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I want to give out all my rep every day...anyone with me?

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I've been thinking alot about the rep points recently. I've realized that there are a lot of thoughtful, encouraging and useful posts I don't take the time to rep, and I know the posters would appreciate it. I'm going to make an attempt to spend all my rep points on a daily basis, not to just fling them around but rather to make sure that all the posters I appreciate are noted. I'm usually good about 2-3 reps a day, but I can do better. Anybody want to join me?


Also, a question...just how many rep points do I get to spend in a day? Is it listed somewhere, or does anyone know just by experience?



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It really varies. Things don't pop out for me on systematic basis like that. I do try to let others know when I have appreciated their time and help, though. I don't try to hand it all out, but try to hand it out in a heart-felt fashion. I do try to show appreciation in some way, shape, or form whether that be rep, PM, or post response. I can't promise to give out all every day. But I will promise to try and be aware of thanking those who have helped me, giving encouragement when needed, and assisting if I can!

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I have made a concerted effort to deplete myself every day. The more you spread it around, the sooner you can re-rep posters who you really super-duper appreciate. But don't think that just because you can't rep at, say, 5:00 that you are done for the day. Yesterday I repped a little in the morning, then I could rep again around 5:00, and then again at 9:00. It's based on a 24-hour period, not a calendar day. Within one 24-hour period from yesterday morning until this morning, I was able to rep 7 people. That seems to be the average. Between 5 and 7. I haven't found it listed anywhere, this is just from my and other people's nerdy note-taking observations.

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It really varies. Things don't pop out for me on systematic basis like that. I do try to let others know when I have appreciated their time and help, though. I don't try to hand it all out, but try to hand it out in a heart-felt fashion. I do try to show appreciation in some way, shape, or form whether that be rep, PM, or post response. I can't promise to give out all every day. But I will promise to try and be aware of thanking those who have helped me, giving encouragement when needed, and assisting if I can!


:iagree: I will try to, though - I think it is a simply grand idea.

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I particularly try to rep people that respond to my posts or answer my questions - just a way to show appreciation for taking note of me or helping me out in a big giant forum like this where it's easy to feel a bit lost.


And of course I rep when someone says something that really speaks to me. I don't necessarily try to use it all up each day but I try to keep it in mind and pass the rep love around. :)

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I have made a concerted effort to deplete myself every day. The more you spread it around, the sooner you can re-rep posters who you really super-duper appreciate. But don't think that just because you can't rep at, say, 5:00 that you are done for the day. Yesterday I repped a little in the morning, then I could rep again around 5:00, and then again at 9:00. It's based on a 24-hour period, not a calendar day. Within one 24-hour period from yesterday morning until this morning, I was able to rep 7 people. That seems to be the average. Between 5 and 7. I haven't found it listed anywhere, this is just from my and other people's nerdy note-taking observations.


Thanks for the info...I didn't realize it was 24 hours! That's helpful. If I do have between 5-7 reps a day, handing it all out should be doable! At least on the days that I am able to get online, there are easily that many rep-able posts a day! I'm in a sharing mood, why keep it when I can give it away! :D

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Thanks for the info...I didn't realize it was 24 hours! That's helpful. If I do have between 5-7 reps a day, handing it all out should be doable! At least on the days that I am able to get online, there are easily that many rep-able posts a day! I'm in a sharing mood, why keep it when I can give it away! :D


Yep. To me, it's like a gift that I can give that will make someone feel good, and it doesn't cost me a thing! I almost feel like I've thrown my gifts away if I don't use them each day. And you're right, there are certainly more than enough posts worth repping on these boards each day. I've never had to leave the boards thinking, "Hmmm. Nothing good there today." :)

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I rep people left and right and try to make a particular effort to catch those who are new, or don't post as often, or really go out of their way to offer valuable insight and advice.:)


Colleen, that's a nice way to do it. I'm sure anyone new or who is an infrequent poster especially appreciates some rep! Make 'em feel welcome... :D

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Oh, if you must use it up, I will take it ;)



Oooh! Grand idea JFS! If anyone is desperately looking for someone to throw their last rep of the night at, after getting JFS, of course, I'm available. If you would like me to say something witty, or helpful, or spastic to earn it, just let me know.


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Yep. To me, it's like a gift that I can give that will make someone feel good, and it doesn't cost me a thing! I almost feel like I've thrown my gifts away if I don't use them each day. And you're right, there are certainly more than enough posts worth repping on these boards each day. I've never had to leave the boards thinking, "Hmmm. Nothing good there today." :)

:iagree::iagree::iagree: If it brings joy to someone who has taken the time to post, then it is worth it.

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Genie, you do tricks, what falls under spastic category. I will rep you for one spastic and two witties.


Just kiddin'





Wow. I just realized how hard it is to perform on command. How about a sparkly thanks?




And this...



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