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How long after a c-section until you... (tmi)

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I had a c-section Thursday evening, came home yesterday. I haven't had a bowel movement since Thursday. I'm getting a wee bit concerned. How long after you had your c-section until you had a bowel movement?


I have been taking Miralax pretty regularly and plan to call my OBGYN tomorrow morning (who was out of town when I had my section; so I had the on call doctor at the hospital).

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Forever. Like, a week maybe. Although my diet wasn't that great before or after having my first couple of sections.


I am having my fourth this Friday and plan to have 2 green smoothies a day until then as well as after I get home. Between iron supplements and pain meds, it pays to be proactive.

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It will probably take a couple of days. You could try colace and prune juice or some milk of magnesia to get things moving. Pain meds will slow you down!

Gotcha. I am on Oxy and Ibuprofen. Unfortunately, I had another procedure at the same time and I'm in significantly more pain than I was with my last section; so I'm not comfortable slowing down on the meds yet (it's all I have in me to wait the 4 hours between doses right now and I'm still waking up crying in the night from the pain).

Hopefully in a couple more days I can stop the Oxy.

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It was almost a week. And normally I'm a twice a day at least person, so that was a LONG time for me. It is the surgery and the pain meds. PLEASE take coalace. LOTS of it. And get a suppository if you need to...I had to send my dh to the store to buy me fleet glycerine suppositories at the end, I was in SUCH agony. It was awful and painful but I felt SO much better after that was overwith. Seriously, and I know this is TMI, but I thought I was going to overflow the toilet, I was so backed up.

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drink a ton of water, take a stool softener (colace). and start to move a bit. I can't remember what happened with my c-section, but I know I was drugged up and I have trouble with my bowels anyway. Do an enema or a suppository sooner than later if you need to.

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I don't remember how long it took with the first 3 c-sections.


With the 4th c-section, my procedure was long due to complications, and everything was exposed to air for a longer period of time. I was in the hospital for two weeks, mostly on clear liquids, because my entire digestive system just froze. I also had an intrauterine infection at the time and was on triple antibiotics which I'm sure didn't help.


Because you had another procedure at the same time, it's likely that it'll just take a bit longer to get things moving again. They told me at the time that the longer the procedure, the more likely it is for things to stop moving.

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