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Class of 2012

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There are several threads on the high school and college boards celebrating our graduates. I thought it would be fun and maybe encouraging to the moms of little ones to start a thread here, since they may not browse the other boards yet. Sort of a light at the end of the tunnel, kwim?


And yeah, I confess, it's an opportunity for a little mommish bragging... So here goes.


DS17 has completed high school! Home schooled all the way (parent-directed with cc at the end). He has been accepted into the Honors College at his first choice university, where he will pursue a degree in Biology. He has been awarded merit scholarships to cover tuition, fees and books. Dad and I are very happy!


Please add your graduate, with whatever details you feel comfortable sharing. And congrats all around!

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:party: Congratulations to both you and your DS, AuntieM! Well done!


DS 18 graduates in 2 weeks. He is a very bright and creative person who does not enjoy academics. Nevertheless, he always gets his work in and does a good job—both for me and for his outsource teachers. He is a professional musician and is eager to have more time to devote to his career. He will probably go to CC to earn an Audio Engineering certificate. I have no doubt that, given his passion, drive, and integrity, he will do well at whatever he turns his hand to.


DD 21 is a senior at her first choice university. She has been on the Provost's List every semester, which earns her a nice academic scholarship. (She also has a music scholarship as long as she's involved in choir, which she loves). She LOVES college, and unlike her brother, enjoys the whole read-lecture-notes-discussion-test life. :lol:


Both of them (and DD 14, for that matter) often end up in leadership roles. They are liked and respected by their peers. Sometimes I try to analyze why, and I think perhaps it's because they seem "comfortable in their own skin" (I know the French have a term for that, but I don't speak French :D ). It's like they have nothing to prove. Not sure if that makes sense, but I thought I'd throw it out there FWIW.


IOW, even though some days during our homeschool years were blah, they are turning out just fine, academically, socially and personally. It is a privilege to be their mom.

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My dd graduated this past Sunday. She will be attending Mississippi State, majoring in Aeronautical Engineering. She received a full tuition scholarship.


As encouragement to all you moms with littles.....homeschooling through high school was wonderful for her (I know it might not be the best choice for all). She took several classes that allowed her to explore her interests and took time to develop several hobbies (sailing, flying) that lead to her career path. She probably wouldn't have had the time to do that if she was in school.

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My always homeschooled DD17 is completing high school! I'm wrapping up her stuff right now. One down, five to go.


This was her first year with outsourced classes -- public speaking and art. She did just fine.


Next week she'll leave for a 6 week internship at a nature center in the Midwest -- this will give her a chance to do (real) hard work and broaden her ideas about what she can do going forward.


When she returns we will look into the community college's horticulture program, or perhaps a local internship.


I'm very proud. Academics have never come easy, but she has finished and finished well.


All you moms of littles (myself included) -- there is always time, there is always hope!

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My 17 year old daughter finishes school this Friday, and we'll have a small graduation dinner for her on June 2. She's been homeschooled all the way through except for a few months in a private school in 7th grade. She's taken a few online courses, one community college course, and a few courses with a local homeschool co-op, but she's generally taken at least half her classes at home with me.


She is attending a small, private, Christian college this fall with a very good merit scholarship.


Blessings to you beginners. Hang in there. It somehow goes by very fast and very slow at the same time, but you won't regret having given your all for your kids.



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I have two grads this year. Last week ds finished high school, having been homeschooled the whole time except this past semester he took a college class. He'll continue at the local college in the fall, and is unsure what he wants to do- his fall class wish list includes radio broadcasting, German 2 , History of Ancient Rome, debate, Computer programming, and auditioning for the fall musical on campus.


Dd was homeschooled the whole way and last week graduated with an associates degree in history from our local college. She's back in class this week, taking a paleontology class because she leaves next week on a ten day trip out west on a fossil dig. She just finished a meteorology class and hopes to find some storm chasers to tag along with later this summer. After spending years learning new languages thinking that was her future (she's fluent in several), she has rediscovered her love for science.


Some days I wish my kids knew what they wanted to do...but today I'm a proud mom because they love so many things and feel free to explore and find out what they really want to do.

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Dd17 has finished homeschooling and will graduate with a group of 37 other homeschoolers in a ceremony on Saturday. She is my aspie/anxiety child and I had to come to terms with doing school that was right for her. I gave her plenty of time to follow her interests and allow her to find her niche (and I'm SO glad I did). She is amazing with Photoshop and plans to pursue her own photography business (she's booked her first wedding). Community college may or may not be in her future. We would like her to take a couple classes and see what it is like, but will not be devastated if she chooses another path. She is a sweet, caring, Godly young woman and makes us proud. Thanks for allowing us to brag :D And congrats to everyone else!

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My 21 yo,, who homeschooled 6-12th (he went to school for math & science for 10th), graduated Saturday with honors with a BS in Civil Engineering. He is working this summer doing research and starts grad school in August.

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Middle son graduates this year and is heading to the University of Rochester 3 months from today to major in Neuroscience or Brain and Cognitive Sciences with his plan to either become a doctor or go into medical research. He has a nice merit aid scholarship and URoc is a meets need school, so their grants help out a ton too. We're paying as much as we'd pay for a couple of state schools (where he was also accepted). He's already picked a roommate - a student coming from Africa - and they're becoming best buddies online.


He was homeschooled from 7th grade on with 3 cc classes tossed in there junior and senior year (3 total, not 3 each year). He loved homeschooling and we're going to miss him. I told him he should hurry though med school so we can have inexpensive medical advice. ;) (I've also told him he doesn't have to do med school if he'd prefer something else...)


For those of you with youngsters who might not be super quick... this guy was late to talk, didn't talk well, was in speech therapy, and was in the slowest reading class through 1st grade, then it all clicked and he never looked back. His college entrance tests were in the top 1%. They do all go at their own pace, BUT I also highly recommend speech therapy young if they aren't getting it as they told us they needed to "rewire his brain" to help him out. Yes, there was a more technical term. No, I don't remember it. What I do remember is the earlier they start, the better results they have. My guy started when he was 4.

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New College of Florida (NCF) and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)


DD20 (21 on May 27th where does the time go?) homeschooled from K to 12, with dual enrollment courses in the last two years. Attends New College of Florida, this is the state Honors College. 700 total student body, no grades (satisfactory or unsatisfactory) no credit hours (graduation requirements are 7 completed 'contracts', 3 Independent Study Projects and a thesis defense). She is a Junior and loves the school. This is an in-state public institution, she qualified for the Florida Bright Futures (state scholarship) and a foundation scholarship from the college itself. She will have a moderate amount of student debt but not overly burdensome.


DD18 - homeschooled from K to 12, with dual enrollment courses in the last two years. Accepted at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) she has a combination of scholarships that will cover the majority of her tuition. Because of rising costs and lower financial aide if she completes a program in four years she will have a moderate to med-high amount of student debt but it should be manageable.


DH and I had a school fund which tanked with the economy (oops) and then had hoped to pay down their loans while they were in school (second layoff - oops again). Even with that, we are delighted at the choices they have made and the schools they picked.

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My 21 year old daughter earned her AA degree from the local community college this month (yay!) and will be enrolling as a Junior in Radford University in the Fall! She's majoring in Psychology with a Minor in Forensic Studies and she hopes to enter the field of criminal investigation upon graduation. Her dream is the FBI, but she is also open to joining the Virginia State Police if "Plan A" doesn't come to pass.


My 18 year old son graduates from our homeschool on Sunday!!! We are SO proud of him! He has high functioning autism and we were told years ago that we couldn't possibly homeschool him. He'd never learn to read, write, do math, drive a car, hold a job, go to college, etc., etc., etc. He has learned to do all of those things and is the proud owner of a learner's permit!


He'll be spending this summer in a pilot program at the University of Virginia where they're teaching teens with Aspergers and Autism how to drive. Half of the group will learn on a simulator and the other half will learn with a driving instructor and they want to compare the results.


In the fall, he'll be off to the same community college that our oldest daughter attended and taking classes in English & History.


I'll still be homeschooling our two youngest, but it's going to be very different around here this coming fall!

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Ds18 is finishing up and will graduate once he takes his finals for his college classes (not until June 4.) We homeschooled him from the beginning. By the time we hit junior high age, we needed to outsource many classes partially because, despite my BS in Mathematics, he was surpassing what I could teach him, but also because he needed outside accountability and interaction with people passionate about their subject area. Throughout high school, we did a mix of classes at home, small co ops with a couple other families, online classes and college classes at our local liberal arts college.


He will be attending Hope College in the fall in their honors Biology program. He eventually wants to do research in evolutionary biology/zoology. When he was little, my family called him "Professor" and I am not at all surprised that he is heading in that direction. He is a National Merit Scholar, which earned him Hope College's highest scholarship - about half tuition. We are very proud of him, not just his academic achievements, but also because he is a a joy to be around ... respectful to others including us (his parents), best friends with his brother, playfully protective of his 11yo sister. The house just won't be the same without him (but I know we will be spending a lot less $$$ on cereal:).)


Okay - so if you have read any of my posts over the last 4 years, I have to admit that he wasn't always a joy to be around, but once the pressure of getting accepted into was over, he became a super easygoing kid. The journey, while stressful at times for all of us, has created the growth necessary for him to become the fine young man that he is today.

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Ds 18 graduated last week, and is headed to a small private college to major in Business, with a minor in Religious Studies. He received a great merit scholarship. He is a great kid, with tons of smarts and common sense. He is my "people person" kid, and is a joy to be around.


3 down, 3 to go!

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Okay - so if you have read any of my posts over the last 4 years, I have to admit that he wasn't always a joy to be around ... The journey, while stressful at times for all of us, has created the growth necessary for him to become the fine young man that he is today.


^^^^ That is too funny but so very true, I'm sure, of all our teens and young adults :D Take heart, all of you with surly and moody 13 yos. They grow out of it and mature into interesting young adults who are a joy to be around.


I have a grad, too! My youngest ds, who just turned 17, was homeschooled all the way through, though he finished up most of his credits at the local community college for the last 2 years. I'm just as proud as I can be as he's kept a 4.O at the CC in courses such as calculus, chemistry and Spanish. He is heading to College of Wooster this fall, joining Jane in NC's son, and plans on majoring in math or physics.


His last final was today, and with that I am done with the homeschool phase of motherhood! In about 90 days I'll me transitioning into the empty next phase:001_huh:

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