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Can I hide from the mailman from now on?

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To get the mail, I have to walk through our enclosed front porch and open a screen door to the front stairs. I'm generally a happy person and in a great mood, and I walk around the house singing all the time. I opened the front door and walked into the front porch singing that rumbly tumbly song from Winnie the Pooh, quite loudly. Of course, I look up and the mailman is right there on the other side of the screen. I'm so embarrassed!:blushing: My son is really laughing at me today.:001_smile:

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At least you were not wearing a bra and a thong on your way to the powder room to get the tweezers you left down there. I've been thinking of WHAT to cover our side lights with every since. But, it was the UPS man, and I often have to sign for things for DH. Talk about:blush:

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my husband is a mailman..and yes they have seen everything..lol. this is definitely no where near the most embarrassing thing that we would have seen that day..do you know some people leave dirty diapers IN their mailbox...seriously??


I'm in the mood for stories.

So please tell us some more. :)

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my personal favorite is when my husband had a certified letter..rang the doorbell and an attractive 16-18 yo girl comes to the door in her underwear..and then her father (yes it really was her father) comes to the door behind her..really?? who does that..i felt embarrassed when my dad saw me in a swimsuit..most of the other stories are more just crazy people trying to get someone's check..funny dogs/scary dogs..and the aforementioned dirty diapers..but the cool thing is people throw a lot of neat renovating materials, books, and household furnishings away..and so my dh can usually find himself a pretty good deal.:001_smile:

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