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After 15+ years I may be saying goodbye to homeschool...

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I just filled out the paperwork to enroll my son in a small private Christian high school. :001_huh: It's a bittersweet feeling.


DS is super excited. He knows many of the students who attend, and they have a drama club/class he can take every year for credit. The academics are high as well so he will be pushed to excel, and they offer dual enrollment courses through an online college as well as AP classes. Many good opportunities for him. Happy for him, kinda sad for me.


I have really felt burnt out this past year and have, in my opinion, done a lousy job homeschooling though. I've discovered that he NEEDS to be accountable to someone besides me and he NEEDS to be pushed to excel by someone besides me. I noticed that when we had a writing tutor for a while. He did wonderful work for her, whereas with me he just does mediocre get-er-done work. It's frustrating. He has no motivation to excel here at home with just he and I. I've come to feel that I am hurting him by continuing to school him. ;(


Anyhow, it's not a for sure thing until I find out if I can work at the school. They offer tuition credit jobs whereas I would basically work one day a week at $9 an hour but instead of getting paid money, I would get a reduced tuition each month. If I can pick up more hours then I get more off the tuition. We can't afford the tuition unless I get one of these positions...so it's all resting on that. ;)


I already bought ALL of next years curriculum too!! So, since I have had it in my possession for a few months (brand spanking new) now I am going to to have to try and sell it instead of returning it. Arg. MFW World History anyone? Literary Lessons for Lord of the Rings anyone?

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Hugs to you Melissa! I've been in pretty much the same place as you twice now! What is important is that you are looking at what is best for your child, rather than clinging to one particular approach. I think kids can need different things at different times, and our job is to help them find their path in life.


I felt very much like you for my eldest. He just wasn't thriving at home anymore. My DD (number 3) just went off as a freshman to a residential ballet school this year, a 1000 miles away. I remember waking up on the morning she left home and saw all the homeschool courses we were to finish the following year, and just wept. But she actually said to me that she too needed to be in a classroom environment, face to face with her teachers to do her best. She is acing her way through school right now, whereas she would hold back for me, and not be motivated to excel. Middle child however, absolutely needs me to school him through all of high school (well, with outside classes as needed, that is). Middle child is self-motivated in a way the other two are not. Three different personalities with three ways of approaching life.


I also think that your son just may come back to you just as mine did to let you know how much he appreciated the homeschool part of his life, and how solid a foundation it gave him. But all that said, I know how it feels for you!!!! :grouphug:

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I just filled out the paperwork to enroll my son in a small private Christian high school. :001_huh: It's a bittersweet feeling.


DS is super excited. He knows many of the students who attend, and they have a drama club/class he can take every year for credit. The academics are high as well so he will be pushed to excel, and they offer dual enrollment courses through an online college as well as AP classes. Many good opportunities for him. Happy for him, kinda sad for me.


I have really felt burnt out this past year and have, in my opinion, done a lousy job homeschooling though. I've discovered that he NEEDS to be accountable to someone besides me and he NEEDS to be pushed to excel by someone besides me. I noticed that when we had a writing tutor for a while. He did wonderful work for her, whereas with me he just does mediocre get-er-done work. It's frustrating. He has no motivation to excel here at home with just he and I. I've come to feel that I am hurting him by continuing to school him. ;(




I understand how you feel -- although I always planned for my dc to attend a private high school following middle school at home. Some students thrive in a school environment. Mine sure do.


You mentioned drama. Dd14 just played the lead female role of 'Emily' in the spring production of Our Town. After 2.5 months of rehearsals it was one of my proudest moments to see her on stage this weekend for 3 shows. Not a dry eye in the theater when she concluded her last lines. When she took her bows I sat and thanked God in my heart for the gift of this little school. Here she is below. (Yes, I am proud.) :)


Both my older dc are highly competitive so school is ideal. They want to excel, lead, compete.


All the best to you in your new journey. :)



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Thanks everyone!


It will be oddly strange to no longer be a "homeschooler". I knew this day was drawing near but I wasn't expecting it for three more years! It's hard to not be excited for my ds though, his enthusiasm is quite catching, but I have a feeling that when he starts school on Sept 4 I am going to be quite teary-eyed. :crying:


Still, nothing is for sure yet. He has not yet been accepted into the school. He still has a one on one interview with the principal to attend, and I still need to be hired as a teacher aid for tuition credit. If either of those don't go through, then he will continue his education at home.


As for my curriculum...


I have soooooo much! Once we have some definite plans then I will begin making a nice for sale listing. ;)

Edited by Melissa in CA
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What a bittersweet time for you! It sounds like a potentially great situation for your son, though.


What I really want to know is who is going to test all the curriculum I like if you're not doing it? My son is just a couple years behind yours and your seem to pick things I'm interested in. I've appreciated learning about them through you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you will check in from time to time to let us know how the transition to school works out, or just visit to dole out your homeschool wisdom. My oldest is doing AHL this year, but I hope you are able to sell your stuff. I can envision my youngest needing to attend a school after all his older brothers are moved out.

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