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Is there anything like Winterpromise only secular?

Melissa B

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I really like the layout and am considering putting something like that together, but it seems like a lot of work. I'm always flip-flopping on whether or not to do a couple of subjects with all of the kids together. It seems like a good idea until you try and implement it. :)


I'm sure there are people who happily use Winterpromise without the religion, but I figure if I have to rewrite and supplement a bunch I might as well just write my own (or not put the kids together.)


Thanks for any suggestions!

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I wish I knew! History Odyssey is probably the closest you'll find, but I find their book list much lighter than Sonlight or Winter Promise.


I used Winter Promise's The American Story without any problems with religious books. But when I tried piecing together Adventures in the Sea & Sky, I found that if I left out all the religious books, I didn't have much left over to actually use. And then I wanted to buy the Quest for the Ancient World but when I saw that The Mystery of History was a spine, I didn't even bother trying to make the program secular.


I also wish there was a secular version of TOG - Tapestry of Grace. The way it's laid out is brilliant.

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I wish I knew! History Odyssey is probably the closest you'll find, but I find their book list much lighter than Sonlight or Winter Promise.


I agree, it is light on reading, we read a lot, so I have just been folding in other books where needed.


I also use Noeo Science, it somewhat follows a Classical/CM schedule, an easy fit with HO. It is a very gentle approach to science, nicely laid out.

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I also wish there was a secular version of TOG - Tapestry of Grace. The way it's laid out is brilliant.


I'm actually very strongly considering using TOG secularly this year. I love the amount of info for the mom. I have no problem teaching my daughter about Christianity. It is a major aspect of American culture. I downloaded the samples for Year 2, and I really think I will be able to use it.

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Trust me, there isn't one secular program out there similar to Winter's Promise or TOG that combines multiple age ranges. I've looked high and low. So, I gave up and just piece-meal my own course of study together as we go along.


If you write any secular program, classical or literature driven in nature product that includes plans for grades 6 & above, you have your first customer.

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I But when I tried piecing together Adventures in the Sea & Sky, I found that if I left out all the religious books, I didn't have much left over to actually use. And then I wanted to buy the Quest for the Ancient World but when I saw that The Mystery of History was a spine, I didn't even bother trying to make the program secular.


Were the Sea and Sky books you're referencing ones that just mentioned God or ones that were creation science based? I have a son who really wants to do this program in the future but can't figure out if it will work or not, we're Christian so religious references are fine, but our family doesn't teach creation science.


That was my problem with QAW and QMA, my oldest would have enjoyed these programs but MOH was a turn off for us unfortunately.

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Thanks everyone! It sounds like I'll be writing my own curriculum if I want to combine all of the children. I looked at TOG again, as much as I like the layout - I don't think it would work for us. But the whole thing was written by one homeschool mother that wanted something specific for her children - so it can be done!

We're off to go swimming - definitely an activity they can all do together. :)

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Were the Sea and Sky books you're referencing ones that just mentioned God or ones that were creation science based? I have a son who really wants to do this program in the future but can't figure out if it will work or not, we're Christian so religious references are fine, but our family doesn't teach creation science.


Here is a post of mine from the WP forum-


"WP philosophy is young-earth Christian. This means that the timeline will start at creation/5000 BC and if a book refers to the age of Earth/Universe in terms of millions/ billions of years then there is a note in the IG. Also, God and Christian perspectives are referenced throughout numerous books used in SS.


Here is a list of the Christian texts (I think I included all of them) used in this program:

Exploring Planet Earth SS-H07

The Ocean Book SS-S01

Glad Scientist Learns about Weather SS-S04

Dragons of the Deep SS-S07

The Weather Book SS-S08

Glad Scientist Visits Outer Space SS-S13

Our Place in Space SS-B01 (obviously as this is the Bible study title)


I am Christian, but I am not a young-earth creationist. References to God in science/ history books don't bother me- more importantly these references will not offend/ distract my 14yo ds who will be using the program. The only book that I replaced was Dragons of the Deep with Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Creatures of the Deep and the companion DVD.


If I were wanting to use SS in a secular fashion, I would buy the IG, Sailing the Seas through History, MYO Captian's Log, timeline figures/timeline, and maps. Then, I would check out the other books individually on Amazon or elsewhere to determine if I could use them in my home.


If you or your ds will find any reference to God or Christianity offensive, then check out all of the books listed. The Bible study is not integral to the program and can be easily omitted. Most of the other books could be replaced, but Exploring Planet Earth is used all throughout the year and it may be difficult to find a comparable secular title. Although I don't know this for sure, because I didn't look."




"I have eliminated/ replaced other titles due to our goals for the year and my apparent enjoyment in tweaking/ modifying, but this (Dragons of the Deep) was the only one I replaced due to young-earth/ religious content. I just felt that the young-earth content would deter my ds from engaging with the text and relating to the creatures presented."


Also, WP S&S is based around a weekly topic, so if you buy the guide you have the activities laid out, websites scheduled, DVD suggestions, and with the weekly topics in both science and history it shouldn't be difficult to replace information if desired. The weekly history topics are listed here in the PDF sample on page 2. At the bottom of page 3 in the PDF you can see how the science topic is listed every week.


Oh, also, in S&S the first two weeks of timeline figures are young-earth. We will just skip them.




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I think with Winterpromise it really depends on which program you use. As NightElf said, some are quite easy to leave out the religious parts and in others it is more integral. Which program were you considering and maybe someone here might be able to tell you more specifically if it could work for you? I have used AW and AS1, without any problem. I just got the books for AS2 and that looks like it is basically secular. I haven't seen Sea and Sky. I do know that Children Around the World is more religious. Other than that, I don't know. I have found that WP comes closest, other than that, piecing it together works too! Good luck.

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If you or your ds will find any reference to God or Christianity offensive, then check out all of the books listed. The Bible study is not integral to the program and can be easily omitted. Most of the other books could be replaced, but Exploring Planet Earth is used all throughout the year and it may be difficult to find a comparable secular title. Although I don't know this for sure, because I didn't look."



Mandy's post is much more detailed than mine could be. It was a year or two ago when I tried using the Sea & Sky program. In fact, this past weekend while I was cleaning the schoolroom I tossed all the WP exclusive items or that program. The program would have been for my son and he doesn't like any religious references at all. Well, he doesn't mind an occasional mention if the character of a book is religious but he absolutely hates religious references in science books.

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I've looked at WP, TOG, and SL. SL was out first and that's what I've always used. It takes some effort to adapt for religious content, but not that much. WP and TOG looked much more difficult to adapt than SL.


I find it much easier to adapt SL than to try to make up the whole thing myself. It's easy to buy SL piecemeal.

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I would think WP is very easy to leave the religion out of. I use SL and we still read the stories as we go through it...but I think you could leave out the "religious" books...like missionary stories and you would be fine. I think some of the religion shouldnt be considered religious education...but history...as history is based a lot on religion. You dont have to lean towards a specific religion with either program if you want to leave it out...but I think the topics that you do touch on will be to explain why things happened through out history that was due to religion.


We are doing Core 1 and there is a lot more religion...in the missionary stories, abuka to z, but the main books are not religious. I dont do the bible portion at all with SL...we just skip that.


With core 4, I only see the religion in the top...bible section...and we skip that too...so I havent run across anything with religion! Its all history so far.


I just really needed the schedule. I am SOOOO happy to have started SL as the schedule has made my life so much easier. I would say if you like WP to go ahead and give it a shot.

Good luck,


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Just got this on a WP secular homeschool group. (I am Christian but I do not believe what the vast majority do, so I try to go secular more often than not.) I do not have any first hand knowledge of this, all I did was pass it on.


"Actually, there is a free history curriculum out there that covers the

Ancients and is totally secular. :-)




There are two versions. One version uses SOTW as the narrative spine and

the other uses E.H. Grombrich's "A Little History of the World" as the

narrative spine -- AND, it actually starts with Prehistory. :-) Both

versions, also, use the Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. I have

printed out the first 6 weeks worth of "lesson plans" and really like the

looks of it."

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"Actually, there is a free history curriculum out there that covers the

Ancients and is totally secular. :-)




There are two versions. One version uses SOTW as the narrative spine and

the other uses E.H. Grombrich's "A Little History of the World" as the

narrative spine -- AND, it actually starts with Prehistory. :-) Both

versions, also, use the Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. I have

printed out the first 6 weeks worth of "lesson plans" and really like the

looks of it."


I downloaded this awhile back, it looked very intresting. I downloaded the one that goes with E.H. Grombirich's book and has the prehistory. Do you know anyone that has used it yet and what their thoughts were about it? I am excited for the Middle Ages to be completed.

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I downloaded this awhile back, it looked very intresting. I downloaded the one that goes with E.H. Grombirich's book and has the prehistory. Do you know anyone that has used it yet and what their thoughts were about it? I am excited for the Middle Ages to be completed.


I am excited for the middle ages too, as I really need a secular version for that. I have a while that I can wait though. :) I can't figure out what grade level this covers. I haven't downloaded anything yet, though. The quote is the only information I have, though I may be able to contact the author through a yahoo group. I will PM you with group info if I am successful.

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Here is a post of mine from the WP forum-


"WP philosophy is young-earth Christian. This means that the timeline will start at creation/5000 BC and if a book refers to the age of Earth/Universe in terms of millions/ billions of years then there is a note in the IG. Also, God and Christian perspectives are referenced throughout numerous books used in SS.


Here is a list of the Christian texts (I think I included all of them) used in this program:

Exploring Planet Earth SS-H07

The Ocean Book SS-S01

Glad Scientist Learns about Weather SS-S04

Dragons of the Deep SS-S07

The Weather Book SS-S08

Glad Scientist Visits Outer Space SS-S13

Our Place in Space SS-B01 (obviously as this is the Bible study title)


I am Christian, but I am not a young-earth creationist. References to God in science/ history books don't bother me- more importantly these references will not offend/ distract my 14yo ds who will be using the program. The only book that I replaced was Dragons of the Deep with Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Creatures of the Deep and the companion DVD.


If I were wanting to use SS in a secular fashion, I would buy the IG, Sailing the Seas through History, MYO Captian's Log, timeline figures/timeline, and maps. Then, I would check out the other books individually on Amazon or elsewhere to determine if I could use them in my home.


If you or your ds will find any reference to God or Christianity offensive, then check out all of the books listed. The Bible study is not integral to the program and can be easily omitted. Most of the other books could be replaced, but Exploring Planet Earth is used all throughout the year and it may be difficult to find a comparable secular title. Although I don't know this for sure, because I didn't look."




"I have eliminated/ replaced other titles due to our goals for the year and my apparent enjoyment in tweaking/ modifying, but this (Dragons of the Deep) was the only one I replaced due to young-earth/ religious content. I just felt that the young-earth content would deter my ds from engaging with the text and relating to the creatures presented."


Also, WP S&S is based around a weekly topic, so if you buy the guide you have the activities laid out, websites scheduled, DVD suggestions, and with the weekly topics in both science and history it shouldn't be difficult to replace information if desired. The weekly history topics are listed here in the PDF sample on page 2. At the bottom of page 3 in the PDF you can see how the science topic is listed every week.


Oh, also, in S&S the first two weeks of timeline figures are young-earth. We will just skip them.






Thanks Mandy, that was very informative. I don't know how I missed this on the WP forums.

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