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Just got back from Walmart and ...

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I agree her kids could be getting a free lunch. I'm a homeschool mom and a public school mom too! (I have one at home and one in public school) and at the school my youngest attends, they have about 70% of the kids on free lunches and free breakfast too!

With that said, we don't qualify for free lunches, but if we did, oh my, the food is awful at the school! It is all fried to death and shriveled up looking except for the fruit, which looks great! Of course that is the thing the kids are not eating, they throw there fruit away, I guess they like fried/salty food.

I make my daughter a sack lunch everyday so she has something healthy to eat while at school, plus make dd and dh lunch everyday...LOL

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Maybe it's a money thing? I've heard horror stories about the low wages at Walmart; maybe her kids get free lunch at school and it's a financial hardship to feed them lunch at home?


No offense but does every single wal-mart thread HAVE to turn into an anti-wal-mart thread :confused: I think, but maybe I am way way off, that the OP meant this to be a funny post.

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the cashier told me, "I just hate summer because I have to feed the kids lunch everyday."


If she only knew!!:D


My sisters church has a lunch ministry where several people a day make lunches and bring them into known needy neighborhoods.

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No offense but does every single wal-mart thread HAVE to turn into an anti-wal-mart thread :confused: I think, but maybe I am way way off, that the OP meant this to be a funny post.


:001_huh: :confused1: Ouch. I don't know what kind of history of wal-mart/anit-wal-mart threads there are on this board; I guess I stepped into a landmine I was unaware of. I was just wondering if the cashier had a reason other than being a lazy b*tch for not wanting to feed her kids lunch everyday. I was actually trying to be compassionate.

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:eek: I know this response may be reactive and responsive but comments like this cashier and so many others I keep hearing lately really make me want to respond with "Why in the heck did you ever have kids since you can't seem to be around them??" Seems like 90% of the time that I say we homeschool I keep getting the "I could NEVER spend that much time with MY kid. We'd kill each other." response. Massive pet peeve for me lately.


edited addition: Ok, maybe she meant something else by that other than being annoyed at having to take care of her children. Maybe she wasn't talking with the attitude I'm so sick of hearing around here. :) Maybe

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I hate making lunch no matter what season it is. :lol:


Me too. I really, really don't like cooking. And my ds will eat barely anything unless it's a hot meal. :glare: (The best thing I can say about that trait is that it makes me think of my grandma -- she was definitely a 'must have a hot meal for lunch' kind of gal. LOL.)


Fortunately, dh (the main cook) is training ds pretty well in the cooking dept.


I'll be turning over any & all meal-fixing duties as soon as I can. :D


Reading the OP, my thought was that the cashier is probably someone who hates cooking/fixing food. It's interesting to see all the different ways to interpret one sentence.

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Last year I told my children that I get a duty-free lunch. (This is a term that public school teachers hold sacredly. You don't mess with a teacher's union-sanctioned-duty-free-lunch!!) So, now they make their own lunch and clean it up. I am upstairs enjoying a little quiet time, usually on the computer. If they are getting too wild I just shout down, "DUTY FREE!!!!!" :001_smile:

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Well, this was along the lines of what I was thinking when she said that. However, it is interesting that others thought of the financial hardship. I guess I should have been thinking more compassionately.


I just get sick of the way parents talk about their children and the grief, hardships, etc. they cause them in front of my children. I mean, do they not think they hear them?


We always pray for families like this in the van as we drive away. It makes me sad that parents see their children in this light. Mine kinda laughed and commented that, if she homeschooled, she would have already taught them how to make their own lunch.


I am just sad that parents have a few weeks of summer break but see it as such a hardship. I bet they won't feel this way one day when the kids are picking out their nursing home. I usually hear even worse comments at the baseball field and, yes, even at the church. Sad to me.

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:eek: I know this response may be reactive and responsive but comments like this cashier and so many others I keep hearing lately really make me want to respond with "Why in the heck did you ever have kids since you can't seem to be around them??" Seems like 90% of the time that I say we homeschool I keep getting the "I could NEVER spend that much time with MY kid. We'd kill each other." response. Massive pet peeve for me lately.


edited addition: Ok, maybe she meant something else by that other than being annoyed at having to take care of her children. Maybe she wasn't talking with the attitude I'm so sick of hearing around here. :) Maybe


I feel the same way. In Walmart, I purchased a small etch a sketch for dd and I told her we'll keep it in her book bag in the car, the cashier commented to me "I put on videos in my car for my kids, I don't want to listen to them":confused::001_huh:

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Could be. My dh's nephew and his wife quit homeschooling and sent their kids back to ps because of the lunches.


Maybe it's a money thing? I've heard horror stories about the low wages at Walmart; maybe her kids get free lunch at school and it's a financial hardship to feed them lunch at home?
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I am just sad that parents have a few weeks of summer break but see it as such a hardship. I bet they won't feel this way one day when the kids are picking out their nursing home. I usually hear even worse comments at the baseball field and, yes, even at the church. Sad to me.


I used to get annoyed at comments by the Moms about how they couldn't wait for their kids to go back to school because they were driving them crazy.


Then I realized I feel the same way :001_huh:.


One of the reasons we school year round is that we are all so much happier when we have the structure and routine. Too long of a break and they do drive me crazy, and I can only imagine how that would be magnified if I was used to them being gone for much of the day. I've got the benefit of being able to get back to our routine whenever I think the break is enough :001_smile:.


That is funny what your kids said about how she would've taught them to make their own lunch by now if she homeschooled :lol:.

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Last year I told my children that I get a duty-free lunch. (This is a term that public school teachers hold sacredly. You don't mess with a teacher's union-sanctioned-duty-free-lunch!!) So, now they make their own lunch and clean it up. I am upstairs enjoying a little quiet time, usually on the computer. If they are getting too wild I just shout down, "DUTY FREE!!!!!" :001_smile:


I am having a REALLY hard time imagining your kids getting a little too wild...they look so quiet and well behaved in pictures.

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