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Don't raise them to push forward if you want to keep them back.

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That is what my husband told me as I came completely undone today. We are having such a week. It is official, my daughter who will be 17 soon is going away to college (2 1/2 hours away by car) in the fall. She will be joining my oldest son there. I know she is young, believe me. She is independent, self assured and dead set on being a doctor. A pediatric oncologist, to be precise. We home schooled and she just went at her own pace. She started community college classes in January and has done very well.

Now to make it about me. I am falling apart. I know it is about my mortality, my only daughter going away and I'm not ready, she's probably not ready, you can probably fill in the rest. I texted a friend, she called me from her work and we whisper cried...I love my friends.

My husband says we just need to make sure she has everything she needs and is supported completely. She is such a fantastic young lady and she will be fine. I am coming undone.

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Awww, momma. It'll be okay. :grouphug: She certainly sounds ready. You will be moving to a different season in your relationship, but your parenting is NOT DONE. She will need you more actually. Just love on her and show your support. Remember, you did this to your mom too! :grouphug:

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Well I had decided I was going to get it together and stop sobbing. Then I read all of your posts and here I am again. The sweetest office manager in the world just keeps working away while I am completely useless here. I am working through it and I know I just have to find a new role. I am sort of feeling sorry for my youngest, he is left here to be the one we focus on full time!

I have tried to add a pic, I have no idea what I am doing. Maybe it is an attachment, maybe not...


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You will find your footing in this new stage eventually. And, while she may roll her eyes a bit now, your daughter will know she is loved and carry that with her.


I went away to college halfway accross the country when I was 17 and heard stories from my sister of my mom crying every time they crossed a state line as they drove home. We giggled at mom, but it was a reminder to me of how much I meant to her.



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:grouphug: It was hard adapting after our son moved out. He attended a local university, but he moved out during his college years. He is now renting a house across the street from us and graduates in August. He has learned a ton about being independent, making choices, not having as much accountability, etc. It's been tough for him in some ways, but it's been necessary. At some point, the strings get tied.


Just the other day, I asked him to come over to help me for something. He has been out of the house for 18 months, and yet, when he left, I cried. I remembered the days when I would have hollered down the hall to ask for help. Then I thought of how he won't be easy at all to get a hold of once he goes to his training after commissioning. It all happens so very quickly. :grouphug:

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I was your daughter. I knew what I wanted and there was no stopping me. It's worked out beautifully for me, though life handed me some ups and downs like everyone else. My mom used to say when I left for college was when she started having blood pressure problems. ;)


It sounds like you've done a fantastic job with your dc, and you're just experiencing the normal emotions of a mommy who's watching her chicks fly. Bless you in this new chapter. Your daughter will ALWAYS need you.


Btw, you're all really, really beautiful! :)

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It gives me heart palpitations to think of my kids going off to college, and they're only 8 & 9 right now. :tongue_smilie:


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Your daughter sounds like a wonderful person, and it's exciting that she's raring to go on ahead with her life.


Love the picture of your family! Looks like your youngest will be able to handle the mom-smothering. :lol:

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There's a big difference between being ready for college academically and socially/personally. I completely understand -- I was definitely not ready socially! But I made some good, trustworthy friends who helped me through and God took care of the rest. I don't know if my mom cried or not -- it would have made it harder somehow, I think, had I known she did.

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