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S/O of the Blankie Emergency thread... What lovies did/does your child have?

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My oldest had a stuffed Gund giraffe that I had added onto an order to get free shipping. He loooved "Giraffe-y" (yeah, he is super creative when naming things - all pets have been their fur color plus a -y ending :lol:) and carried him everywhere. He took him to my mother in law's house and lost him in her woods, we wrote him off. Years later she came to my house with Giraffe-y, they had been clearing some trees and found him. She washed him up and he looks, oddly, about as good as he did when my son lost him :) Giraffe-y (now 11 years old) has now gone back to a spot of honor on my 13 year old's dresser!


My youngest has a webkinz camel that he named Alice. Alice is sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl (I didn't know camels had issues like that!) This was another thing that I bought just because. I gave all the kids a webkinz for Valentine's one year. The other 2 were older and had specific ones that they wanted, he didn't so I grabbed the camel. Who'd have guessed that s/he would become a lifelong buddy. Alice goes on vacation with us, has visited SEVERAL zoos and had pictures made with cousins, and MUST be accounted for at bedtime!


My daughter, funnily enough, is the only one who has never really formed an attachment to any lovie. I guess I thought girls would be more likely to have that special item they babied, but not her. She loves her Bitty Babies, but she got them when she was older, and she doesn't take them everywhere.

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I have a twin sized, purple and pink blanket made of some silky material that my grandmother made for me when I was 6 or 7 years old. DS1 has been in love with that blanket since he was about a year old. It is a little big for him to take with us when we go places (thank heavens!) but it is the ONLY blanket he will sleep with, and he tends to drag it out into the family room a lot during the day to snuggle with while he watching a movie, or to spread it out and play on it. I seriously dread the day it starts to fall apart. He also has a stuffed black and white kitty that my dad got for him. It is his Meow and he treats it much the way I remember treating my baby dolls. It gets talked to, tucked in, read to, played with, fed, "bathed", etc...


For DS2... his thumb. So much easier. I really don't have to worry about that wearing out. Though, in the last month he has started having a preference for having a flannel blanket to snuggle up next to his face while he sleeps. So far he hasn't shown a preference as to which of our (many) flannel blankets

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My youngest has a webkinz camel that he named Alice. Alice is sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl (I didn't know camels had issues like that!)


My younger has a stuffed chicken (a la Sandra Boynton) named "Pollywoggy". She is almost always a "she", unless it's first thing in the morning when he needs to crow and wake everyone up. At that point, of course, he is a rooster. There was a period of time when she was a cat, though, and she also went through a couple days when Lil'un insisted that he was an elephant.


My elder has a bear who is always female despite having a male name (my mom & I bought and named the bear "Timothy" when Sweetie was an infant, "Timmy" for short). But there's a lady at church with the same name so my kids are convinced that Timmy is a girl name (they don't know any boys with that name).



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For my oldest it was twiddling my earring studs while nursing. After he weaned he still loved my earrings so in desperation to get him to sleep at night, I glued a pair of earrings to his favorite stuffed lion. His still loves that lion.


My youngest loved rubbing my belly while nursing. He still does it from time to time, but I discourage it. He loves to jiggle it.:glare: Then when he was about 3yo we were at a thrift store that had a free toy bin. After taking forever to pick he chose a small bear with a small bow with hearts on it. It looks like something that would come with a small box of chocolates. He loves that little bear. He takes it everywhere, but after a few close calls, "Bear" has been grounded. He never leaves the house now. Every once in a while he can't find his little bear before bedtime, frantic searching ensues. He loves that little bear so much it is looking really sad now. I hope it stays in one piece long enough for my son to not need the bear as much.

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My son has a simple receiving blanket. What makes it more awesome is that he isn't particular about which one, as long as it's the receiving blanket material. We tried to give him a t-shirt once as an emergency blanket, same size but I guess it just doesn't feel the same. We have them stashed away everywhere we go frequently.


Our librarian once said she met a girl that carried around a specific dvd case as her "blankie."

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My dd7 has "baby blanky." That is its name. It is a blue care bear baby blanket that is slightly thicker than a receiving blanket with the sily edge. The cotton is still really soft. The edge is coming off of one side. There are large chocolate milk stains on it that I can't get off (thanks dh. He took her to McD's when she was 2 or 3 and still dragging it everywhere. When she spilled it, he didn't rinse it immediately and it never washed out. ) and has a hole in one side of its two layers. It is well loved. She drug that thing around like Linus from the Peanuts for years.


She has gone through stages with different dolls. When she was 2 she had a whole bear family that she slept with. One of them was a tiny one off of a box of chocolates that someone gave her too!


My older dd had a paci when she was little. I finally weaned her from it when she was 3. She liked different dolls at different times, but had to have the paci.

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My oldest has a stuffed elephant. It used to be pink... 9 years ago. Now it's a gray color, threadbare, with 15614 patches.


My youngest has a large stuffed white tiger. It's missing an eyeball and it's legs have been reattached... with red embroidery thread. It was all I had at the time.

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My oldest had a stuffed Gund giraffe that I had added onto an order to get free shipping. He loooved "Giraffe-y" (yeah, he is super creative when naming things - all pets have been their fur color plus a -y ending :lol:) and carried him everywhere. He took him to my mother in law's house and lost him in her woods, we wrote him off. Years later she came to my house with Giraffe-y, they had been clearing some trees and found him. She washed him up and he looks, oddly, about as good as he did when my son lost him :) Giraffe-y (now 11 years old) has now gone back to a spot of honor on my 13 year old's dresser!


My youngest has a webkinz camel that he named Alice. Alice is sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl (I didn't know camels had issues like that!) This was another thing that I bought just because. I gave all the kids a webkinz for Valentine's one year. The other 2 were older and had specific ones that they wanted, he didn't so I grabbed the camel. Who'd have guessed that s/he would become a lifelong buddy. Alice goes on vacation with us, has visited SEVERAL zoos and had pictures made with cousins, and MUST be accounted for at bedtime!


My daughter, funnily enough, is the only one who has never really formed an attachment to any lovie. I guess I thought girls would be more likely to have that special item they babied, but not her. She loves her Bitty Babies, but she got them when she was older, and she doesn't take them everywhere.

At the age of 4 months, my daughter got a small flat bunny with a blanket tail. She still sleeps with it almost 16 years later! Son attached himself to a Winnie the Pooh that he slept with for years and years. He's too cool now, but Winnie is stuck away in a drawer.

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My firstborn son got attached to a bedtime bear name Pookie Bear from the time he was 8 weeks on... Pookie Bear was carried all over and re-stuffed and stitched up several times and now resides in one of my keepsake boxes... such sweet memories!!!!!





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Sweet-Pea has a small stuffed Precious Moments monkey. She is almost 11 and it still sleeps with her every night.


Likewise, Boo-Boo has a small square pink and purple blanket. It is fuzzy on one side and silky on the other. It is her lifeline.


It amazes me that we have never lost these objects. They disappear in the house from time to time but they are still here.

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My younger has a stuffed chicken (a la Sandra Boynton) named "Pollywoggy". She is almost always a "she", unless it's first thing in the morning when he needs to crow and wake everyone up. At that point, of course, he is a rooster. There was a period of time when she was a cat, though, and she also went through a couple days when Lil'un insisted that he was an elephant.




Wow. So not just gender identity issues, but species identity as well, eh? My, my. Good thing he/she/it has someone to love....er....them? Hey! Maybe Pollywoggy has a split personality?


Dd 12 has had a small stuffed dog named Pup since she was 1. Her grandmother bought it at Dollar Tree. Here's a link to some pictures.


Cute. And a cake! I never know what to do for my youngest's birthdays. Maybe an "Alice" theme.


My oldest has a stuffed elephant. It used to be pink... 9 years ago. Now it's a gray color, threadbare, with 15614 patches.


My youngest has a large stuffed white tiger. It's missing an eyeball and it's legs have been reattached... with red embroidery thread. It was all I had at the time.


Have you read Plaidypus? All the patching and reattaching LOL


My firstborn son got attached to a bedtime bear name Pookie Bear from the time he was 8 weeks on... Pookie Bear was carried all over and re-stuffed and stitched up several times and now resides in one of my keepsake boxes... such sweet memories!!!!!


What a cutie. And Pookie is sweet, too! These will definitely be in my house long after my kids have moved out (unless they still need them, of course ;))


. They disappear in the house from time to time but they are still here.


Isn't that unreal? When we got a new kitten she used to "mother" any small stuffie she found on the floor. Alice would occasionally go missing, and I'd find her stashed away somewhere that the cat had obviously hidden her.

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My oldest has a stuffed puppy named Einstein that she adores. She has had him since she was 8 months old. He has so far only endured two surgeries, both minor in nature. I blogged about him a couple of years ago(it makes me teary eyed looking at these pictures of my dd so little!) http://reachtothemoonandback.blogspot.com/2008/06/puppy-named-einstein.html


My DS changes out his loveys from time to time. He carries around some burp cloths with his name embroidered on them sometimes, other times it is a certain stuffed toy (although these rotate). He isn't as attached to any of them as my oldest is to her puppy.


My youngest has yet to attach to anything but ME. :tongue_smilie:

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Oldest never really attached strongly to anything.


Second switched allegiance every 6 mo-year ... some of her favorites included a Magenta (Blue Clues), a stuffed craft bear that she literally loved to death, a donkey that had belonged to her great-uncle, a stuffed giraffe ... probably the longest-standing one was a stuffed lamb.


My third is still very attached to his duck. At 11 1/2, he is finally getting to the point where it is ok to sleep without the duck. Up until recently, the duck has gone camping, etc., but he didn't go to week-long Boy Scout camp, and the duck has spent a couple of nights with various neighbors without ds.


My fourth has a Build-a-Bear hippo. She wasn't attached to anything until she got the hippo for her fourth birthday. Recently, she was sick all over her bed and the hippo had to go into the wash overnight ... she did fine ... better than her brother would have done separated from his duck at that age (7).

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DS never really had one, but DD had her "Pooh Pow" (pillow). It was one of those toddler pillows and my mom made a pillow case out of some Winnie the Pooh material. She doesn't drag it around or sleep with it anymore, but we definitely had emergencies where we had to track it down and retrace our steps to find Pooh Pow until she was about 4. If I remember correctly, we forgot it in Canada when we flew back to North Carolina. Grandma sent it for us, but she had survived about a week without it and never did become reattached to it like she was.


Over the years, I had to track down the same material to make a new pillow case, and she was fine with that, but the pillow itself could not be replaced. I tried. It has been washed and dried so many times it is lumpy and barely resembles a pillow anymore. It is now packed away, and I think I still have extra material in case it ever needed a new case again. :)

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