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Pool owners... please HELP me fix my pool water!

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It's GREEN! My dh (notice my remarkable restraint in NOT adding any choice adjectives before dh :)) put some Shock treatment in to fix the cloudiness. Well, now it's green! I liked cloudy better. :glare: Algae is on the bottom and it's getting worse each day. We've been running the filter non-stop even though dh said we shouldn't. Well, I had a pool growing up and we always ran the pump...even when we were swimming.


So, please help me! What do I do? How do I get rid of this algae so we can swim again? :confused:

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We have a pool but we have a pool service so I am not sure what to do. However, I do have a suggestion- go to a pool store if there is such a thing in your area. I know from going into one near me that they have lots of different kinds of bottles of chemicals for many kinds of problems. They would be able to help you. I just go into mine to get pool accessories.

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Do you sweep it a couple times a day if not dailY? When we had a fire in our house and the electricity was out for a couple of months the pool lady told mother besides shock and chlorine sweep/brushing the pool a couple times a day helps. It took a few weeks but it worked.

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Most pool stores will actually test your water and then give you a list of chemicals you need to buy and how and when to use each one. You have to bring in a good size sample from about 6 inches under the water. We have a store called self chem and they are constantly helping people fix green pool water. Good luck.


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Definitely take some water into the pool supply (Leslies or whatever) and have them check it. First, when you do get the water, make sure you dip down at least to your elbow to get water below the service.


I really love the pool forum at



Before you buy alot of chemicals, go and post hte results of your water analysis there and you will get really expert advice, not a teenager who is bored selling you chemicals you don't need. (not that all pool places are that way, but it does happen)

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and the difficulty now is getting the algae out of the pool because it will be settling to the bottom. Do you have a vacuum that will pull it through the filter? If you have a sand filter you will need to backwash it or if you have a cartridge one you'll need to wash it too daily for a while. Find a way to suck it out :) after you kill the algae. Then make sure your clorine levels stay up and you run that filter a lot on warm days with lots of usage.

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Sweep it, shock it with chlorine, vacuum tomorrow (if manual), and yes, run the pump until it clears. Don't forget to clean the filter before and after.


After you get it clear. - If you don't have an automatic vaccum then get into the habit of vaccuuming regularly. Shock with chlorine once a week and keep some tabs in the floaty thing.


Make sure you clean up the pool from any debris after a storm.

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It's GREEN! My dh (notice my remarkable restraint in NOT adding any choice adjectives before dh :)) put some Shock treatment in to fix the cloudiness. Well, now it's green! I liked cloudy better. :glare: Algae is on the bottom and it's getting worse each day. We've been running the filter non-stop even though dh said we shouldn't. Well, I had a pool growing up and we always ran the pump...even when we were swimming.


So, please help me! What do I do? How do I get rid of this algae so we can swim again? :confused:


Algae is hard to get rid of. It is not j*st shocking it. The algae will turn clear, but will still be in the water. Your Ph could be off as well. Visit your local pool testing store. They will clear it up for you.


Also if you have a sand filter, algea passes right through it.


Algea may not be pretty, but you can still swim in it.

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This is not the easy way, but you must take a sample to the pool store. Treat the pool. Take another sample to the pool store. Treat the pool. Repeat until they say the chemicals are in balance. You must run the pool 24/7 until it is fixed. You may also need to vacuum the bottom. It takes a while to get under control when you have algae. The pool store also recommended that we keep our chlorine levels a little higher in the summer to prevent the algae.


Good luck



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You only need to run the filter long enough to turn over the water at least once a day.


So make it a word problem for one of the kids - how much does the pump pump/hour, and how many gallons is it.... :D


Algaecide is what is needed, follow the directions on the bottle. It will tell you how long to filter it and all that.


The pool forum is awesome!!!! I agree with posting there and asking for input on what to add.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I forgot to say that our pool is only one of those Easy Set pools (it's like 13 feet by 36 inc.). I'm beginning to think draining the pool and starting from scratch would be easier than running back and forth to the pool store which is most likely 20+ miles away! I'd either be paying for the gas or paying for the water (we are on a well anyway). I will check into the algaecide and cleaning out the filter (duh!). I just need to know how to maintain it for future uses so we don't get algae. We keep chlorine tabs in our floaty already.

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All those pool chemicals are sold at Walmart too.

The algicide is often needed after a big rain and it takes a day or so to work. Hope you find just the right brew. Good luck.:001_smile:

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I forgot to say that our pool is only one of those Easy Set pools (it's like 13 feet by 36 inc.). I'm beginning to think draining the pool and starting from scratch would be easier than running back and forth to the pool store which is most likely 20+ miles away! I'd either be paying for the gas or paying for the water (we are on a well anyway). I will check into the algaecide and cleaning out the filter (duh!). I just need to know how to maintain it for future uses so we don't get algae. We keep chlorine tabs in our floaty already.
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