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Are you prepared for death?

Have you prepared for your death?  

  1. 1. Have you prepared for your death?

    • Yes. I have a will and / or picked out my final resting site.
    • Nope.
    • Other

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Pretty much what the header asks. Do you have a will or/ and living will? Have you made plans on your funeral?


ETA: The poll is not set to private. I'm sorry about that. It was my first poll and I didn't realize it was set on public.

Edited by elfknitter
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I voted yes as we have a will (which includes the names of guardians for our children), but I have not made any plans for a funeral.


My dh knows that I wish to be cremated, but that's about as far as it goes.

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I answered yes, but we're considering making some big changes to what will happen to our bodies. The current plans are to donate all our organs and be cremated. However, we would both prefer to be cryogenically frozen. Try saying that with a straight face! We can either use our savings or plan to purchase life insurance to take care of the costs. The main obstacle is that it is much better to find a local lab, but there isn't one in our state as of yet.


We do have living wills, which state that we want the plugs pulled if x, y, and z. Unofficially, we have also talked openly with friends in family about our beliefs regarding euthanasia. If I were to suffer from terminal illness or dementia, I would take steps to end my own life (my husband would assist me if necessary), probably using an exit bag. So yes, I would say I have prepared myself for death -- as much as one can, anyway.

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Have a will.


Dh and I don't agree on funeral arrangements. If he dies first, I get to be cremated. If I die first, he will waste money and bury me.


I have a folder with pics of me and the kids, songs I want sung and directions for my funeral.


I am an ER nurse. Death is often unexpected.

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We have a will and a trust in place in case something should happen to us simultaniously. We have discussed funeral plans, but more time has been spent planning how the surviving members of our family would continue on with life. DH and I agree, at this stage in our lives, that if something happened to one of us the funeral plans should be made to give the kids what they need in thier grieving. Adult extended family can like it or lump it. My sister would be in charge if something happened to us both, and she is on board with that plan as well.


DH and I have discussed end of life medical decisions, and I trust him to do what needs to be done. We have over the fifteen years we've been together had twelve deaths in our families; several of those who died were under fifty years old. We each have a pretty realistic idea of what there is to deal with and how we feel about the issues surrounding death.

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We have a will/trust etc. As for final resting place, DH and I are donating our bodies to the U of M medical school and have requested that the children not use the money we leave behind for them for an elaborate memorial service. DD will be her brothers' guardian and my brother the executor and he knows how we feel. Our church will provide some sort of luncheon/funeral dinner for free since we are members if DD wants to do that.


Our pastor, who is also a dear friend, has a copy of our will in addition to the attorney so he has read it and knows we will not be buried/cremated etc. and that we don't want a bunch of money spent on a service. He and his dear wife have agreed to help dd make decisions and just watch over them and help guide her in finishing raising the boys.



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We have wills, living wills, caretakers and a trust assigned, and we both have plenty of life insurance. Dh and the rest of my family know I want to be an organ donor if possible. We don't have final resting places but dh and I know we both want to be cremated and we don't really care what happens with the ashes. If the kids are old enough when we go, they can decide what to do with the ashes.

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I am far behind on this. There is so much to think about but I'm really OK if it goes according to the intestacy law. The formalities would be more to make things easier for the bereaved, but on the other hand, they could tick people off. Like if I said I want A to have my kids or B to be my executor, that leaves others thinking I didn't trust them. Also, as people get older, my opinion on what's best for my kids and others changes (my ageing parents vs. my close friends to have custody of my kids, for example).


I side with Jane Eyre (age 9): I must keep in good health and not die. (I do worry a little, though. Being single with 5yos.)

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