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What would you do about this medical issue?

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If you were tested for a hormonal issue, and the results came back "normal", but you had every single symptom listed for the disorder?


"Normal" range for all women aged 20-100 is 250-1100, with younger women being higher, and older women being lower.

Your lab result was 422 at age 48.

Would you still wonder if it should be treated, or would you go with the doc who says that level is fine?


This is hypothetical. I do have lots of problems right now, but hormonal upset doesn't seem to be one of them. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Julie in CA
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I can tell you what I actually did do: I sought a second, then a third opinion, until I found someone who understood that "within normal limits" does not mean optimal function, and would treat me with my symptoms being the primary guidepost.


And I got my life back.

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I can tell you what I actually did do: I sought a second, then a third opinion, until I found someone who understood that "within normal limits" does not mean optimal function, and would treat me with my symptoms being the primary guidepost.


And I got my life back.


This is what I did too!

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I would start looking at another cause, there could be some other issue going on. I don't know what level that is for, but has your thyroid been checked?


It could also be food allergies. My brother was just tested and found he was highly allergic to green beans and canola oil. Hadn't a clue. Since he's taken those things, along with cutting back on gluten, he feels very much better.



What about Vit D? Iodine levels? iron levels? Adrenals? Heart? There's a whole lot of things that need to be checked out.

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Was this a blood or saliva test? From what I heard, the saliva test is typically considered more accurate.

You know your body well. Follow your gut instincts. If this was a blood test, go to a naturopath and they'll give you a kit you do at home. I just did mine. Very easy. Then you take it to a UPS store and it goes to the lab. Results will be returned to your doctor.

If it was a saliva test, keep digging for answers. PM me if you need the name of a local naturopath.

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I can tell you what I actually did do: I sought a second, then a third opinion, until I found someone who understood that "within normal limits" does not mean optimal function, and would treat me with my symptoms being the primary guidepost.


And I got my life back.







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I can tell you what I actually did do: I sought a second, then a third opinion, until I found someone who understood that "within normal limits" does not mean optimal function, and would treat me with my symptoms being the primary guidepost.


And I got my life back.


:iagree:Same with me - 2 years of being messed up and having 3 miscarriages then to carry one precious little boy to term and subsequently fall off the cliff within weeks of giving birth - HORMONAL train wreck!!! I got my life back using natural supplements:D

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Here's my experience:


Many years ago, when I was around 31, I was experiencing what I thought were hormonal issues: roller coaster emotions, periods spaced too far apart, sleep issues. I went to a doctor and had a blood test. He only checked one hormone and said it was fine. My issues could be explained by the fact that I had given birth to my daughter a year before and had just quit nursing her.


Well, I continued to have these issues on and off. From about 39-44 (my current age), they got worse. I felt run down and unmotivated all the time. If it weren't for my running, which kept me sane, I would have really preferred not to get out of bed in the morning. The other thing that kept me going is knowing that my dyslexic daughter completely relies on me for any learning that is going to happen. And, no, I didn't feel depressed. Just completely unmotivated.


So in January I went to a pharmacy that deals in bio-identical hormones. They do a saliva test and test several hormones. What they told me was that they are not as concerned with the levels as with the ratios. My ratio of progesterone to estrogen was low. So I began using a prescription bio-identical progesterone cream. Within two weeks I began feeling like Wonder Woman every single day. However, that lasted two weeks and then I started feeling like my unmotivated self again. I called the pharmacist and he said that perhaps the dose was too high and brought my hormones up at first (thus making me feel wonderful) but then became too much for me. He lowered the dose and after a few weeks, I'm feeling much better again. I sleep much better and I'm motivated to do what needs to be done and more. I also don't need that nap in the afternoon, as long as I'm not sitting around. I have to be upright and moving or I get sleepy.


I don't know if this info will help you, but if you do go this route, realize there is some trial and error in getting the dosage right. So give it some time.


Good luck to you!

Edited by Hikin' Mama
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