fall 2007.

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Sorry to hear that it's taking your husband a long time.


We recently had a looooooong period of unemployment.


Dh is in information technology. Ended up in the healthcare field (doing IT work)


Hope things happen soon for your family....

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I'm not sure where the OP lives. CS jobs are definitely more plentiful in some areas than other. Is your family willing to make a move? My DH is a programmer, and we've moved several times in our 15 years of marriage, but have never been unemployed for more than a few months. Sometimes you just have to go where the work is. I apologize if this is something you've already been trying...

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Has he had someone (professional) review his resume, making sure it has current, important key skills listed. Format is crucial. I know that in our area, there are openings for those with computer science backgrounds. Most are with defense contractors or the government.


Yup, it's been done professionally.

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Dh and I are willing to move, but would rather not go too far south or hundreds and hundreds of miles.


We live in Ohio which is pretty bad for jobs all around. I think one aspect of his trouble may be that he has varied experience and mostly NOT in the degree area. He's capable, but has been working in video and multimedia production/editing as well as *some* computer science related things. He's definitely more into the creative aspects of computer work and that seems much harder for finding work than programming, etc.

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