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Clips of Mayin Bialik speaking about attachment parenting.

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She is so brave to be subject to that. She is such a great advocate, but it is just so counter-cultural. And, to pair her up against Romijn? It's almost like they set her up to fail. Of course, I only saw the few clips.


Well, if so I think they failed. She did the majority of speaking and was very articulate. She did a good advocating for AP.

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She's so sweet.


See, when that other woman started saying that it was so exhausting? I wouldn't be polite, I'd want to smack her.


Me, not diplomatic.


Attachment Parenting is not some new parenting phase that got given a face lift for modern consumers after the hippies thought of it. If anything, it's an ancient one. What we are doing now is the 'new parenting'.

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I think she did a terrific job advocating for AP parenting. I don't understand why people think that attachment parenting equals losing your "me" time or setting your relationship with your spouse aside :confused: Rebecca said it sounded "exhausting".....Welcome to parenting!! Any way you slice it, it's going to be exhausting....unless you hire a gaggle of nannies to raise your kids.


DISCLAIMER: Nannies are wonderful. I have no issue with daycare or nannies...I just feel like parents need to be present for their children when they are with them.

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I don't understand all the negativity towards AP. It seems like the normal/natural way to parent, to me. I got Dr. Sears' The Baby Book when I was pregnant with dd8, and pretty much everything he said in it was what I thought anyway. I loved that book, and I give it as a baby shower gift at all the showers I am invited to.


I do remember having people, mostly family members, tell me I shouldn't hold my baby so much, or sleep with them in the bed, because I would spoil them and they would never be independent. Well, I think I have some of the most well adjusted kids out there. They don't still sleep in my bed, unless they don't feel well or had a bad dream, and they don't cling to me at all. I used to think I would never have a minute to myself, and now they are more able to handle social situations than I am (I'm extremely introverted).


Oh, well. To each his own, I guess. Just don't knock something you don't understand. Learn about it, and then decide if it is something you would like to do. If not, great, but don't tell me I'm terrible for choosing something different.

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I do remember having people, mostly family members, tell me I shouldn't hold my baby so much, or sleep with them in the bed, because I would spoil them and they would never be independent. Well, I think I have some of the most well adjusted kids out there. They don't still sleep in my bed, unless they don't feel well or had a bad dream, and they don't cling to me at all. I used to think I would never have a minute to myself, and now they are more able to handle social situations than I am (I'm extremely introverted).



:iagree: I didn't know my parenting had a name until my my 2nd was born. I just followed my instincts. When I would try out someones advice and it didn't feel right I figured it must be wrong so I would stop.


I did read her book recently and it definitely resonated with me. It doesn't hurt that I adore her character on The Big Bang Theory.

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