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We currently are using the living room as our homeschool room. I have 3 full size book shelves and 2 half size. One full size shelf it dedicated to all my homeschool stuff. Some areas of it are double stacked, though I did just clear out some of it. Since we moved to smaller quarters, I get a lot of books for the Kindle.


In our old house in FL, I actually had a HS room. Out there I used those little metal crate things that you put together to make cubes. I had two sets up, plus two tables for homeschooling. Now I have a coffee table. :) We're actually getting more school done in this set up though. :)

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On the floor. In stacks. On every conceivable flat surface.
This is my son's preferred method.


I've decided that books are our home decor. Any wall that will fit a bookshelf has one.
This is mine. :lol:



I just cleaned out DS's room today to make room for one more bookshelf, as I was tired of climbing over piles of books to get to his closet.


We have bookcases along any wall that can hold one. I have

realized it is best to go for the taller bookcases. :tongue_smilie: Don't waste money on cute little ones.


We also have baskets of books everywhere... On the fireplace hearth, under the end tables, tucked into corners, etc.

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We have bookcases along any wall that can hold one. I have realized it is best to go for the taller bookcases. :tongue_smilie: Don't waste money on cute little ones.


This. Go vertical as much as possible. :001_smile: Otherwise you end up with a father-in-law who comes to visit and complains that he can't find a place to set down his coffee cup because he "feels like he's in a library". :lol:


What can I say, we've learned over the years. :tongue_smilie:


We also do some of the other things that have been mentioned.... rotate out the books, boxing up those not currently being used, putting bookshelves in nearly every room in the house, using baskets in strategic places, etc.

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