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Facebook is nothing new

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I am laughing today because I am doing some family research. I am using a trial membership on Ancestory.com and searching through Newspapers where my family came from.


My Great Grandmother would have been a Facebook addict. I swear there is a tidbit in that newspaper about her family almost every week. Every time her son accomplished anything, any time they left town, any time she had a party for a few friends. Either she called the paper to report, or the society page person was desperate for news and lived next door to her.


It's actually sort of interesting to me that people would leave town and announce that in the newspaper - talk about a privacy concern! And it occurred to me that the daily paper was a lot like facebook back then - really bad news writing, lots of personal information, every little thing announced ...

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I am laughing today because I am doing some family research. I am using a trial membership on Ancestory.com and searching through Newspapers where my family came from.


My Great Grandmother would have been a Facebook addict. I swear there is a tidbit in that newspaper about her family almost every week. Every time her son accomplished anything, any time they left town, any time she had a party for a few friends. Either she called the paper to report, or the society page person was desperate for news and lived next door to her.


It's actually sort of interesting to me that people would leave town and announce that in the newspaper - talk about a privacy concern! And it occurred to me that the daily paper was a lot like facebook back then - really bad news writing, lots of personal information, every little thing announced ...


That's really cool.


I think they announced when they were leaving so they wouldn't get callers.

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I am laughing today because I am doing some family research. I am using a trial membership on Ancestory.com and searching through Newspapers where my family came from.


My Great Grandmother would have been a Facebook addict. I swear there is a tidbit in that newspaper about her family almost every week. Every time her son accomplished anything, any time they left town, any time she had a party for a few friends. Either she called the paper to report, or the society page person was desperate for news and lived next door to her.


It's actually sort of interesting to me that people would leave town and announce that in the newspaper - talk about a privacy concern! And it occurred to me that the daily paper was a lot like facebook back then - really bad news writing, lots of personal information, every little thing announced ...


Good point! I was just remembering how my grandmother's photo was in the paper when her tulip tree bloomed for the first time in many years. Thinking about it like Facebook makes it less like "huh?". I could imagine someone sharing that on facebook.

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Yes, but isn't it GREAT to see that the Scouts put up the Memorial Day flags and that so and so won some race in Durango, and that my dd was promoted to LTJG and the 8ths graders went to DC and that the food pantry has new people to run it and that the forest service plane practiced water drops on the ranch for fire fighting???? That's just from last week! I love reading our little local paper and I spend a lot of time during sports season sending in pictures. I try to put in a Scout picture at least once a month. They don't always use them, but they do their best!


Oh my gosh, I love that! I need to move to a smaller town. :)

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I grew up in a small town like that. They still publish EVERY call to the police and every traffic violation.


"Susie Smith was ticketed for driving 45 MPH in a 25 MPH zone."


"Jerry Smith called the police to report that his neighbor was riding their 4-wheeler in the street and it was quite loud."


I'm not kidding.


As a teen, if we got pulled over, we tried to intercept the newspaper the next day. It never worked, someone (Grandma) would always alert our parents so it was best to come clean right away.

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I grew up in a town like that. We used to joke that if we sneezed three times in a row, it would be front page news. It was fun. I have stacks of newspaper clippings from every award, club, speech, etc. all through school.


I love looking through old papers at history museums. The juxtaposition of "Japs [sic] Bomb Pearl Harbor" and "O'Malleys visiting daughter in New York" complete with picture of the O'Malleys in front of their car with their luggage on the same page is fascinating. The crime is also suprising. It definitely takes away that "it's so much more dangerous these days" feeling.


The difference between the old small town paper and FB was that someone else (the reporter or editor) had to think it was interesting, too. :D

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I not only grew up in a place where the newspaper published personal news.... My mother wrote the Cove News. We lived in a little valley called the Cove. Each little town had its own news column, and a resident would call each household every week to ask if they had any news for the paper that week. When I was a teen, if my mom was too busy to call everyone to get their news, I made the calls for her. :D :lol:

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This reminds me of something my mother always talked about. Her hometown paper would publish information about social events. Mom always thought it was funny when it said something like "Teresa had a luncheon on Tuesday. Nancy poured." (as in coffee).

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That reminds me of the newspaper in my hometown. . . there was a column of personal news, and in it, a grandmother or something very often put news of her grandson. It always said "Little Mattie Jones [not his real name, but that sort of nickname, and always with the "Little"]. . . visited his grandmother at the nursing home/attended the floral show/had lunch at Local Restaurant/etc.

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I grew afraid of what was posted in the town I lived in during High School as my grandma put every get together in the little newspaper. Then they would gossip about it all week long. Everything ended with "a good time was had by all."



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