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Why do people do this?????? Grrrrr.....

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I think perhaps grace is needed on both sides of this argument. Yes smacking gum is inappropriate, but so is letting it ruin your worship time with god. I sing in choir and praise team and have to sing with joyful noise singers. I could be annoyed by this or simply tune them out and praise god, I choose the latter!

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Also, not every church offers communion each week. At my church, it's just a few times/year. So gum chewing would rarely interfere with that.


And if I chew gum in church or offer it to a child of mine, it is due to breath that would make brimstone smell like a sweet incense. :ack2:

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I have no problem with gum/mints/whatever in church, as long as there is no smacking or bubble blowing. However, I have to admit that I found it really odd at a church we visited recently when the lead singer of the praise band was chomping away at her gum while she led worship. I would never say anything to her, and I just tried to ignore/not look at her and focus on worship, but it was very distracting.

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Passing the peace is when everyone shakes hands/hugs/whatever and says "peace be with you" or "peace of the Lord", before communion. The idea is that you are not supposed to take communion if there are hard feelings between you and someone else, so it is a chance to get on friendly terms with everyone.

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I have no problem with gum/mints/whatever in church, as long as there is no smacking or bubble blowing. However, I have to admit that I found it really odd at a church we visited recently when the lead singer of the praise band was chomping away at her gum while she led worship. I would never say anything to her, and I just tried to ignore/not look at her and focus on worship, but it was very distracting.


:iagree: smacking is a whole other story! :glare:And so is being on stage. Always spit out gum before going on stage... Last week at my niece's homeschool graduation one kid received his diploma while chomping like a cow :001_huh:

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LOL Didn't read all of this but I remember growing up in church chewing gum was the thing to do. Everyone's moms always had gum or mints in their purses to give to the kids during service. It was like a special treat and always kept us quiet. I see nothing wrong with it unless you are blowing bubbles and smacking it all obnoxiously!

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