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Where were you in August 2003?

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Early-Mid August I was home nesting, and playing with my then 5 and 4 yr old kids.


Mid-late August 2003 I was in the hospital on bed rest after my water broke with ds8, I was in for a week then delivered on the 28th


No power outages where we are in western Canada though.

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It was the summer between high school and college, and I was working the most boring job I've had in my life. I was in the midwest, and our power didn't go out, but I remember thinking it might not be that bad if it did because then I could go home. :D


Hey, we graduated the same year! :D Have you realized that next year will be 10 years since graduation??? I was talking to a friend from school a couple weeks ago and she brought it up... it made me feel.... almost old. :lol:

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Hey, we graduated the same year! :D Have you realized that next year will be 10 years since graduation??? I was talking to a friend from school a couple weeks ago and she brought it up... it made me feel.... almost old. :lol:


10 years is nothing. I am shocked that in only 3 years it will my 20 year high school reunion. How in the heck did I get that old?

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Moving into my first apt... on the 17th floor in NYC! Called my mom because I was a little freaked out (middle of a sunny day, no obvious weather, etc.) and she was co-incidentally in Lansing, MI where they also lost power (she lives in OK). That was NOT a reassuring phone call!


Fortunately my aunt and uncle also lived in NYC at the time, so I walked to their place and ate ice cream with their kids :D

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We were living in our same city, in a smaller house. We lose electricity a LOT, so we weren't too concerned until a friend from another city dropped by and told us what was going on. SCARY!!!! I had a son on a breathing machine twice a day at that time. It was a huge pain to drive him to the ER every day. So, I skipped town! I went to my parents' house. A drive that is normally 3 hours, took 6. Everyone was leaving town.


Lesson learned - keep 3/4 of a tank of gas in your car at all times!!!! ALL the gas stations between my house and my parents' house were OUT of gas!!!!! Seriously - we keep the tanks nearly full now!

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The kids and I were at home. I was getting them ready to spend the night at grandmas. When our power went out, I called her and that's when i found out that it wasn't just us. DH works for the power company, but there was nothing they could do. It's the only time our power went out that he didn't have to work! The kids stayed home from grandmas. ;)

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